Chapter 49: Malus Finis

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Parneus City, 0330H

The temporary ceasefire gives a breather and tranquility to the city. The work of firefighting and recovering the dead and missing is still in progress. Over 700 Parpaldian soldiers and militia were killed, with an estimated 200 to 500 missing in action, not counting nearly 100 civilians killed in crossfire or caught in explosions perpetrated by infiltrators. On the Parpaldian side, there are also 3,000 wounded civilians and combatants. Meanwhile, the ASEAN lost 9 infiltrators and 28 paratroopers, with 170 wounded, mostly from concussions and blunt force trauma from being repeatedly hammered by randomly flying musket balls from desperate Parpaldian defenders as they thought their muskets were not working. However, on the side of paratroopers, it's as if they were being smashed through by a hammer despite wearing protective gear or some accidentally caused injury during operation.

"20 only? You gotta be kidding me." One of the officers complains about the condition of the Parpaldia side as if they were the winners, despite the fact that they are the ones who have been cornered, which is why some of the paratroopers are annoyed by their acting high and mighty for a crumbling empire.

"They said they won't let us have any more than that, and we can only have a service pistol for self-defense."

"Hell no, tell them once again, have our escort fully armed and double the number of men allowed, no questions asked." This is the condition agreed upon by the Southeast Asian commanders earlier; no less than 40 men, fully armed, with the Emperor in sight; and have the remaining paratroopers take over the inner walls, to secure their choke points in case of emergency. which was halfly complied with by Parpaldian's. However, they are going back and forth due to repeated revisions about the conditions of the negotiation fit for their demands, much to the chagrin of the paratroopers.

The subordinate reluctantly stood up and walked towards Lupasa, then stopped about 10 meters away. "Sir Lupasa, our demands won't change, 40 men! fully armed! No questions asked, "which makes the Parpaldian side frown. A moment of silence ensued before the retainer of Lupasa finished whispering to him.

"The Emperor's safety is at stake! We can't accept such demands! Your troops will take over the walls anyway! Our forces and security units surrounding the emperor inside the walls are woefully outmatched and outnumbered by your forces! "

At that moment, the 5th company of full Thai, Captain Pravat, who had been incharge of these negotiations, began to stand up and walked towards the messenger and began to talk. "We are outnumbered by 100 to 1! Is there anything you want to say? We are doing a suicidal mission in the middle of a hostile city of 200,000 people! Tell me once again that we outnumbered your forces!."

"Please calm down! Let's be civilly. We can talk about this——."

"I can't talk civilized to people who fucking said yes and no problem two minutes ago, then a minute later, they said 'Uh no, this is disadvantageous to us. Please refrain from arming your men, no more than 20, in the middle of fuck tons of enemies'." When the Parpaldians heard that, they were divided; some were conflicted, while others were angry because the paratroopers were acting high and almighty, as if they had already won because they believed they could still fight. 

"Listen carefully. I have 14 men over there that need intensive medical care right now, and another 20 more under from my fellow commanders here. We want to end this war and return to our country alive and in one piece. The war that you fucking started. Now is the time you want to put an end to this because of what? Did we messed your country so much that it became unbearable? Then if you truly want to end it, be fucking committed to your words, that's a breach of agreement earlier would be adequate enough to justify resuming the battle right here, right now!."

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