Chapter Ten

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"Cayden! Get back here!"

He didn't listen. The sound of his heartbeat was the only thing he heard as he ran. The tarred road was hot, his little feet were getting blisters from the extreme temperature.
He sees a white mazda demio up ahead the road. If he could get on then he'll be able to escape his mother.

"Help-" he screamed only to get his mouth muffled by a large hand. He's picked up by the shirt and carried away. The white mazda up ahead disappears as it makes a right turn.

All hope is lost. Cayden is carried back to the house by his mother. His eyes burned with tears of rage. He bites her on the hand making the woman cry out in pain.

"You little brat!"

He runs to his room, sliding under the bed. The wooden floors thump as Winona approaches.

"Cayden if you don't stop acting up I won't take it easy on you"

He didn't move. He hated his mother. Why did she have to take him away from his friend?
Suddenly a hand grabs his leg making him gasp.


Cayden woke up with a jolt, he looks around the room. He didn't recognize it so it meant he was at Aiden's.

Grrrr....his tummy grumbles. He slides off the bed, his socked feet making him stealthy. He slides the door open.

He could hear a song being played downstairs. Down the stairs he went.

Cayden looked around the walls as he made his way down. Aiden had pictures for every memory of his life, a smile formed on his face when he sees a picture of him and Aiden.

Once he made the last step, he sees Aiden fast asleep on the couch. He sighs.

"He should really take care of himself"

Cayden knelt down down in front of a sleeping Aiden. He traces his finger along the man's jaw. The shaved skin felt smooth, he smiled.

Aiden, feeling something tickling his nose sneezes making Cayden giggle. He opens his eyes and he meets Cayden's eyes for a moment. Those eyes.....Those sparkling green eyes.

"You're awake?" he asks. Cayden nodded.

"Mmh....why did you sleep here?"

Aiden sat up with a shrug.

"I was too lazy to go up the stairs, are you okay now?"

Cayden sat next to him with a sigh. It seems like being yelled at was a trigger for him. He didn't even know that until now.

"I'm fine....a little hungry though"

Aiden smiled.

"My mom made dinner, I'll go heat it up"

Cayden watched him walk into the kitchen. He decides to take a little tour around the house. He goes back upstairs, exploring each room.

He stops back at Aiden's room. He decides to take a hot shower.

Downstairs, Aiden frowned in confusion when he sees no sight of Cayden.

"Where did he run off to?"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Where do you think you're going?"

She froze and turned to her husband.

"To check if the boys are Okay"

Tucker eyed his wife skeptically. He knows she was planning on spying on them.

"They're not kids anymore, they'll be fine"

"I know, i just want to check, that's all"

"And if you catch them doing it on the couch? What will you do?"

Her face went red, eyes wide.

"Are they at that stage yet? I doubt they even kissed"

Tucker shrugged.

"You never know, Cayden might be screaming to the heavens right now and you're about to walk in on them. Stay here, have some wine"

"No, trust me. Stay"

She sighed, giving up.

"Okay, okay"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Cayden?" He calls out. Aiden was now in his room. He hears the shower and sighs.



"Don't take too long in there, you'll catch a cold"

Cayden smiled hearing that. Aiden was like a concerned parent. He turns off the water and gets out.

"Uhh Aiden?"


"Can you hand me a towel?"

Aiden chuckled and opened the door. Cayden turned around in panic and Aiden froze.

He sticks his hand out.

"Hand it over"

Aiden didn't move, what he saw shocked him to the core. Cayden sighed and turned to face him, he grabs the towel.

"Cayden....your....your back"

Cayden looked in the mirror.

"Oh this?'s nothing"

It's nothing?!

"What do you mean it's nothing? You have an iron mark on your back!"

He sighed.

"Let's not talk about it now, please?" Cayden whispered, his hands tightly grabbing Aiden's shirt.

He sighed. Cayden said for now, so they'll talk about it later, Aiden knew he has to respect that.


•°• ✾ •°•

The two were now in bed. Cayden was fast asleep while Aiden was staring at the ceiling. What did Cayden go through to get a burn mark like that? From an iron!

He turns to his right and looks at the man sleeping next to him. He brushes the hair away from Cayden's face with a finger.

" doesn't matter what you want through back then....I'm here now, I'll protect you" he whispers.

Cayden's arms pulled Aiden close making him smile.

"You're not sleeping?"

"No....your whispering woke me up"

He chuckles.

"I want to see your eyes"

Cayden sighed. Why was Aiden so obsessed with his eyes? He opens them and looks up, he didn't see anything since it was dark but Aiden on the other hand saw the sparkle through the darkness. He leans forward.

"You have beautiful eyes"

Cayden was about to reply when his lips were suddenly pressed against another pair of soft lips, he felt his breath hitch. Aiden was kissing him!

Aiden deepens the kiss, he wanted to taste every nook and crany of Cayden's mouth. Their lips sucking each other softly. Their hands exploring each other's backs.

He pulls away, breathless.


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