Chapter 33: Fall of Esthirant (Part 1)

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Imperial Capital Esthirant

The battle rage on, several explosions echoed in the Esthirant including the thick black smokes that obstructing the sky.

Hundreds of Parpaldian musketeers swarmed the aristocratic area in attempt to reinforce the forces over there that currently being beaten badly by ASEAN raiding team. However, the choppers of ASEAN forces are keeping them at bay.

It's a chaotic sight. The chaos such this level are barely inside the parameters of the plan, it's somehow manageable but still all jumbled due to the Emperor's announcement of withdrawal towards the parpaldian inland city of parneus.

The plan of ASEAN militaries are simple and pretty straightforward plan; destroy any threats surrounding the Esthirant, secure a beachhead, land forces, encircle the Esthirant, put some pressure, have the second phase start with the infiltrating units to initiate the operation to capture the higher ups of parpaldia including the emperor, they planned to paralyze and decapitate the command chain of parpaldia in one go.

They are currently keen to capture the Emperor however they are redirected to capture the fleeing high ranking officials and some of the members of Imperial family of parpaldia.

But right now, most of the phase one of ASEAN are mostly executed with success but on the second phase is not something could be called decent at all. Every infiltrating units of ASEAN are on the run for the Emperor and it's high ranking vassals as many of them are trying to escape from Esthirant before the main force of ASEAN reached the city.

The initial conception of the ASEAN officials towards the Emperor that he will base his judgement on pride alone which heavily attributed on the so-called superpower status of the Empire on this world, so in a nutshell he won't leave or cowardly withdraw from the city, thus making the operation easy. They believe that once the operation began to capture the Esthirant via the combined air and naval assualt and subsequent landing of the marines, some of the Parpaldian high ranking officials should definitely stay on the Esthirant together with the prideful Emperor and be captured (including the city itself) by subsequent Landing force--The basic reasoning is, in the new world. Once the capital of a certain nation falls on the hands of hostile country, It could be said this, as a good shaming apparatus or propaganda against them to demoralize it's constituents and accelerate it's collapse, and much more the effect of their own emperor being captured by enemy forces.

Considering all the values, the ASEAN got it right. However, they never expect a cornered rat to fight back and continue to resist.

"Hold right there! Don't resist!." One of the units of ASEAN cornered and captured another big shots of parpaldia.

"This is A Group, North of the imperial palace area. We captured 3 more Parpaldian VIP's with some lower executives."

"Same here, D Group, in aristocratic area. We have captured 1 VIP's and several underlings."

"What is the next directive?."

"For group G and L, Tag along with the incoming mechanized battalion from western gate, for the rest nothing change, capture and mop up anything on the vicinity."


ASEAN 1st and 3rd Composite Mechanized Marine Landing Battalion (1st & 3rd CMMLB)

The landing force of ASEAN run towards at the Esthirant, due to the reports of the emperor's sudden disappearance in the palace, the insiders can't locate the emperor, so they are been hurriedly deployed, at the speed of 27 kilometers per hour, they are kicking dust that could be seen kilometer away, ingesting some fear on the Parpaldian who saw them coming but the artilleries of parpaldian who should protecting the capital are silent, none of them attacks the approaching ASEAN forces in the western gate. If it's just a regular enemies, the cannons of parpaldia should already roared to life to protect their capital from hostile incursions however majority of them are no longer exists after being obliterated by gunships and overrun by the soldiers of ASEAN inside the capital.

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