Chapter 73: Pax Orientalis

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"Three, two, one," the cameraman signaled the news anchor, who was reporting from the Haiphong port. Delegates from various countries were arriving to attend the ASEAN, where the country's efforts to expand its influence had caught the attention of several countries outside their sphere.

"Good morning and welcome to Southeast Asia News. We have breaking news that ASEAN's efforts have attracted the attention of several countries outside the region, as we see incoming delegates from all around the world," announced the state-sponsored news anchor from Southeast Asia News.

ASEAN, formerly a regional intergovernmental organization of ten nations, had become a transition government of a unified country, sent to another world by late October 2021. They had encountered many monumental events, including first contact, establishing diplomatic ties with a new world civilization, winning their first war, forming an alliance with Mu, engaging in their second war with a superpower, and earning prestige for their victory. They now enjoy peace despite the world being on the brink of a world war.

After the Southeast Asian nations partially successful in their efforts to expand their economies and became more self-sufficient following their transfer to new world, they began to attract interest from nations outside their sphere of influence, including allies from second and third civilizations. ASEAN's economic and military prowess had grown significantly over the years, with recent victories over Lauria and the Parpaldia Empire, as well as their alliance with Mu, placing them in the spotlight and rumored to replace Parpaldia as the superpower reigning over the third civilization. They were also possibly on the path to creating a new civilization zone within their sphere of influence. This growth made them an attractive destination for countries seeking to establish trade relations and alliances.

To further develop friendly countries' infrastructure, ASEAN had made significant strides through loans, technical assistance, and trade with neighboring countries. As their reputation grew, they caught the attention of one of the world's superpowers, Eimor, who finally made contact with them. Eimor delegates arrived in ASEAN to explore the possibility of forming a strategic partnership, although some believed there were other motives behind their visit

However, the most significant event was the arrival of delegates from the Esperanto-Heiskanen Imperial Union, the unified northern Grameus, which is a union of two countries that had been isolated on their continent for several millennia. The Union had been formally created just a month ago, with Bahara and Saffine signing the foundation of the dual-monarchy-based country due to various circumstances associated with the discovery of the outside world. Despite not being a recognized power and being relatively unknown in the world, their presence had a significant impact on ASEAN's international standing upon arrival in Altaras, especially since they were accompanied by a large, 2.5 meters tall, hovering silver carapace, which was one of the sentient species of mechanical and biological hybrid creations, making them as threatening as top powers of this world.

The news anchor provided additional context, stating, "Recent arrivals at the port include delegates from the newly formed Esperanto-Heiskanen Imperial Union, the union representing the previously isolated northern Grameus. This development is surprising given that the two countries comprising the union have been secluded from the rest of the world for thousands of years. It seems that Queen Saffine has now disembarked from the ship, and it appears that she is being escorted by what appears to be a group of flying drones." The cameras quickly zoomed in to capture the unusual sight.

As Saffine stepped off the ship, she was met by a group of knights who escorted her down the gangway. But what caught everyone's attention were the floating drones that seemed to be following her every move. They appeared to be monitoring her every step, and the other delegates were left bewildered by their presence.

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