Chapter 65: Enclaved

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Esperanto Kingdom

Finally getting away from the clutches of Esperantian due to misunderstanding, the Southeast Asians wandered at the fortress under the watchful eyes of the soldiers and citizens. They wanted to withdraw already, but it will invite suspicion if they do so prematurely, and another misunderstanding will be born, which they would like to avoid.

Both watched the destruction and dead being pulled out of the ruins; people were still being treated in the streets even though it had already been hours since the attack. The shock of these airstrikes was immense, both mentally and physically burdensome for the first-timers of this new kind of warfare. The taste of their very first airstrikes, engraved fear deep to their people.

"Hey." Zaini called out Jamal and point his chin on the direction of a large crater, it's the results of the bomb drifted on their direction, fortunately, it was far enough to cause little to no damage on the camp.

"How deep it is?."

"30 meter in diameter and 2 meter deep?."

"It's powerful, maybe comparable to 2,000 pound I guess? The kill radius according to the scars, around 300 plus meters from epicenter?."

"Yeah, horrifying to see one of those falling here. Tsk, it's gross seeing that."

"Hmm, and the electrical discharges seems not normal and quite nasty, and results looks, yeah it's gross, like it's not different from being hit by a flame thrower."

They converse as they look at corpses with burned skin torn off their bodies as if they were skinned alive after being roasted. The bodies of people in the near craters were fried, toast to crisp but at the same time were in a vegetative state with puddle of mess.

"I don't want to get hit by any of that."

They are contemplating the foe they are facing. They wanted to withdraw already; this country was basically a hell hole if they stayed longer than necessary. Though, for their safety first, they'll leaving millions of lives at stake; they have no duty to protect them, nor the purpose to stay here, but right now, they have complicated emotions on how one-sided the conflict can be, and they can't even imagine what those hostiles will do considering how extreme they are without differentiating between civilians and military.

<<Core to Vanguard, withdraw over>>


Then their radio finally echoed the order, and they unhesitatingly turned their heels back as they walked away from the city laden in ruins. A city has no way of defending itself from powerful militaries equipped with missiles and combat jet aircraft.

However, along the way, they saw someone familiar—it's Saffine.

"Jamal, Zaini!."

"You're alright?."


Three of them nostalgic meeting after a few hours ago of being forcefully separated from each other. Then, they noticed saffine state, darkened and anxious.

"I'm sorry." She bowed her head to them, which both humbly shutdown.

"No, no it's already okay."

"Unnecessary, so raise your head."

Then three of them entered an awkward state of staring, not uttering a word, but, again, both of them looked at the damage caused by the airstrikes and resolutely said.

"Saffine, bring your family out of Esperanto, you don't want to wait for those things to return here."

"Yeah, this place will likely be subjected to another round of airstrikes, go southwest, head straight by a few 800 kilometers down, and you should discover either ASEAN, Topan, or Muish forces in the southernmost region of the Grameus; they'll help you for sure."

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