Chapter 12: The Outpost Battle ( 2)

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South west of defensive outpost

South west defensive area was entrenched and occupied by merging elements of Malaysian royal army engineers regiment (RAJD) and Philippine army light reaction regiment (LRR)

Currently, the collaborative forces of RAJD and LRR are preparing for the hostilities by grabbing everything from stones, scrap metals, some mortar shell and put them in several bag full of plastic explosives brought by the combat engineers and place it in outside the perimeter of barbwire defensive entanglements

"They're slow... So slow and a moronic bunch" while yawning lieutenant Danilo of the Philippine army muttered and on his side lieutenant Ahmad holding his binoculars Replied

"These guys sure a hopeless bunch they're Marching here with heavy armour non-stop, if I am them I'll swap my equipment from heavy armour to light ones for mobility and speed same time lessen the burden of running 5 kilometers here from there"

"Yeah, marching with so much load i think it decreased their chances of winning by exhausting them in a 5 kilometer March they might not be able to climb the Hilltop under these conditions, in addition we're damn scarred the shit out of us due to that nonsensical rumors of them capable of magically strengthen their body to became temporarily superhumans man it's far from what I've imagine in a isekai theme fantasy" Danilo then groaned in dejection

"Dude how old are you still thinking of animes here? Are you thinking of bunny girls? Just let me tell you there's a huge difference between expectations vs reality here so you would likely be disappointed."

"Don't say that, that's rude you know I'm still turning 26 and I prefer cat ears than bunny girls but they're like only ordinary humans with nekomimi not really that cute than what I've expected a bit of disappointing though... oh by the way Lt. Ahmad what's your preferences in this fantasy world?"

"Hmmm... What's huh ? I think elves they're much human like than others making them more attractive to me"

"So Lt. Ahmad your also a----" before finishing his words a loud alert resounded in the outpost


From 3,000 meters the enemies shrunken the distance to 2,000 meters and within less than 10 minutes the inevitable will come. Everyone begun tightened the grip of their weapons of varying types from Assualt rifle, sniper rifles and machine guns also included the heavy ordinance of RPG launcher and mortars

"Oh my, how troublesome shall we continue our talk later on and focus on these damn crazy folk First?"Uttered by Danilo

" I'm with you, Let's beat the shit out of them here first"

"Let's begin the attack on them at 250 yards?"

"Yeah, I guess but first let's wait for further orders we still adhering the rules of engagement here, I don't wanna get in a Court Martial and suspended for insubordination because of attacking them in my own discretion"

Then Ahmad used his binoculars to observe the enemies and time passed by the enemies crossed the line the gunfire began echoing considering the noise it emitting not of those rapid firing guns it's likely a sniper rifle shaving off the enemies high priority targets like officers and mages

"It have begun, we've got company men! Locked and load your weapons as we have plenty of idiots needed to be thoroughly punished here!" Barked by Ahmad same goes for Danilo instructing his men to prepare for combat after the Laurians flowed in the border like ants

"Ready! Fire at will!"

Ratatatat! Bam! Bam! Boom! Mixed of gunshots, grenade launcher and mortar shells poured down in the ranks of enemies. Jumbled calibers of 50 Cal. Machine gun or Ma Deuce, M60 GPMG, FN Minimi LMG and K3 Daewoo LMG turning the bodies of heavy infantries into squeezed cheese, the 50. BMG spitted by Ma Deuce punched through the heavily armoured infantry then penetrated two more of his back, skewering 3 people at the same time with ease.

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