Chapter 8

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"Wait so did she cheer on you?" I ask worried giving Jake my full attention.

"Well she kissed him and then she kept meeting up with him" He says.

"So why was you still going out?"

"Because I loved her and she promised me she loved me and not him"

I hug him, I can't believe Talon would do something like that or Carla.

"He does it to other people Dan, you be near this kid"

But deep down, I do have big feelings for him. I like him, he's sweet caring and I like him and nothing can stop that. Should I tell Jake I like him in that way? He will just get even more upset.

"But he might have changed" I sat quietly hoping he won't shout.

"He won't he's Talon" my brother practically spat. After that comment I didn't say anything I just let him get up and walk away. I lean back into the sofa not knowing what to do or say. Should I talk to Talon about it?

My phone goes off and I look at the screen a missed call from Talon. Great this makes things look even worse! I close my eyes and shove my phone in my pocket.

That night me and Jake were left alone at home. Mum and dad were doing work out somewhere and staying in an hotel over night. Jake has been in his bedroom for the whole time and it's 8:30 in the evening now.

I stroll into the kitchen and make him some dinner, he needs to eat still. There was some leftover chicken from last night so I put some on a plate and added some chips and salad. Quickly I take it upstairs and knock on his door.

"Jake open up I have some dinner for you" I say continually knocking.

No answer.

"Jake!" I shout. Then I open the door and walk inside. No one was here? I was confused I put the plate down on his desk and searched the rest of the house looking for him. I didn't hear him go out? Anyway I sit in his room and eat his dinner for him, it can't go to waste! My eyes were glued to his wall where he had photos stuck around.

There was ones of him and his mates, football competitions, family and.. Him and Carla. I walked over to the room and pulled one of the pictures down and looked carefully at it. They looked so happy together, like they were made for each other. On the floor was a box witch said:


I wasn't going to go through it if he doesn't want me to. The pictures stick out a lot and my eyes were searching through them. Then I see one witch doesn't look right.. Talon was in it? I looked closer and closer and noticed he was in the background looking at Carla. I grab it and look more closely then on the back was some writing


this must of belonged to the box on the floor. Now I have to look why is Talon is this photo? Jake said he was never around him. Picking up the box I search through it. It was filled with old photos and letters but why does he not want people to look at them? Suddenly I notice a folder filled with photos. I pick it up and look through. It was heartbreaking..

They were photos of Carla and Talon together. Carla sat beside him supporting his football team. Talon with his arm around Carla. Carla and him laughing. And then the last one.

Carla and Talon kissing. This makes me want to throw up. The pictures fall onto the floor as I lose grip of them. He must of been hurt really badly. But I don't know why he has them. I clear up the photos and make sure they are all neatly in the box. Then I start to call him but there is no answer, I was terrified for him.

Once I'm downstairs as say watching T.V in the living room my phone makes me jump by ringing. I hope it's Jake I hope it's Jake I whisper to my self. But it wasn't in stead it was Talon.

"Hello" - me

"Why didn't you answer my phone call earlier?" -T

"I was busy" - me

"Oh okay, are you free tomorrow I wanted to meet you" -T

"I'm working" - me

"Where do you work?" -T

"The beech hut why?" - me

"Okay see you then" -T. He then hangs up. I really don't want to see him at the moment but I can't just avoid him and not give him a reason why. I was so tired I wanted to go to bed but I also wanted to wait for Jake. Soon I feel a sleep on the sofa..

"NO STOP!" I screamed as I opened my eyes and realised I was having a bad dream. There was a blanket over me and it was ripping down with rain and thunder and lightning was scaring me.

Is Jake home? I thought to my self. I wrapped the blanket around me and went upstairs to his room and entered. He wasn't in there. Great.

I crept back downstairs and into the kitchen and as I looked around I noticed Jake was in the conservatory sat on an sofa. I walk over there and knock on the door and walk in.

"Where the hell was you?" I ask. He looks at me and doesn't say anything. I walk over and sit down beside him.

"Jake, it's okay just tell me where you was" I say.

"I went to the hills" he mumbles.

"Why did you go there?" I ask.

"I wanted to be alone and I know I could be there" he replied. He must of went to our "area"

"You need to get some sleep" I say.

"So do you"

I grabbed some more blankets and wrapped us in them and we both feel a sleep on the sofa.


I wake up and mum and dad are not home. They won't be back till late tonight now because of the weather. I pulled on some white leggings, and black vest top and let my hair down today. It was wavy and actually looked quite nice. Jake drove me to work and when I got there I was terrified.


Hey guys!! Thank you so much for getting me to nearly 20o reads. I would love to know what you think about the book so drop your thoughts in the comment.

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