Chapter 53: The Prior Movements

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June 29, 1640
ASEAN offensive day 16

The situation of every single army group on the same day of deliberation of the meeting on what to do with Remille's faction.

1st Army Group, SEADF

While the government of ASEAN is still bantering on what path they should take for Remille and her faction, meanwhile, in the occupied village of Enuria, several Bionix II parked outside as they interrogated the captured partisans here, who used this abandoned village as a base of operation in the midst of the ASEAN offensive.

"Lieutenant, none of them are speaking the truth, all of their so-called hideouts are fake."

The Singaporean officer who has been tasked with searching and destroying suspected rebel cells and partisan hideouts in the rural areas of Parpaldia sighed as he had just received an order to move out 130 kilometers to the east. He had just reached after travelling here for 30 kilometers and was ordered to move once more. "Damn, made it a bit harder to make them spit in their hideouts... And what the hell happened to that leopard? Got stuck in the mud?."

"No, Sir, it broke down."

He looked at Leopard 2, that was lying on the muddy terrain, which looked like it had been stuck there, but not because it's muddy, it's just broken down upon reaching here. Other leopards had also done the same and got out of this muddy area that was originally some sort of field of watery crops indigenous to the new world that needed to be watered like rice, thus it was muddied a bit.

"Whatever, we are 15 kilometers from nearest Hanson held territories right?."

"Yes sir, but we are ordered to stand by."

"Fark it, we have enough men here to take down those towns and villages why they didn't allowed us to attack them, they are still Parpaldians."

The officer cursed after spitting on the direction of Hanson held territories as he is aggravated by the lack of response from his government.

They shouldn't even be negotiating with war criminals in the first place. He can't understand why they are keen on talking with that woman anyway. No, he refused to understand that even if there's some advantage, it's still extremely wrong. There's no way they will let that woman get away from her crimes.

"Lieutenant, there's a movement 6 kilometers from here. They don't seem like refugees or men from the rebel army."

His subordinates moved forward and reported, which made him return to his senses after contemplating Remille's rebel army. "How could you tell?"

"They are carrying an elongated object covered with clothes connected to a carriage. I believe it's a cannon and they are trying to use the forest as cover, Lieutenant."


"Going northeast, we are ordered to go east, so we don't need to detour even if we want to intercept."


"About 40 to 50 tangos in 6 carriages."

"Good, I ordered our men to move out in 10 minutes."

"Yes sir!"

That day, they intercepted and captured a high-value target, which surprised them later and would cause a lot of headaches for General Lee and the SEADF high ranking officials in this war.

2nd Army Group, SEADF



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