Chapter 39: Threat of Magical Civilization

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Empire of Parpaldia

Early in the morning, Inside the entrenched Parpaldian Imperial forces command center, several big shots of Imperial forces are looking exhausted, they barely have any rest due to the periodic air and artillery strike by ASEAN to shave their numbers. Additionally, the amounting pressure given by their foes after the destruction of major facilities in Duro began to affect their low moral and running low supply of ammunitions or spare parts. The toll was too much to carry and any large scale offensive of ASEAN could make all of their forces simply collapse.

"Yesterday we lost over 700 men and over 1,000 wounded... We have only 17,000 troops remained with over 8,200 wounded who are only useless and steadily reducing our supply here, and we don't have any prospects of recapturing the Esthirant or either be reinforced. So my suggestions here is to discharge all the wounded out of the imperial forces and recruit some militia forces to cover their vacated positions."

The ASEAN launched a large scale air and aerial bombardment which lasted for 6 hours. Decimating large portion of parpaldian forces, and destroying large cache of supplies. But little they know, it was prelude on something.

"I agree, they are only dwindling our precious supplies."

"Then who are going to deliver them back to their homes?."

"Have their families fetch them home, we don't have time nor personnels to take care of them."

"Yes General."

One of the Parpaldian general was a noble with little military knowledge, he only admitted in the imperial army due to his family influence, additionally, due to the lack of high ranking officials to contain the forces here. They opted to dispatch this raw and inexperienced general who only knew how to suppressed a weak resistance in the colonies or either ordering his troops in military parade for show.

"General, according to our moles in Esthirant... Additional ASEAN soldiers are coming up, this very moment, dozens of enemy transport ships began to disembark hundreds of soldiers if not thousands of them."

"This time, they're probably the one who are going to be in offensive."

The general said so. For several days, more and more personnels and heavy equipments of ASEAN are being transported in Esthirant to either strengthen their defenses or worse, preparing for an offensive.

"We're done for, once they gone for an offensive... We're simply goners and cannon fodders here."

He contemplating on the situation. Even a fool will know, the imperial army here doesn't have the strength to repel or at least sap some of the strength of ASEAN forces other than making them waste their fuel and ammunition on hunting down the imperial army.


"Another goddamn raid again?! In this damn morning!."

The Parpaldian Imperial army here is already accustomed to the periodical airstrikes of ASEAN.

Sometimes, the airstrikes were deadly accurate, however, there's some time that it was extremely inaccurate which falling a few hundred of meters away from any Parpaldian occupied positions. On the side of ASEAN, however, is using the Parpaldian forces here as guinea pig for their yet to be tested doctrines. And the effect of airstrikes was devastating, the former greenish landscape already turned into dark and swampy region filled with atmosphere of looming death and scattered scar from destructive attacks by ASEAN. The entire place could be easily compared to the No Man's Land of WW1.

"Are they attacking at high altitude or medium altitude?!."

High altitude for fighter size aircrafts meant deadly accurate attacks due to the guided bombs, in contrast to medium altitude which only meant two things; the ASEAN employing incendiary bombs or sprinkling unguided bombs to their heads.

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