Chapter 1

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"Hey Danni there's a big party Saturday you in?" Sky asked as we made our way over to the usual spot in the lunch hall. I sighed as I slid down into the seat and she sat opposite me dumping her tray of salad in front of her. Salad? Really? I mean it keeps her well and fit but no thank you! 

"Sure but I'm going to have to put it pass mum and dad first" I replied

"They let you last time didn't they?" She frowned.

"Well yeah but remember the trouble I was in after that? When I brought Cath back to mine and she threw up everywhere" I muttered. That night still haunts me to this day. Cath is also a good friend of mine (not that we have been getting on that well lately) and we had all decided to go to this party one Friday evening. Me and Cath had agreed that after the party, she would crash at mine for the night and go back home in the morning. If only it worked out that smoothly however. My brother and parents were far from impressed to know we had been drinking and then to find out Cath threw up on the carpet, not pleasant.

"Just talk to them they might let you" sky suggested whilst munching on her food. 

Suddenly Marcus appeared who is my other best friend. I've known him quite a long time now, in fact I've known him longer then I have Cath or Sky. We practically grew up together, and ever since we had first starting hanging out on weekends and in the evenings we just grew closer and closer as friends. Both me and Marcus have had the same comments thrown our way over our years of friendship, which consisted off 'why haven't you two made it official yet?' 'You must like each other, your always around each other' but the thing is, me and Marcus both know we couldn't be more then best friends. Besides what if it didn't work and I lost my best friend over it? We are both not prepared to risk it.

"Hey guys" he says approaching the table. He placed his food besides mine which I rolled my eyes at. He had a huge bowl of chips and a chocolate milkshake, which I only ever see him eat and drink within school. He had picked up on my eye roll and chuckled under his breath.

"Hey" I reply, smiling warmly at him. 

Sky waved her hand at him, as she was to busy eating her salad and texting off her phone. That's the problem with Sky, she would much rather spend her time on her phone then socialising, but then again we are in school.

"You guys going to the party Saturday?" He questioned, glancing between the both of us.

"Well I am but Danni over here might be ditching me" Sky brought up and shot me a glare at the same time. She only wants to go to flirt with some boys from the football team, because that's what she can be like, and trust me it can be overly irritating.

"Excuse me I said I will come but I have to run it past my parents first!" I corrected. She laughed shaking her head at me, as did Marcus.

"Okay okay I'm going to French see you later" Sky announced and left the table, walking out of the lunch hall.

"Do try and come though" Marcus said turning to me. 

I nodded I don't any to talk about this party no more it's driving me insane, why were people my age so motivated by parties at the moment? 


"I'm home" I shout as I walked into my house. 

No one answered me so everyone must be out. I dumped my bag on to the table and walk into the kitchen where I poured my self a drink and grabbed a snack from the fridge (My usual routine after a school day).Then I noticed a note that was stuck on the fridge. Frowning I picked it up and examined what the note read.

To Danni and Jake,
We have gone out and won't be back till late tonight we will explain when we see you don't stay up to late.
Mum & Dad xxx

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