Chapter Fourteen

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"Tears tears tears
They burn the eye
Especially when they're made from shame
What will you do now?

Her voice rings within your mind
Hateful word after word
Piercing your soul
Your heart aches
You hate her

Then comes the guilt
She clothes you
She feeds you
Hell, she even gives you shelter
Is it okay to cut her off?

You think she changed
But you're wrong
Next day she yells again
This time over a broken cup
She doesn't care if you cut yourself
She just wants her cup back.

Tears tears tears
They sting the eyes again
You feel rage
But mostly disappointment
Not in her, but in yourself
You hate that feeling

Tears tears tears
They're finally free
Because you're alone
She's moved on from the topic
But you haven't

Her words imprinted in your brain
You sniffle and whimper
Tears tears tears,
They're you're only escape.

Tears tears tears,
They stain your pillow
You feel unloved
You feel ungrateful
You want to leave

Tears tears tears,
She's sick
You kneel and pray for her,
She needs you
You forgive her
She heals

Tears tears tears,
She's back home
You're happy
Your prayers, answered
Then it's back to zero

The toxic cycle restarts
Her words now more hurtful
She goes up a level
She hits you
But you still forgive her

As time goes you start to resent her
You take back your prayers,
Wishing that God smite her
And he does

Tears tears tears,
She's dead
Six feet below the earth
But she's engraved in your mind
Her words still hurt you each time you think of her
You feel guilty

Tears tears tears,
You're grown now
You have your own kids
A vow you made years back,
Now coming to reality
You end the toxic cycle,
You're not like HER
You're YOU

Tears tears tears,
Your children's smiles replace her words
You feel at peace
One last tear trickles down your face're free."

He places the guitar down and sighs, wiping off his tears. It's Saturday morning and Cayden had woken up early. The howling snow storm outside didn't help either.

Sharing a bed with someone for the first time was interesting, they slept holding each other, it was comforting. A smile forms on his face as he thought about the man upstairs sleeping.

"I should make breakfast"

•°• ✾ •°•

Aiden was awoken by a pleasant scent. He stirs in bed and sighs seeing the empty spot next to him. His eyes glance at the clock.


"Why is he up so early?" He whispers to himself.

After brushing his teeth, he goes downstairs heading to the kitchen. He finds Cayden serving up.

"Hey" he says. Cayden smiled and gestured to the seat.

"Come eat, I made blueberry pancakes"

Aiden smiled at sat down, he watches Cayden roam around the kitchen.

"How was your first night here?"

"It was okay. Fortunately you don't snore" he says as he sat down. A light chuckle escapes Aiden's mouth.

"Ah, fortunate indeed. So it's snowing today. What should we do instead of our date?"

The storm really blundered their plans but Cayden was not that displeased about it. He shrugs.

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