Chapter 37

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"Hello Auria" I whispered as I stared down at her. She looked
So peaceful even though she had wires connected to her. It killed me to see her this way but I have to tell my self I need to be strong for her sake. She was fast asleep, Mum and Dad had gone to grab some lunch and Jake was sat on the chair near me.

"She looks so peaceful" I say looking over her. Jake smiled he obviously felt sad aswell.

"Yeah she's a strong one" Jake said smiling. I smiled back than sat on a chair next to Jake.

"How was your evening?" Jake asked after last night.

"Amazing, thank you" I thanked smiling at him. Jake just grinned. Suddenly mum and dad appeared from their lunch.

"You kids can go if you want, we've just spoken to Auria's nurse and we get her results tomorrow morning so why don't you come back then" Mum smiled. Then me and Jake said are goodbyes to Auria and headed out the hospital. We entered the car park and jumped into Jake's car.

"So how you feeling about school Monday?" Jake asked. I sighed.

"Not to bad I guess" I replied.

"Talon will be there right?" Jake asked. I nodded and looked the opposite direction. We arrived home and I started to make myself afresh lemonade and grabbed a biscuit.

"Dan I'm going go go training with Chai that okay?" Jake asked as he appeared by the door.

"Yeah of course, I've got some school stuff to finish off anyway" I replied. He smiled ans headed out the door. I picked up a textbook and piece of paper and started to write. Suddenly there was a knock at the door I walked slowly to the door and answered it.

"Marcus!" I said smiling as he stood at my door.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to head down to the beech and grab a drink or something?" He asked.

"Well I was finishing my history exam but sure" I laughed, then grabbed my jacket and shoes and headed out the door.


"So how have you been?" He asked nicely as we entered a cafe on the corner of the road.

"Not to bad, I' mean things with Auria have been bad but I guess I'm okay, how about yourself?" I replied, as stood in the queue.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, do you wanna talk about?" Marcus says in a sympathetic tone. I shock my head.

"No.. Well it's not I don't want to it's just maybe it's best not to" I explained. He gave a week smile as we continued standing here.

"That's fine, and yeah I'm okay although me and Sky broke up.." He said. I was completely taken back by what he just said. She hasn't said anything to me??in fact she hasn't messaged me in nearly weeks what's going on with her?? As I go to ask questions the guy from behind the counter asks for our order.

"Two large hot chocolates, with whipped cream and marshmallows please" Marcus speaks, and then hands him some cash. Then there is a thew moments of silence before the guy hands us our drinks and we head towards a table at the back.

"Marc-" He cuts me off as I go to speak.

"Don't worry about it were fine" he said with a week smile. But I knew he wasn't "fine" I knew him long enough to know if he was upset or not.

"Come on Marc, I know your not okay.. Start talking" I pled. He sighed then leaned back in his chair and that's when I knew this was going to be a long afternoon..


"But..Sky isn't like that?" I gasped shocked to what I just heard. Talon let out a small laugh.

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