Chapter Thirty Eight

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Luis was helping Sandy with cleaning up the toys when Winona suddenly entered.

"Good day" she greeted, her manners taking both of them by surprise.

"How may we help you?" Sandy asks. Winona glances at Luis who took the hint and left the room.

Sandy offers her a seat. When both ladies were sitted and comfortable, Winona spoke up first.

"I want to apologise to you....I left you with my child without a word and i suddenly returned and demanded him back like i had been helping you when i wasnt"

Sandy sighed.

"That fine...i guess"

She nods and pulls out a large yellow envelope from her handbag.

"This is for your troubles...I cannot thank you enough for taking care of my Cayden and this....this is the best I know how to repay you for that"

Sandy takes the envelope and tears it open, when she looks inside, her eyes widen when she sees stacks of 100 dollar bills.


"Take it as a donation for the shelter"

She looked at Winona. Something was up with her.

"Thank you"

Winona smiles and stands up.

"Now if you'll excuse me, i have to go reconcile with my son"

Sandy was a little shaken up, Winona's whole change of attitude was making her feel like something big will happen soon. Something bad.

Outside, Winona gets in her car. She sees a range rover stop at the gate of the shelter and watches as a bunch of kids hop out the back then followed by Aiden and Cayden.

She saw the way Cayden smiled, he was happy and she didn't want to ruin that by going up to him, especially when they left on bad terms the other night.

She watches them head inside and she sighs, starting up the car.

"He's better off without me"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Do you really have to leave Cayden? Why can't you stay like before"

Cayden smiles and knelt down before Rory, he ruffles the boy's hair.

"We all have to leave here at some point Rory, aren't you also leaving next week?"

"I am"

He nods.

"Life is better when you look forward, forget about what happened in the past, as long as you carry the good memories with you"

Rory hugs him tightly and sniffles.

"I'm going to miss you"

"Me too"

Cayden stood back up and watched Rory disappear into a room. He sighs.

"That was beautiful" Aiden says.

Cayden smiles and holds his hand. The front door opens and Jaxon comes in.

"I'm here!"

"You must be Jaxon. I'm Aiden, Cayden's boyfriend"

Jaxon shook hands with him with a smile. When his eyes see Cayden his smile widens.

"There's my favourite customer, i haven't seen you in days"

"Oh....I've been busy" Cayden says.

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