Chapter 74: The Dragon's Remnants

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After the warm welcome in Haiphong, the delegates promptly proceeded to Hanoi, where the national convention center served as the primary venue for most of the talks and exhibitions showcasing the diverse cultures and histories of each member state. Initially, the talks were intended to conclude in only two locations, namely Hanoi and Singapore. However, the first civilization countries expressed their eagerness to expand their knowledge about ASEAN, leading to the expansion of the tour to include additional sites in Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Given the wealth of tours available in each member state, a two-week delegation tour proved insufficient to accommodate all activities.

As a result of the limited time and resources for the delegation tour, only some member states of ASEAN were able to be showcased. Nevertheless, each member who unable to be physically showcase, shall be put in prominence in the convention with their contribution, demographics, culture, and history that will be highlighted throughout the tour.

Given the significance of the event, security has been tightly regulated with multiple executive protection units and special operations forces stationed throughout the area. Inbound and outbound traffic are strictly controlled, and jamming devices are employed. This is the most significant event since ASEAN's initial contact with new worlders and the establishment of diplomatic ties with Mu and Milishials. Previously, foreign requests were processed on Lauria, making this the third time such an event is being held within the mainland, and it is the largest and most grandiose to date.

As the long convoy of VIP vehicles finally approached the national convention center, they were greeted by a modern and spacious facility located in the My Dinh area of Hanoi. The convention center features a unique and futuristic design, with a large dome-shaped roof that stands out among the surrounding buildings. For the first civilization countries, the design is reminiscent of Milishial infrastructure, with a modern or retrofuturistic twist. The roof is covered in glass panels that allow natural light to illuminate the interior of the building, creating a striking visual effect.

The exterior of the building is made of sleek, white panels and glass windows that give it a contemporary look, leaving the delegates in awe and wonder. The entrance to the building is grand and welcoming, with a large open plaza and a fountain that greets delegates as they enter the gate.

The first delegates to step out of their vehicle were the Eimorian, followed by the Argathan. "My, is this Catralpas?" said the Argathan diplomat in amusement. However, the Eimorian ambassador remained silent, observing the place with interest.

As the following cars arrived, a floating object accompanied them, leaving the delegates perplexed about its nature and origin. The Eimorian delegation's eyes narrowed as they observed the strange object flanking Saffine on the left as she exited the vehicle.

The Altaran and Central law delegation soon followed, and the speaker immediately addressed them with great politeness, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Federal Republic of Southeast Asian Nations, or simply ASEAN, that has long been known to the rest of the world." The speaker went on to explain the significance of the convention center and its features.

The foreign delegatws listened attentively as the speaker outlined the agenda for the day. "Our venue for the day will be here, in the National Convention Center," the speaker explained. "We will start with a four-hour program that will cover the history, culture, and general information about ASEAN. After that, we will have a feast featuring cuisine from various member states in the afternoon."

The speaker then led the delegates towards the entrance "The convention center, which was inaugurated in 2006 AD, or Central Calendar 1624, or 16 years ago." The delegations followed the speaker into the grand entrance, where they were greeted by the spacious and modern interior of the building. The high ceilings and glass walls allowed natural light to flood the space, creating a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.

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