Chapter 33

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"Dan wake up" Jake said nudging my arm. My eyes slowly opened and I was in a hospital bed in a small room. Jake was half asleep in the chair next to him.

"What happened" I moaned sitting up.

"You passed out again" Jake said.

"And I started to panic" Jake added.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's not your fault" Jake said with a smile. I sat up a little and rubbed my eyes. Jake done the same.

"Any news on Auria?" I ask. Jake shock his head.

"None" he replies. I climb out of the bed and Jake stands up taking my hand.

"We better go find mum and dad there probably worried knowing them" I explained. Then he let go of my hand and we walked out the room. It was really quiet and there was only a thew nurses walking around with clipboards of information.

"Maybe we should go to reception, they might be able to help" I suggest looking around.

"Or we can go by the Nurse's office we was in yesterday" Jake says. I nod and we walk towards the office. The nurse was in there typing away at her computer. Jake knocks on the door and slowly walks into her office.

"Sorry to disturb you but could you help us?" I hear Jake say. I was standing outside still by Jake pulled me in seconds later.

"I was about to come looking for you actually, take a seat" The nurse explains. Me and Jake sit next to each other on the same sofa facing her.

"My name is Amy before we talk"

"Your sister, she's got a very bad illness and could get worse but we are doing are hardest to help her. She will be okay for a certain amount of time, and what I mean by this is, once the medication has been given and all tests have been done she will be allowed home but i'm afraid she may not make it till the age of 20" Amy explains, she has a sympathetic look on her face. Jake's arms wrap around me tightly and he tucks his head into my arms. Tears form again as I sit in shock.

"I'm so sorry" Amy speaks.

"It's not your fault" Jake cries, I notice he has tears forming as well.

"Let me take you to your parents"

We follow Amy out of the office and down a long corridor till we are in the baby and children's ward. Amy steps into a small room and mum is holding Dad's hand watching Auria sleep.

"Mum" I whisper as I run over and cry into her shoulder.

"It's okay, come on" Mum says calmly but you can tell she wants to cry just as much.

"How are you so calm" Jake asks wiping away any tears that was in his eyes.

"Me and your mum have spoken and we will have one big talk later on okay but for now we need to stay calm for Auria's sake" Dad explains.

Mum pulls me up and looks me in the eyes.

"Go home, and come back up later this evening" Mum suggests. I shake my head.

"No I can't leave her!" I moan. Jake takes my hand.

"Come on we will be straight back later I promise"

I hug mum and Dad goodbye and kiss Auria's forehead, and follow Jake out the room. On the way out we pass Amy and thank her for everything and then leave the building. We reach the car and head home but go to grab some drinks and breakfast first.

"Look we need to do what Dad said" Jake says. I look at him blankly as he drives towards a place that has loads of shops and cafes.

"I mean we need to stay calm, there is so many people have been told they will live un till a certain age and lived many years above that" Jake explains as we enter a huge car park.

"So your telling me to stay calm when my sister might not make it to 20, she has no life now Jake!" I moan.

"Yeah she's my sister to!But have some faith there maybe things the hospital can do" Jake says. We stop in a parking space and Jake turns to me.

"What about all the negative sides of things, she might not be able to get married, have children, get a good job, do what she wants by the age 20" I moan.

"For now we need to forget about those and think about what she needs, we can sort them out nearer the time. Just because a nurse told us she might not make it to 20 doesn't mean she will!" Jake moaned back then handed me ten pounds and jumped out the car walking over to 'Costa' I jump out following him. It's really quiet in there as it is only something like 7 in the morning. Jake was already ordering so I went to get mine.

"How can I help" The man says behind the counter.

"Can I have a large hot chocolate please" I say. I don't care what time it is in the morning I want a hot chocolate!

"To go or sit in?" He asked.

"To go" I say. Then he nods and turns round to the machine.

"Did you get anything to eat?" Jake says popping up. He was holding a take away coffee.

"No, i'll go somewhere else for that" i say. We grab the rest of our things and head back to the house. We arrive back and the house is quiet like no ones been in it for years. I'm use to walking in the door and hearing mum cooking or playing with Auria or Dad typing away or watching the TV. But instead I came home to nothing a empty house which in my opinion is the worst. Jake was silent he just went straight in and into the office room closing the door behind him.

I take my drink and bits of food into the living room and place them down on the coffee table and I switch the TV on as a distraction.

"Danni" Jake shouts out from the office. I walk over and open the door.

"What's going on?" I ask. Jake didn't look happy.

"Look at this" Jake said pointing to a computer screen. It was a long written documentary on Auria. Her medical files.

"Why are you going on this we know what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"No Dan look at the date at the top"

Wait what? The file dated a couple days after she was born. And the medical letter was talking about the problem she has now.

"So the doctors already knew that she had this problem?" I said in shock. Jake nodded.

"But it looks like Mum and dad did as well" Jake said pointing to the bottom which had a picture of Mum and Dads signature.

"They've kept this a secret.." I whisper. Jake nods. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out and it's Mum she had sent a text.

Hope your both okay, I promise you things will be fine we need to be strong for Auria. Me and Dad are going to stay up here tonight the both of us, it's for the best. I'm going to drive back and collect some of Aurias stuff and ours could you get some small things ready for us. Thank you xx -mum

"Who is it?" Jake asks.

"Mum" I reply.

"What did she say?"

"Her and Dad are saying up there tonight and want me to put some bits into a bag for her" I Say.

"Look you go rest you've had to deal with a lot today and you still need to eat let me do it it'll give me something to do" Jake says.

"Are you sure?" I say.

"Of course"

I go back to the living room and close the door. I also grab a blanket and pull it over me. The weather was awful out and the house was freezing. I started to eat a chocolate muffin I had brought and then I saw Aurias play area bit and her photos and it just made me cry. She doesn't deserve this.

(I'm sorry it's a short chapter and it's been a long time!!) working on the next chapter, hope you liked xx

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