Chapter 7

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"Danni, your scaring me what have you done?" Jake asks. I'm walking around my room with head in my hands.

"Jake I promise you I didn't mean to I didn't know what I was doing" I moan.

"Come here" Jake says and wraps me In a huge hug.

"Right now sit down, calm down and tell me what the hell you have done" he says. I look up at him worrying he's going to kill me.

"Saturday at the party" I begin.


"Well I found out how I got the alcohol and its a long terrible story"


"This boy made me drink it then apparently I was kissing him and all over him and I hate my self for it HATE MYSELF" I shout. He hugs me again but doesn't let go this time.

"Was he from the football team?" Jake asked. I nod and cry in his shoulder.

"It's alright, but I'm going to kill him" He raises his voice. I look up at him and give him a look to say no but it's to late he's already running downstairs ready to go. I run after him shouting for him to stop but he ignores me and leaves the house.

Quickly I dial Talons number and hope he picks up.

"Hey" -T

"Can you do me a favour?" -Me

"Of course?" -T

"Where are you?" -Me

"On my way to football training" -T

"Come pick me up!!" -Me

"Okay, but why" -T

"Just come please I'll explain when you get here" - Me. Then I end the call and run downstairs and grab a hoodie and fit into my sandals. I open the front door, lock it and wait outside for him to turn up.

He finally turns up and I run to the car and jump in as quickly as possible.

"Drive to where you and Noah play" I demand.

"Okay..." He says and drives vastly on the road.

"Danni what's going on?" He asks.

"You will find out quick enough" I moan. He sighs and keeps on driving. When we arrive and he's looking for a car parking space I spot Jakes car and make him park near by. Talon looks a bit funny about parking there I don't know why. We slam the doors close and run into the football grounds.

"Where Noah?" I ask.

"He will be round the back" Talon says.

"Show me"

Then I run after Talon watching where I'm going. As we get there we start to slow down and Jake is standing there looking at Noah like some dirt.

"Dan what are you doing here!" Jake shouts, and what are you doing with him" Jake shouts. I look at Talon confused. Does Talon and Jake have history?

"I was worried about what you was going to do" I reply.

"Come on mate she loved me that night" Noah starts to say. Jake leans in to him and punches him, Talon grabs my hand to tell me it's alright then let's go again.

"Jake stop" I shout, but it doesn't help anything. A thee punches are thrown and then Jake takes some steps back.

"I am not your mate" he spits.

"What's going on here?!" The football captain shouts as he realises what's going on.

"I'm being harassed" Noah moans.

"But you didn't harass my sister Saturday night" Jake shouts. The captain walks up to Jake and shouts at him starts moaning saying he's being stupid. Then Jake turns to me and pushes me away from Talon.

"Don't walk away from me!" The captain shouts. Jake laughs then pulls me towards his car. I try to say bye to Talon but it's hard when your brother won't let you.

"Why did you have to do that?" I ask.

"He deserved it" Jake spat. He soon started to drive home.

"Anyway why was you with that troll" Jake asked. I looked at him confused, why has he got a problem with Talon?

"What is your problem with him?" I moan turning to him.

"He's horrible I don't want you near him!"

"But why?"

"I don't want to talk about it now just leave it!" He shouts. When we get home I run inside and run straight upstairs to my room and lock my self in.

"Sweetheart can I have a word a minute?" Mum asks knocking on the door.

"Sure" I sigh unlocking the door.

"What's going on, why did your brother just beat up that boy?" Mum asks concerned. I can't keep it from her so I tell her everything from Saturday night to tonight...

Then for the rest of the evening we are sat down talking about this stupid issue and trying to sort it out.

"I'm going for a shower" I say and leave the kitchen table and go upstairs. I didn't wanna talk to them not now.

After the shower I check my phone and it reads:

* 1 message *

I unlock my phone and open the message which says:

Are you alright? xx- T

Not really, do you and my brother have history? Xx- Me
After this text it takes him ages to reply. Why won't no one tell me what's happened between them? I dump my phone on my bed and go and find Jake. He's in the front room watching T.V.

I stand in front of the T.V so I'm in his way and ask him what his problem is with Talon. And he finally tells me the truth.

"When I was dating Carla, in the middle of the relationship so last hear Talon came on the scene. He started to like Carla, and he would do anything to be with her. And one day I found him make a move on her he kissed her but she didn't back of she kissed him back and it really hurt me..."

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