Chapter 15

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•the football match•

I pull on some clothes then head downstairs.

"Jake, are you nearly ready?" I asked as I start to tidy the house. Jake wanted to come with me, wanted to make sure I was going to be okay. I couldn't say no.

"Danni we still have an hour yet" he said as he put his feet up and turned in the T.V. I wanted to catch Talon before the game, I sent him a look.

"Oh. You wanted to go early" he sighed. Sending him a weak smile he got up and went to get ready.

"Sweetie do you need any money?" Mum asks as she walks in and sits down on the sofa.

"No it's okay" I reply.

Are you still coming early? Xxx - Talon

I will try, jakes getting ready now- me

I would of given you a lift x - Talon.

"Okay i just need to get my shoes on" Jake said as he hurried to the shoe Cupboard.

"Okay no hurry" I laughed. He sent me a glare and I walked into the kitchen.

It's okay I have to go, were about to leave :) xx- me

I quickly shoved my phone back in my bag and grabbed a biscuit from the tin.

"Danni I'm ready" Jake shouts.

"Okay" I say walking towards him. We left the house and walked to the car. I jumped in and waited for him to start the engine but instead of him going he just sat there waiting.

"Urm Jake.. Why aren't we going?" I asked confused.

"Are you sure you want to go with me?" He asked. What does he mean?

"I don't know what your saying" I said.

"Do you want to be seen sat next to me at the football match?" He asked. Why wouldn't I?

"Should I be worried then?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope" he laughed then started to drive. Well that was weird..

As we turned up, Jake parked the car and we walked towards the ticket box.

"Your very early" the man says from inside. Jake laughs and then starts to talk.

"I wasn't planning on coming but this one wants to see her boyfriend before the game.. Is that alright?" He asked.

"What's the boyfriends name?" The man asks sending me a funny look. Before I can say a word Jake steps in.

"Talon, he's on the beech side team"

The man looks at the book in front of him then smiles.

"He's in room one I'm sure he won't mind you going in" the man says.

"Thank you" I say and we get our tickets then walk away.

"Where's room one?" I ask Jake.

"It's that building there" he replies and points towards a small building saying room 1 on it.

"Are all of his team mates in there?" I ask.

"I don't know how it works all the teams do separate things it depends" Jake says. I have no clue what he's on about. I nod not knowing what to do.

"Text him"

I nod and then walk towards the building and pull out my phone.

I'm outside room 1, is anyone in there with you? x- me

No come in x- Talon. Was he just saying that? I sent Jake a smile and walked into room 1. No one was in there apart from Talon, he was pulling on some blue socks.

"Hey" he looks up and smiles.

"Hey" I reply looking around.

"Thanks for coming" he said smiling.

"My pleasure, so how come you get your own changing room?" I ask.

"My dad owns this place, and he made room 1 just for me" he said. I take a seat on a bench near by him.

"I'm going to decorate it soon" he says. I smile and continue to look around.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?"

"You seem quiet that's all"

"I'm fine I promise"

All of a sudden there is a knock on the door and I hear a voice.

"Can I come in?" The voice says. He sends me a look then answers with a yes. Why did Talon let ... HIM... In? It was Noah.

"Didn't expect to see you hear" he says looking over at me smirking.

"Yeah well I better be going" I say as I stand up.

"Wait.." He walks over to me.

"I'm sorry about what I did.. Can we just forget about it?" He asks. I smile.

"It's forgotten" I say, but I still hate his guts.

"Good luck" I say and leave room 1. I walk over to Jake and we go find out seats where the game will take place. We're near the front which is good!

"I'm going to go get us some drinks and snacks" he says and walks away. I sit down in the chair and wait.

"Are you Danni by any chance?" A voice says making game Juno. Who is this and why does he know my name!?

"Who are you?" I asked feeling uncomfortable as he sits down beside me.

"I'm James" he says. I just look T him blankly.

"I'm Talons best mate" he finally said.

"Oh right, how do you know my name still?" I asked.

"He told me about you and j saw you leave his room earlier so I guessed it was you" he said with a smirk.

"Right" was my reply. Why was he talking to me?

"Look I just came over here to tell you.. I know Talon inside out and I know what he can be like so any problems just call" he said handing me a card with his number on. I don't understand? What's he like?

"I don't understand" I say taking the card.

"I'll explain another time" he said and got up and walked away. I put the card in my purse and moved in my chair.


The game begins and u watch out for Talon. He is amazing at football! I noticed that whilst the game was on Jake wasn't paying any attention. I looked at him for a split second then my eyes went back to the game. Then the other side of the crowd jumped up and started cheering...

The other team had scored. It only took minutes after that Talon scored a goal, and then another. At half time the score was 2-2.

"Are you going to go see him in half time?" Jake asks me before half time begins.

"No, I was going to go to the toilet and get another drink" I say. He nods and then watches the last 2 minutes of the first half. I jump up and walk away from the seats and over to the drink machine. James turns up behind me making me jump again. What is it with this guy?!

"Can I help you?!" I asked angry. He laughed at my frustration.

"Nope, just getting a drink" he smirked. I pay for the drink and head back to the game.

"So I see you have met James" a voice says as I turn around before walking back. It's Talon.

"Yeah" I say.

"Nice one this time" James says looking at me. I look away then turn back to Talon.

"Well done, good luck in the second half" I say then start to walk away. I can hear them mumbling some things as I walk but I just smile and ignore it.


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