Chapter 35

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I woke up in an extremely good mood because all I could think of was Talon and last night. I got up and had a quick shower and got that stuff out the way. Then looked outside it looked really nice and hot out so I grabbed a crop top and some leggings and a kimono. Then I sat down at my dressing table grabbing my hair things and make up products. I had no clue what to do with my hair I tried some different things, and in the end I just had most on it down but a little bit in a small bun on top which surprisingly looked nice and then just done my normal make up.

"Morning Dan" Jake said as I entered the kitchen. I also noticed Chai was here again.

"Morning" I said happily and sat down opposite Chai.

"Why you so happy?" Jake asked as he put a plate of food down for Chai and me.

"Just am" I laughed. He gave me a weird look, then sat down with his breakfast.

"So what plans you got for today?" Jake asked.

"Meeting Talon" I said as I started to eat my bacon roll Jake had made me.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Not sure yet I'll let you know when I find out" I replied.

"So how is Talon now?" Chai asked sipping his coffee.

"He's good" I said.

"Glad your happy" Chai replied and exchanged looks with Jake. I finished my food and then stood up.

"Well Im gunna go get my things" I say. Putting my plate in the dishwasher then walking out. I stop and stand just behind the door as they continue talking.

"Quite surprising Dan ended up with Talon she's a nice girl attractive as well and she's with Talon, do you think he's changed?" Chai said.

"I still think the same, but I told her I'll give him another shot after all she's my sister I want her happy she deserves to be happy just hope Talon treats her right" Jake replied.

"Yeah maybe he's changed" Chai also said. Then I smiled and continued walking. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Talon as i sat down on a chair in the office.

Heyy, so where we meeting?? I'm ready when you are xx -D

In minutes he replied.

Well hello Dan, I'll come pick you up its a suprise ;) xx -T

Okay can't wait xx

Then I walked back to the kitchen where the two boys were still sitting drinking their coffee's.

"Talons going to come pick me up that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, where you going though?" He asked again.

"Oh I'm not sure he said it's a surprise" I replied.

"Talons filled with surprises aye?" Chai smirked. I sent him a funny look then said

"Maybe, I'll text you in a bit Jake"

"Okay well don't go to far, I think we should go up the hospital later see Auria I mean we can't avoid her it's not her fault it's mum and dad's"

"Yeah that's fine, and I got a text from Mum last night should I reply?" I asked.

"Nah don't worry about it if she was that worried she'd call"

"Okay" I answered. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Well I'll be off then see you guys later" I said. Then hurried off the the door.

"Hello beautiful" Talon said as I opened the door.

"Well hello Talon" I said with a smirk.

"You just get make beautiful everyday I'm very lucky" He says reaching out for my band.

"Yeah you are remember that" Jake shouted out from behind me. Talon smiled and then we left the house and got in his car.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll find out" He smiled.

He parked in a space near the beech but the car park was small and didn't have many cars in it.

"Doesn't seem to be busy?" I said confused.

"You'll never find this car park that busy it's not known very well" Talon explained. Then we got out the car and he came round next to me and held onto my hand.

"So, where going to the beech?" I asked smiling.

"Nope" He replied.

"But where else can we go that's around here?" I asked.

"Like I said you'll find out" He laughed. We carried on walking and finally we reached a Little cave bit. It was really small.

"Come through here" He said.

"Talon are you serious? I can't get through there" I moaned.

"It's looks small, you've just gotta duck under and then your there I promise" He said.

"Fine" I replied. He ducked under first then I went. It wasn't as bad as what I thought I just had to go under this rock bit and then get back up. There was a sandy stone path and a rock we had to climb over.

"Nearly there" He shouted back.

I climbed over the rock and I was shocked. We was on a something a bit like a hidden away cliff it had two deck chairs, a large comfy hammock and a seeting area which is covered over a little but you can still see the amazing view. It was gorgeous.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"It's amazing.." I said.

"I brought a picnic and some drinks and stuff nothing to romantic" He laughed.

"This is romantic" I laughed back. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh there's also a bag of clothes and stuff in the tent bit for you in case you wanted to change" He said. I smiled.

I looked inside the tent/seating area bit and looked through the bag of clothes he had put a pair of shorts and beech top. Bikini and some comfy clothes.

"Talon how did you get all my stuff?" I asked.

"Well when your brother called me and told me what happened with your sister I had to come back and find you, you mean a lot to me Dan. So I told him I'd be over and chill with you for a bit and hang out with you Saturday and I told him about this big surprise and he gave me these bits before hand" Talon explained.

I went over to him where he was sitting on one of the deck chairs. I sat down next to him and kissed him.

"This is amazing, thank you!" I said smiling.

"Glad you like you" He said smiling back and kissed me back.

I looked at the time 11:22am. It was extremely hot and I was starting to get to hot so I decided to change into my bikini.

"Promise you won't look!" I shouted out from inside the tent bit.

"I'll try" he laughed.

"I'm being serious Talon"

Quickly I got changed and then put my clothes into the bag. Then I stepped outside and looked at the view.

"Wow" Talon said.

"I know the view from here is amazing" I replied.

"Yeah my view is pretty amazing too!" He said. I looked down at him and he was staring at me.

"Oh shut up Talon" I laughed. He stood up and pulled me towards him.

"Come sit down with me" he said. I nodded and laid back on one of the deck chairs.

I'm in love.. And I never have been this "in love" before..

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