Chapter two

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"Cayden's back!"

"Cayden come play with us!"

Cayden smiled as he entered the small shelter. Ever since he moved here, he had never seen his mother again. It was like she disappeared from the world, but he knew deep down that she had given him up, hence he's at a shelter.

Although he's way past the adoption age, Cayden remained here to help the owner around. Sandy, the owner was a sassy African-American woman with a big heart full of love and compassion.

She had taken Cayden under her wings and cared for him and now it's time for him to return the gesture. Sandy was getting older, her once dark drown hair was now graying, she'd tire  herself  very quickly, it was obvious that she needed help around.

"Cayden dear, are you cold? Your fingertips are blue" Sandy asks.

Cayden shook his head, he placed his doll on the top shelf and went to the kitchen.

"The grocery store will deliver our food tomorrow, the owner said it's on the house" he says making Sandy smile.

"You're really a great help. That reminds me, where did you go after the grocery store?"

"Went on the bus"

"The bus?"


Sandy nodded, Cayden had a schedule and routine. He wakes up at five to help the other kids with their baths, at six he's making breakfast, seven he takes them to the bus stop where the school bus takes the kids and by eight he's back cleaning. The rest of the day he does whatever he wants, so hearing the young man say he went on a bus trip wasn't that surprising.

"What song will you sing tonight?" She asks. Cayden usually entertained them by singing after dinner as the shelter had no television. Cayden smiles revealing his red braces.

"Sia, California dreaming"

"That's a nice song, i cannot wait to hear it. I'll go get the kids"

Once Sandy left, Cayden stared at the boiling pot of rice, the steam making his face warm.

"That man on the bus....."

A small hand grabs his leg tugging on his pants. He looks down and was welcomed by a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Cayden, they are mean to me again" a little voice says, it was a little boy, his name was Rory.

Rory was just 6 years old. His father had to give him up as he had to leave for prison. The man had killed his wife. Cayden became friends with Rory in no time.

"Do you want to play with my doll?"

Rory gasped. No one was allowed to play with Cayden's doll!

"Are you suwe?"

"Mhm, come on"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Sorry about the burnt rice...i got distracted" he blushed. They children giggled while Sandy smiled.

"It's okay dear, as long as it's still edible it's fine" she says.

Dinner was good as usual but something was bothering Cayden and Sandy could tell. She holds his hand.

"Are you okay dear?"

"I don't know....I met someone on the bus today"

"Oh? Did you know them?"

That was thing. He knows that he somehow knew the person but he just couldn't tell.

"I don't know"

She pats his shoudler.

"Take your time and don't overwhelm yourself."


Once dinner was over, Rory helped Cayden do the dishes and when the kids were finally asleep, Cayden decided to take a walk.

The wind whistled as he walked down the street, the snow was still fresh so he enjoyed the sound it made when his shoes crunched on the white powder.

The streetlights made his way easier to see, he stopped at a bus stop and takes out his notepad.

This notepad had everything he did every day of the year and never had he written about meeting that guy on the bus. Normally when he thinks loudly, he tends to speak out loud so people might think he was talking to them.

"But he replied with a valid fact...." he whispers.

The bus stops in front of him. He gets in. Cayden's eyes roam around the bus hoping to see that man again but he never saw his face so how would he know it was him?

He sits down with a deep sigh.

"Did you know, the word Bye stands for Be with You Everytime?"

•°• ✾ •°•

10 minutes before....

"How long will your surgery take?"

"About an should really use your car"

Aiden sighed and grabbed his stuff.

"I'll see you at home then"

After a long day of patients and charts, what Aiden needs right now is a hot bath and binge watch his favorite shows.

The bus stop this time was empty, he stood there waiting for the last bus of the night. He thinks of what his father said earlier, he should really start dating.

"Sigh....where do I even start?"

The bus stops in front of him and he jumps in, same seat he took yesterday. Should he start dating within his friendship circle? Or should he go with some strangers he finds along the way?
This was hard.

The bus stops again as someone got inside. When Aiden looked up, he saw that guy from yesterday. He looked like he was looking for someone or something.

Once the man sits down with a defeated sigh, Aiden decides to spark a conversation.

"Did you know, the word Bye stands for Be with You Everytime?"

The man's green eyes sparkled and Aiden didn't want to look at those green orbs again. It reminded him of, that was in the past. He doesn't want to relive that again.

"I....I didn't know that" the man said. Aiden smiled.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"My name? Is Ca-"

"Next stop!"

Aiden sighed as it was his stop. He stands up grabbing his stuff. He pats the man on the shoulder.

"See you around"

•°• ✾ •°•

Cayden was confused. Why was he having the urge to see this man again?

He rode the bus until he was the last passenger. It stopped at his stop and stepped out.

He walks in silence. His mind buzzing, like a tv searching for a good signal.

"Cayden? Dear get inside, it's cold"

The house was warm. He sits in front of the fireplace, eyes focused on the embers.

"Where did you go to?" Sandy asks.

"To see him"

Sandy was taken aback. Him? Was Cayden seeing someone? Maybe it's a friend.

"And how was it?"

"Confusing. I want to see him again but I don't know why"

She coughed disguising her laugh.

"Honey that means you're starting to like him"


"Yeah, like how i like the man next door"

Cayden smiled. He liked someone?

"Is it a good thing?"

"Yes Honey, it's a great thing"

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