Chapter 3

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I stand there staying completely silent.

"Are we meant to be happy about this or not? Because I really don't know" Jake said standing beside me. I understand where he's coming from, are we meant to be happy? Things will be so much different.

"I don't know" I replied honestly.

"Look lets sneak back out go find a table away from mum and dad and sit down and talk about this" he suggested with a sign. Jake looked very frustrated, he had run his hands through his hair so much it was sticking out in all directions.

"Ill come find you in a minute, you go" I say to Jake who then leaves and walk over to the sinks and stand there. The thing that has annoyed me the most is the fact that they kept it from us. I splash some cold water on my face and sneak out the toilets and find Jake. He's sat at a table for two right down the other side of the restaurant.

"So what are you having?" I ask changing my voice to happy again. I really don't want to have to deal with this now.

"Well you have changed your tone" Dan moaned picking up the menu.

"I guess I'm not upset about them having a baby, I'm annoyed that they are keeping it from us"

"But Danni think about it, we are going to get dumped with all the responsibilities of the baby"

"It's up to them if they want another child, lets just enjoy a dinner and the rest of the night" I say.

As we eat our food, I see mum and dad leave the restaurant, so does Jake. I smile and carry on eating.

"Great" Jake mumbles.

"What?" I ask.

"Hey kids didn't see you guys here" Mum says happily standing in front of me.

"Oh hey" I reply.

"We need to talk to you when you kids get in, alright?" Dad says, before they say bye and leave.

We finish our food in peace then leave the restaurant.

"Do you think they want to talk to us about the baby?" I ask.

"Possibly but I don't think so"


We arrive home and I grab my bag and walk into the house. Dad was sat in the front room watching T.V and I'm guessing mum was upstairs in the bath. Jake throws him self into a chair and stays there, he is in such a bad mood.

"Can you just cheer up for this evening?" I whisper. I open the cupboard and pour out two glasses of homemade lemonade. I put a glass in front of Jake but he doesn't touch it, I sign and carry my stuff upstairs.

"Sweetheart is that you" Mum calls out from the bathroom.

"Yeah" I shout back.

"Can you make sure, you and Jake are downstairs in five minutes"

Quickly I dumb my stuff in my room and get changed into a pair of grey pajama shorts and a white vest top and run downstairs. Jake was sat in the conservatory watching the rain and hale stones fall onto the roof.

"Jake...?" I say entering the conservancy. He spins round facing me, he looks like he had been crying.

"What's going on?" I ask worried.

"Its not just the baby that's upset me Dan"

"What is it then?"

"Carla, she dumped me" He practically cried. I wrapped my arms around him. They were such a close couple. They were dating for nearly 3 years.

"Why, did she do that?" I ask.

"She's moving so she can study a course in hair and beauty,but its to far away"

"I'm sure you can still see her though?"

"Dan, Australia"

She's moving to Australia! Suddenly I felt upset and sick for my brother, I even got on really well with Carla she would do my make-up and hair all the time. Suddenly I heard mum shout from the living room to go there so we got up and walked to them.

"Right sit down" They both say. We sit on the opposite sofa.

"We wan't to make sure we have more family time together" Mum starts explaining.

"So we need you to make sure you make time to spend with us" Dad adds.

"What because your expecting and when you have the baby your not going to be able to spend time with us?" Jake moans at them. Mum and dad looks completely shocked and they exchange looks then look at us both.

"Jake" Mum says sympathetic.

"No, you think you can keep it a secret from me and Dan!" Jake shouts which makes me jump.

"Jake! Stop it, we was going to tell you we just didn't know when was the right time" Dad moans. I quickly step in before Jake says something he will regret.

"How long mum" I ask really quiet.

"What hunni"

"How long have you been expecting?"

Mum looks at Dad and then looks back at me.

"A month" She says.

Jake stands up and walks out the room, I try calling him back but it's no good.

"I don't see his problem!" Dad shouts.

"Dad! Maybe you should put your self in his shoes for once, you guys always take it out on him in family problems and not being funny he's just lost his girlfriend" I moan then run upstairs to his room.

"Jake" I say as i go to open the door but it's locked.

I walk away and go to my room and fall onto my bed. Great! This evening definitely went well. I closed my curtains and turned of my lamp and got into bed.



I wake up and open my eyes slowly. I could hear someone going down stairs trying to not wake anyone. I get up and wrap my dressing gown around me. I walk towards my door and pull it open a bit more and step out. Jake's door was closed but had a note on it. Mum and dad were fast a sleep so I made sure there door was closed properly and walked over to Jake's door.

There was no note just a piece of paper stuck to his door, I must be seeing things. I slowly walk down the stairs and search through the house. When I get to the study room I see Jake typing vastly on a computer. I leave him and go to the kitchen and quietly make him a coffee.

"Here you go" I say placing the coffee beside him. I think I made him jump a bit.

"Danni what are you doing up?" He asks.

"I hear you get up"

"That doesn't mean you get up!" I laugh at his frustration.

"So why are you up?" I ask.

"Oh Research"

"At 1 in the morning" I pull his laptop so its facing me and read through the email he was writing.

"Jake tell me this isn't true!" I whisper.

"I'm sorry.." I stand up and walk away from the study room and collapse onto the living room sofa. I cry and cry with my arms wrapped around my legs. Jake was going to move to Australia with Carla! He was looking up plane tickets and writing an email to her.

Once I had finished crying I just sat still not knowing what to do. The living room door opens and Jake comes in and sits down next to me.

"Please Jake, Please your my brother don't leave me!" I cry again.

"I'm not going, its okay" He says wrapping his arms around me. I smile but tears are still rolling down my face.

"Look tomorrow we are going to have a day together and then party in the evening we can talk tomorrow morning okay?"

I nod and then go back to bed.

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