Chapter 66: Baptismal of Fire

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Four distinctively red-painted delta-wing aircraft, not different from the European Eurofighter Typhoon, Rafale, or Gripen, barreled through the winter skies of Grameus. Following them, a large aircraft with multiple unknown inscriptions in its fuselage, glowing in the rough and foggy skies due to the radiating light under the downpour of snow.

<<Overseer to Nightmare, 4 Boogies detected, 83 kilometers away, bearing  1-5-2, altitude 6,400 feet, speed 300 knots, unidentified model, this is not Muish biplanes specs, over>>

<<Nightmare 02 to Overseer, copy that, requesting visual confirmation>>

<<Denied, withdraw upon the protocol established by Major Beltane; not a biplane, thus nightmare flight is prohibited from engagement until the careful verification of unknown model, over>>

<<Nightmare 2 to Overseer, affirmative>>

Five Annonrial military aircraft flew in a formation, carefully over 18,000 feet above the ground. In the chilling air of the winter, the magically insulated fuselage of Phantom, the reverse-engineered and downgraded version of Ravernal Empire's Valach, twin-engined, heavyweight, delta-winged, all-weather air superiority fighters that reminisced the J-10 of the People's Liberation Army Airforce that is now classified as Garalia's P-42 Phantom lightweight, air dominance aircraft by Annonrials, flew in the sky, performing recon missions after the agreement reached by the members of the Alicorn squadron to take down a couple of Marin biplanes as a trophy during their stay in Grameus.

Though it seems easy to shoot down an enemy aircraft with their technological superiority, the chances of being discovered are the greatest problem, and they aren't allowed to happen. However, the chances of the Marin biplane pilot surviving the attack and telling the tale are not zero. They could parachute after being downed, hide in the woods, and await rescue.

Furthermore, if they discover an unknown model flying at the Grameus, they must exercise caution; it might be a new model of Mu, a fairly powerful civilization that has been somehow helping Topa by arming them with their outdated aircraft inventory, or the unpredictable Milishial straying in the Grameus for territorial expansion.

Then, as they maintain course, the EWACs of Annonrial opened up their comms once more <<Another formation detected, number 12, bearing 1-7-1, speed 140 knots, altitude 2,500 feet, it matches the Marin biplane specs of Mu, it's risky to intrude any further, let's resume recon tomorrow... Return to base, I'll repeat, return to base>>

The formation banks to the east, circling around before disappearing at the horizon.

Radar Site 11, Topa Kingdom

As one of the major projects of ASEAN, the ASEAN Chain Ground Control, Interception, and Rapid Response Network (ACGCIRRN, Ak-Ge-Sirn) is a series of overlapping networks of a comprehensive system of ground-based radars intended to fully cover ASEAN territories, the Altaras Strait, the southern and eastern Philades, and the Rodenius continent with several dozens of radar sites to make a large, real-time defensive surveillance bubble that would warn the ASEAN of impending air attacks or monitor aerial movements in and out of the territorial control; further, it will also guide the commercial aircrafts to lessen the chances of accidents, or to properly direct them if they stray off course due to the unexplainable phenomena that always affect the new world and ASEAN aircrafts. Thus, this was given the same priority as churning out satellites to be rocketed into space.

This gave rise to the remanufacturing of old 50's and 60's radars in large numbers. They're cheap and easy to mass produce without the overcomplicated structures of modern military grade radar, as their belligerents were simply a medieval, world war level, early cold war civilization that they deemed indeed a threat, but the remanufactured units had proven they were sufficient to deal with them at the moment while the ASEAN joint development and research ministry developed their own next generation multiple purpose radars reverse engineered from their leftover inventory that had been stuck after the transfer. 

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