Chapter 28

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"I thought he really was the one" I sobbed into mums arm after finishing the conversation.

"Hunni it's okay, but I can't believe Cath she is meant to be one of your best friends?" Mum says in shock.

"Use to be one of my best friends" I correct.

"Sweetheart, get some rest look how about you don't go to school tomorrow you stay home, we all need to talk about Auria as she comes home Saturday" mum says smiling.

"She's.. Coming home... This.. Saturday!" I say excitedly. She nods and smiles. I instantly hug mum.

"Look sit up here and chill out for the evening, I will go talk to your brother and dad and we will sort something out" mum smiles. I nod and switch on the T.V as she walks out the room closing her door. Quickly I stand up and grab a pillow and a blanket and make my self constable on my sofa.

About an hour later I'm still in the same place, watching the same TV program.

"Danni are you awake?" I hear Jake say from behind the door. I sit up and shout yes. He comes in leaving the door slightly open and sits next to me.

"I'm so sorry" he says hugging me.

"You have nothing to be sorry about!" I reply.

"I do, trust me" he starts.

"Look I don't want another conversation where you blame you self okay?" I say. He smiles them joins me on the sofa.

"I'm going to go get a drink, you want one?" I ask standing up.

"Sure" he smiles. Quickly I walk towards the stop of the stairs as I here mum and dad talking loudly.

"She's only young for Christ sake!" Dad moans.

"This was her first true love!" She shouted back.

"Look it obviously wasn't because this boy would be more special!"

"If you loved and cared for your daughter you would support her through this!" Mum shouted. Suddenly I felt Jakes hands touch my shoulders.

"I'll go" he says. I nod as I feel a tear appear in my eyes. Everything is my fault. I watch Jake go down the stairs and into the living room. I want to go back to my room and not here no more but for some reason I can't I stay stuck like glue.

"How dare you! I can't believe you just said that to me. I love Danni so much she's my daughter Amy!" Dad shouts them storms out the house. Mum walks towards the stairs and sees me sat there.

"Danni.." She starts like she doesn't know what to say. I was so angry she said that to dad. Quickly I jumped up and ran into my room and sat against the door so she couldn't get in.

"Danni come out!" Mum shouts. Now she is crying she knows she's in the wrong. I grab my phone from my pocket and start a text message to dad but as I do he starts to call me.

"Dad" (me)

"Sweetheart, did you hear the argument?" - dad

"Yes, I was just about to text you"

"You know that I love you and I'll support you no matter what I just had to leave because your mother had upset me vey much" - dad

"I know and I know you will always be there for me. Your my dad!"

"As long as you know that" - Dad.

"I need to go mums about to cut my door open, please come home"

Then I end the call. Slowly I stand up and open the door. Mum is standing there with tears all over her face.

"Yes?" I say.

"I'm sorry" she apologises.

"This is my problem not yours! And how dare you say that to dad" I shout. Jake appears and insists that mum goes downstairs. She sighs and throws her hands up and storms down the stairs.

"Why has everything got to be such a drama?" Jake laughs. I nod and go to sit on my sofa.

"After this drink, get some sleep okay?" Jake asks.

"Why so early?" I ask.

"Because I'm going to need your help tomorrow" Jake explains with a smirk on his face. This must be for Auria. I nod and lean back into the sofa. We spend about another hour watching some T.V program.

"Night Dan" Jake says standing up. I smile and watch him leave. Then I turn of the T.V and light and jump into bed.

I open my eyes and yawn as I climb out of bed. There is noise coming from the bedroom next to me, it sounds like furniture being moved. My dressing gown was over my chair so u grabbed it and wrapped it around me.

"Jake?" I said. He came in and saw me standing.

"I've run you a bath, go get in it then get ready and come help me" he said smiling. I nod and walk into the bathroom. The bath was a mixture of light colours from a lush bath bomb. There was three of my favourite candle's lit on the shelf near the bath. I slowly got into bath, and relaxed for about ten minutes.

I wrapped a towel around me and started to dry my hair.

"Dan you nearly ready?" Jake shouted out from his room.

"Yeah nearly" I replied. Then I opened the bathroom door and headed towards my room. Suddenly I heard mum talking to someone in her room.

"Look we need to stop this were running late!" Mum said. Must be Dad in there. I continued to go to my room, and get ready. It was Friday so I didn't have to finish the last day of school before a week off. I pulled on some grey Jogger's and a white top with a fleece.

Once I was completely ready I texted Sky letting her know I won't be in school then went to Jake.

"So what we doing?" I asked smiling.

"Come look at this" he said. I followed him out of his room and into the spear bedroom which was actually attacked to mine but separated by a long wall and door.

He opened the door and I followed him in..

"Wow" I whispered admiring the room.

Hi guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry it took a while to come out there's been a lot going on with exams and stuff but I know that isn't an excuse. Hope you like xxx

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