Chapter 5

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I open my eyes, my head is killing me and I'm still feeling sick. I don't want to get out of bed I just want to stay here and never move. Someone knocks on my door and let's them self in. It's Jake.

"Morning!!" He practically shouts making my head worse. He's doing it to wind me up. I throw a pillow over my head hoping he will leave.

"Aw come on it can't be that bad you said you only had a couple" he moans sitting beside me.

"I think I had more than a couple" I say quietly. I hear him laugh before starting to talk again.

"Mum and dad are not very happy" he begins. I sigh then ask him to grab me some tablets and he does. 5 minutes later he arrives with a box of tablets and a glass of water.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks. I shake my head, not at the moment I don't feel up to eating.

"Okay, just rest here for a while and I'll cheek on you later" he says before leaving my room.


I finally move from my bed.
I'm starting to feel better now it's not as bad as it was this morning. My curtains are still closed and my lights are still off so I bring a little light to my room.

"Morning" I say as I enter the kitchen where mum, dad and Jake were sat. Mum looked at me as if your in deep trouble and dad just sat there reading the newspaper whilst jake was starting to laugh.

"It's not funny Jake! This isn't a funny matter" mum moans at Jake. He giggles then leaves the kitchen. I throw my self into the kitchen chair and wait for someone to speak.

"How many drinks did you have last night Danni?" Dad says but his eyes still glued to the newspaper.

"I don't know" I reply.

"You should of had none! Your only 15" mum shouts.

"I know I know" I moan my head hurting even more after her shouting.

"I'm sorry mum I really am I don't know what got into me I can't remember what happened" I say

"Oh Danni, I trusted you to go to the party and you do this?"

"Mum I'm so sorry I will do anything for you to forgive me" I say. She sighs for a moment then starts talking again.

"No it's okay, that was a one off but any more like that and you will be in deep deep trouble young lady you understand me!?"
I nod. I love my mum so much she always understands. But I'm so confused I wouldn't drink alcohol? Did someone make me? Mum makes me some breakfast even though it's afternoon and I sit there and think about the part last night.

As the day goes on my memory of the part starts to come back. I remember talking to a good looking boy then taking me inside to dance. Then I can remember having blurred vision and drinking something and then being carried out to the car.

I grab my phone and dial sky's number.

"Hello?" - me

"Well hello you, I bet you have hangover today" - S

"Sky what happened last night? Was it me who decided to drink those drinks?" - me

"Oh Dan you can't try and blame over people I wasn't there but I'm sure you chose to drink them drinks the naughty side of you came out" - S

"Please don't say that" - me

"Why not? You drunk alcohol and was dancing with some cute ass boy and then exchanged numbers. Anyway why are you asking me you was with him for the whole night?- S

"I didn't know I exchanged numbers.."

"Oh Dan you Definitely has to much to drink" she laughs then ends the phone call. I quickly open my contacts and scroll through them looking for a new name.


He must be him I don't know anyone else called chase and j remember calling him that. I quickly press the call button and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello?" - T

"Urm hi, it's Danni from the party last night"

"Oh hey" - T

"Hey, did you by any chance give me drinks with alcohol in?"

"You don't remember what happened do you?" -T

"Nope, I only remember dancing with you and blurred vision" - me

"Look I can't talk right now meet me at sundown road tomorrow at 10" -T

Then the call ends. He must know something if I was with him all night. I wrap my dressing gown around me and walk down stairs to the study. No one was in there so I closed the door and switched on the laptop.

*baby file*

I double clicked on the file not knowing if I'm allowed to or not and flick through the documents. It has things like:

*baby names*
*baby clothes*
*baby products*
*baby rooms*

As I flick through some of the baby photos Jake comes in with a hot chocolate.

"Wow this stuff" I say.

"I made it" Jake says making him self constable in the chair next to me flicking through a magazine. I turn around around and face him.

"You made this?" I say shocked. He nods


"But you aren't happy with the baby?" I say.

"I need to do what's best for mum and dad and if they want another baby I cannot stop them"

"I guess"

After that we start to add more documents into the file, we agreed that we're going to do everything we can to help mum with the baby. At the moment we've made the file private so only me and Jake can access it. I've added some more names to the name document and Jake is researching some things.

I shut down the computer and go to the bathroom to have a shower. I'm not off school for two weeks for the Easter holidays so it should be good. I run the taps and get under them and spend about 10 minutes under there.

I pull some new pyjamas onto my body them sit on my sofa (in my bedroom) and watch some game show.

"Sweetheart do you want some dinner?" Mum asks popping her head round the door.

"No it's okay I'll grab something later" I say and watch her leave. About an hour later dad comes in and sits next to me.

"I need to talk to you about something" he stars to say.

"Okay? What is it?" I ask. I turn the T.V down on low volume so I can hear what he's saying.

"I got you a job and you start Tuesday"

"Oh okay, where is it?"
I wasn't that shocked because dad has been looking at jobs for a while now and so have I.

"Your Working on the beech at the beech gift shop"

I would love to work there and to be honest I can't wait to start Tuesday. Dad soon leaves and I turn the T.V off and get into bed.

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