Chapter Nine

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"I don't think you should take the bus, it's really snowing hard"

Cayden looked around and sighed. It was really coming down, the icy wind didn't help either. He'd have frostbite by the time he gets home.

"What do i do now?"

Aiden smiled. He'd take advantage of this opportunity to catch up with Cayden.

"My shift ends in two can wait in my office then we can head to my place....unless you want to go home now, i can just drop you off"

Somehow leaving this way made Cayden nervous. He wanted to spend time with Aiden.

"I'll wait in your office"

Aiden smiled and placed his arm around Cayden's shoulder, he pulls him close.

"Come on, I'll make you some hot cocoa, you still like it right?"

Cayden felt himself blush. Aiden still remembers his favourite things?


A pair of glaring eyes watched them enter the hospital again. Nithya just couldn't believe that Aiden was gay. She had a niche for these kind of things. She taps her chin.

"Maybe i should have a talk with that man Aiden is seeing"

•°• ✾ •°•

He wrapped a blanket on Cayden's frame, he steps back and smiles.

"See? All comfy"

Cayden sighed. He was currently on Aiden's chair, tightly wrapped with a fleece blanket like a baby. In other words, he was swaddled.

"Aiden i can't even move my hands" he says. Aiden disguised his laugh with an awkward cough.

"You look cute though"

"Cayden please"

He chuckled.

"Okay okay, I'll stop teasing you"

Cayden released a sigh of relief once he was freed. He grabs the mug on the table and takes a sip, the cocoa was very delicious, the marshmallows on top had even melted a little.

"I have to go make rounds, you stay here and get comfy" Aiden says grabbing his stethoscope from the table. Cayden nodded and smiled.

"I'll be here"

Aiden walked away all smiles. Seconds after he had left, the door opens again and someone enters the office.

"Hello there"

Cayden was too focused on his cocoa to even realize someone was there with him. He'd poke the marshmallows and watch them sink then pop up again.

Nithya fronwed.

"Uhh hello?"


She steps forward.

"I'm talking to you"


Was this guy deliberately ignoring her? The nerve!

Her palm slaps the table making Cayden look up. He sees an angry woman, her face was in a deep scowl.

"Uh....hello" Cayden says. Nithya was dumbfounded.

"Didn't you hear me call out to you some moments ago?"

Cayden scratches his head awkwardly.

"Oh sorry, I have au-"

"Save it! Oh I think just because you're dating Aiden you're better than me?"

Cayden frowned. What was this woman talking about?

"I don't think I understand" he replies. Nithya went around the table and spins the chair making Cayden face her.

"Don't play dumb with me. I saw the both of you flaunting your relationship in my face. well let me tell you something, Aiden was mine first and I'd be fucking stupid to let you take him away from me AND WOULD YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!"

"What the hell are you doing!"

She froze, eyes wide in shock. Nithya turns around and sees Aiden at the door.

"Uh...Aiden, i was just-"

"Save it! What were you doing to him" Aiden says walking towards them. He glances at Cayden and it seemed like he had shut down. He turns back to Nithya.

"What did you say to him?"

"I...I was just telling him how you're mine and I-" she stopped when she saw the anger in his eyes.

"Get out"

She blinked in shock.


"Get out Nithya, we'll talk about this later. I'm too angry to talk to you right now"

She was at a loss for words. She glances back at Cayden, he had this blank expression on his face. She sighs and walks to the door.

Aiden knelt down before Cayden.

"Cayden? Cayden are you okay?" He asked only to be pulled into a tight hug. He sighed, Cayden but be in shutdown mode right now.
Nithya saw the whole thing. She frowns and walks out.

Aiden sighed, his fingers going through Cayden's hair.

"It's okay....I'll take you home okay"


He sighed again. Why was Nithya confronting Cayden instead of him anyways.

•°• ✾ •°•

The ride home was silent. Aiden knew that Cayden needed time to recuperate and rest so he didn't make any small talk. His car stops in front of his house.

Jade, who was next door came out of her house. She smiled when she saw the two men heading inside the house.

"Hey, you told me he's shutdown? I can stay with him while you go back to the hospital" she offers. Aiden had told her what happened before they arrived home.

Aiden flashed his mother a grateful smile.

"Thanks mom, I'll see you later" he says, the words intended for Cayden.

Once he left, Jade led Cayden to Aiden's room.

"You can sleep here and rest, Aiden will join you later. I'll be back with some snacks"

Cayden got in bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling. His mind was buzzing with memories from the past.

"I want to go see Aiden!"

"You're no going anywhere! Those people think they're better than us! Always looking down on me. Do you like people looking down on your mother?"


His mother hugged him tightly then she pulled him by the hair. Glaring at him, she says,

"If you dare leave this house I'll kill you. Now get in that kitchen and do the dishes you little brat"

A shaky breath escapes his lips. Cayden curled into the fetal position, hugging a continental pillow to his frame. A tear trickles down his face.

"It's in the's in the're okay now"

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