Chapter One

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Present day....

"Congratulations, you made the team. From now on you are no longer residents, you're doctors"

The small group of newly appointed doctors clapped their hands in joy. Within the group, a young man had the widest smile, his name was Aiden Keaton.

Aiden is 28, the youngest doctor in the hospital. His father, Dr. Tucker, is the head surgeon in the same hospital. Aiden's mother, Jade was a stay at home wife taking care of his little brother, Jake. He was 13.

"I can't believe I have to wear a white coat now, no more scrubs" a young woman said. Her voice laced with excitement, it was Nithya. Aiden and Nithya have been friends since med school, they like to pair up and go on rounds but that will change since their schedules will now be unpredictable.

Aiden smiled at her.

"I know right. Now if you'll excuse me, i have to take a three hour nap before my shift" he says grabbing his stuff.


The two went different ways. The sun was out today, which was odd because it had snowed last night, climate change oh well.

His boots crunched the snow as he walked towards the bus stop. Sure Aiden had a car but his father was his ride since they went to the same place, but today Tucker was in surgery so Aiden had no choice but to walk.

He sighs as he sits on the bus stop bench. The metal was cold, he could feel the green codrols he was wearing get wet so he stood up.

The bus arrived right on schedule, 6pm on the dot. Aiden gets in.

He takes the window seat and sighs, he was tired. Sometimes being a doctor was fun. Saving people's lives, changing their lives and seeing that smile once the patient felt better was satisfying but then....there were the shifts, rounds and charts. Oh well.

"Did you know, babies are born without knee caps?"

Aiden's head whipped to his left.  He sees a young man, probably in his early twenties. Black hair and green eyes. The man had a blonde bratz doll in his hand, the hair perfectly braided. Aiden looked at the young man. The man's eyes wondered, as if he was lost in thought. Cleary he didn't pose a threat.

"I did....and did you know, a baby is born with 20 teeth which start to grow at 6 months?"

The young man's eyes sparkled once he heard that. Aiden smiled, he was cute. Then his face flushed red once he realized what he had thought. He turns to the window.

At the next stop, the young man next to him gets off and Aiden looked at him. Something about this man intrigued him, what could it be?

"Sigh....I'm overthinking again"

The bus ride to Aiden's neighborhood was quite long since he lived in the suburbs. Once he got out of the bus, he walked for about fifteen minutes until he saw the gates of the gated community he lived in. Unfortunately for him, he was neighbors with his parents. Oh well.

When he started med school, Aiden and his family moved to a new town, the gated community was something his mother wanted to experience so they settled there. Loloville is the name. He thinks it's quite tacky but hey, it's safe.

The lights go on once he opened the door, he takes off his snow covered boots and coat, throwing them in the closet.

"Alexa, play Spiteful by Alexa Bliss"

Once the song starts, Aiden dropped on the couch and immediately fell asleep.

•°• ✾ •°•



"Dr Keaton? We are short staffed today, we need you in"

He groans and sits up. He looks around and he was in bed. How did he get here?

Once his feet touch the wooden floors, the curtains automatically open providing light in the room.

He looks out and smiles, it had snowed again.

"Oh yeah, i have to get to work"

•°• ✾ •°•

"We have a patient, male. Complaining about no feeling in the right hand, has cramps each night and refuses to let anyone touch him" the nurse, Rachel says behind him.

Aiden didn't even get to his office and he's being followed by nurses at the door. He sighs.

"Where is he?"

"Room 4"

They stop at the door and Aiden opens it. Inside, a man sat on the bed, his beard scruffy and his head bald. His right hand was laying limply on the bed.

"Good morning Mr Ace" Aiden says reading the name off the chart.

"How can I help you?"

The man scoffed at him.

"I said a doctor not a stripper playing cosplay"

Aiden ignored the remark as he held Mr Ace's hand. It was cold.

"What was his blood pressure nurse?"

"189 over 95"

"Hmm....get me an injection kit, just the kit"

"Yes doctor"

Mr Ace looked at Aiden in shock. He pulls away his hand from the doctor's grip.

"I ain't getting poked, nonetheless by some med school student"

"You lost feeling in your hand because it's not getting enough blood supply, so i need to do something" Aiden says getting to his feet. He turns to the patient.

"Take off your shirt"

"Excuse me?"

Aiden placed the chart on the side table and sighed.

"Mr Ace, if that arm completely loses it's blood supply it'll die and we'll have to chop it off. Now taken off your shirt, please"

The nurse returns with the kit and hands it over to him. Aiden puts his blue gloves on. He turns to the now topless Mr Ace.

"Okay lay down and hold both your hands out"

Mr Ace did as told. The needle pricks the skin and Aiden waits.

"Doctor....what are you doing?" The nurse asks. Aiden ignored her, his eyes locked in the syringe. Few seconds later dark blood feels the syringe, he frowns.

"Nurse get him on Oxygen and check him after an hour. Mr Ace, you'll be alright. Just keep your hands like this"

•°• ✾ •°•

"How is your first day?"

Aiden sighed and took a bite of his apple. The young doctor is currently in his father's office having lunch.

"Quite slow. When i was called in i was expecting to find a full house, oh well"

Tucker smiled at him. Seeing his son all grown up was something he felt pride in.

"You're getting older, don't you think it's time you, i don't know, find someone?"

Aiden froze mid chew. He sighed.

"Dad we talked about this, I'm focusing on work"

"I know but that house is quite big. I'm afraid you'll get lonely"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" said Aiden. But he knew deep down his father was right. It seems he'll have to dip his toes in the dating pool.

"Sigh....goodluck to me"

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