Chapter 6

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Quickly I pulled on a pair of dark blue shorts and a white crop top and out my hair in a high pony tail. I fitted into some cute sandals and left the house. Sundown road, I knew where it was as my Aunt use to live there but I don't see where he wants me to wait. I arrive at Sundown road and walk alongside shops and wait outside a small coffee shop.

I'm in the coffee shop xx - Talon Kisses wow. I enter the coffee shop and look around. I couldn't see him anywhere so I walk up and buy my self a drink. Then I spin around after paying and Talon was stood there.

"I would of payed for that!"

"Well I couldn't see you!" I moan. He laughs then pays for his drink them we find a table.

"So you want to know what happened at the party?"

"Yeah, I had alcohol but I wouldn't say yes to it" I say.

"What do you remember exactly?" He asks.

"Well u remember coming into the hall with you, then dancing with you, then blurred vision and being carried to my brothers car" I explain.

"Oh so you can't remember hardly anything then"

"Can you just tell me what happened!" I moan.

"Okay okay"

"Well we was dancing but then you wanted to sit down so we did and I went up and brought us a drink but it was only lemonade but when I got back you was gone. I looked everywhere for you I thought you had left. Then as I waked outside I saw you and one of my best mates talking so I went back in the hall for a bit"

I wasn't quite shore were he was going with this but I was worried.

"Keep going"

"Well about half an hour later I went out again to cheek on you and both of you had gone, I looked everywhere again and I condemn find you so again I left it another half an hour and then I found you. You was outside at the back of the building kissing you were all over each other. I felt heartbroken because I liked you"he says.

Oh my god.

I was all over some boy at the back of a building. What the hell is wrong with me!

"I.. I" I stutter.

"So I walked away I didn't wanna see you two ever again. But something told me to go back a while after so I did and he was giving you drinks with alcohol in"
He paused then kept going.

"Then you went inside and has more drinks and I couldn't watch him take advantage of you so I went up to him and had a go at him then we got into a fight and then I left" he said.

"I can't believe I done that, but thank you for helping and I'm so sorry" I had tears in my eyes I felt so ashamed!

"Hey it's okay you was drunk everyone does things they regret when they are drunk" he laughs hugging me.

"I'm not like that though, i wish I hadn't gone!" I cry.

We sit there and talk for a while before we leave the coffee shop and walk along the road.

"Your so beautiful" he says. I laugh. He's so sweet.

"Thank you"

We keep walking and then he takes my hand and walks the other direction keeping his head down.

"What's the problem?" I ask.

"It's Noah"

"Who's Noah?" I ask concerned.

"He's the one who have you the alcohol and who you was all over" he laughs.

"Please stop saying that" I beg.

"Oi Talon wait up" Noah shouts as he walks towards us.

"I thought you had a fight!" I asked.

"We did I don't know what's going on" he answered. I start to worry of what this boy was going to say or do and Talon knows that so he holds my hand even tighter.

"What do you want?" Talon shouts at Noah.

"Who's this with you?" He asks as he grips into my shoulder and spins me round.

"Don't pull her around" Talon moans at him.

"Oh it's you" Noah starts talking to me.

"Do you remember Saturday because you certainly liked me not Talon"

"Saturday wasn't her fault you gave her alcohol so she was going to do stuff she regretted" talon spoke up.

"Nah I think she mean it" Noah said as he rock a step closer to me. I slapped him as hard as I could the ran off, I never wanted to be face to face with him again. Talon runs after me but I don't stop I just keep running until I find somewhere away from here.

"Danni slow down" Talon shouts. But I ignore him. I trip and fall to the ground and don't get up. Talon runs over to me and bends down beside me helping me up. I cried and cried I hate my self for doing this.

"It's okay, it's okay" talon kept telling me.

"I'll drive you home" he offers.

"You drive?" I ask.

"Yeah my dad got me into it it's a secret"
We walk back to his car and he drives me home.

"I hate him" I say as I look out the window.

"Who Noah?"

When he gets to my house I thank him and leave. He's so sweet I think I have feelings for him.

I slam my bedroom door and collapse into my bed. Mum and dad were out watching a film at the cinema and Jake was downstairs. He soon comes running up and enters.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks. I stay quiet as I wrap a blanket over me.

"Dan?" He keeps repeating.

"I'm so stupid!" I shout and I keep shouting it. He hugs me and keeps asking me what's wrong.

"I've done something I regret"
A quick note from me I'm really sorry to confuse you but I changed the name Chase to Talon. So It's all still the same just a different name. Sorry for the confusion.

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