Close Your Eyes Before The Sleep

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Liam's P.O.V.

My eyes widened and so did Noah's. Her normal blue-green orbs were now grey and filled with horror. I moved my gaze to the screen, finding a disgusting scene. There was blood everywhere and the victim was screaming in pain. Though we all sat still, for fuck's sake, we didn't even stir. Especially her, she stood there, motionless. The only movement came from the silent tears who were streaming down her pale cheeks. "Noah?" Niall's husky voice rang through the room. "Yes, Niall?" Hers was barely a whisper. "Are you alright?" "No." He stood up, wrapping her in a hug. "Thank you." She then croaked. It was hard to see her all hidden in his arms, but when I did cath a glimp of her, I noticed she forced her eyes close. The Irish boy lifted her up, gently placing her on the couch. All his movements were slow and calculated. Harry was the next to person who got out of his frozen state. "Shhh... It's fine, love. It's just a movie." He cooed, as he stroked her hair. But she shook her head. "Look, it's a DVD." Zayn held the case up, it read 'Saw'. "Y-you don't understand." She was still staring in the distance. "We do. We know you don't like horror movies." I tried to defend us. Her gaze shifted and she looked all of us in the eyes for a few seconds, even Ed. When her silver orbs met mine, I realised I didn't understood at all. You know how they say that a look says more than a thousand words? I never thought it was true, until I met Noah. Her mouth may remain shut, but her eyes'll tell you more than words ever will. After all, They're the gateway to your soul. "It reminds you of something, doesn't it?" Harry whisper-asked on a scared tone. "It reminds me of-" She started of, but someone else finished. "Julie." Louis whimpered. I glanced around the room. He was just as pale as Noah and tears were gathering on his waterline. Zayn, on the other hand, was furious. Not with her, of course. Harry felt guilty and Niall was busy protecting Noah from her memories. Ed had taken his guitar and started plonking a familiar melody. He seemed to be handling this rather well. "Why?" I asked them. "Why does it remind you of her?" She planted her gaze on me, burning holes in my body. "She made me cut myself."

Noah's P.O.V.

"She made me cut myself." I maneged to choke out, before drowning in a flashback.

"Deeper." Her voice rang in my ears, hurting my eardrums. It was so different from when the boys were around. That sweet smile changed into a mean smirk. I knew she loved hurting me. Or even worse: making me hurt myself. I slid the knife across my skin. Thin drops of blood followed the blade, as I pushed it in deeper. I yelped in pain, but she slapped my cheek."Deeper, sweetie.Deeper." By the end of the sentence, her fake sweet tone had turned into a growl. Shakingly, I did as she said. Who would care if I reached my veins? The lads wouldn't, right?

Ed's P.O.V.

"Tell us, love. What did you remember?" Liam asked softly, stroking her hair. She shook her head, as if to clear her mind from whatever she was thinking of. "We need to know." He insisted. "I can't tell you." She whispered, her beautiful orbs pointed at the ground. She seemed so happy and carefree this afternoon, but now she totally changed. What was this little angle hiding? "You have to." Zayn cooed. "No I don't." She said it so quiet, I don't know whether anyone else heard. "What was that?" Harry asked stern, standing up. "I don't have to, right?" Her voice was trembling like crazy and I could see her eyes shifting nervously from Harry to Niall and back, at the sight of Harry towering over her. "You have to." He said, making the girl shrink in. "D-d-do I?" Her eyes were filled with fear and she had started to shake. "Harry, that's enough." Zayn ordered, leaning closer to Noah in a protective manner. I expected the curly boy to defend himself, but it turned out way different. He dropped to his knees, curling up in a ball. He wasn't the only one though. Louis was staring into distance, as sad expression on his face. Zayn was filled with rage and frustration, his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Liam was focused on Noah, so Niall seemed the only one capable of thinking clearly. "Zayn, go to the kitchen.Liam, take care of Louis." He ordered and I volunteered to, willing to help. "I'll comfort Harry, before he hurts himself." Niall shot me a thankful look, before continuing to calm the girl on his lap. A mix of emotions crossed her young face and I noticed how exhausted she was. "I'm fine, Niall." She said, focusing her gaze on the other lads. But because of her trembling tone and pale skin, it wasn't very believable. "You're staying here, young lady." He cupped her face in his hands, kissing the top of her nose.  I figured out that I might have to check on Harry, who was still on the floor, sobbing. "C'me here, mate;" I whispered, pulling him on my lap. It must've been a weird sight, but I've always felt protective over him. "Tell me, what's wrong?" He shook his head, burying it in my chest. "Everything. It's all my fault." I ruffled his curls and wiped his tears away. "What makes you think that? From what I've heard, you're the one who helped her when she was bleeding on the beach, when she was freezing." I paused a little to make my words sink in. "You comforted her so many times and I can see she loves you endlessly for that." He shook his head again, stuck in denial. I noticed the guilt in his eyes. "I'm the one who brought Julie here, the one who duct taped her." Duct taped her? I thought it'd be for the best to just ignore that comment."You're not the only one who made mistakes. Louis locked her outside, Liam was rude to her, because of Niall she almost got raped,  Zayn hurt her when he was drunk. She made some mistakes too. She cut her own wound open, talked back to you, went out with Niall in the middle of the night." He turned quiet after my words, but I kept him on my lap. I glanced around the room, noticing Niall and Noah were softly chatting. "Hey guys, here's the plan." Zayn announced, entering the living room. Noah groaned, knowing there was no way she could escape this. "Noah tells us what happened, then we eat ice cream and watch TV and laugh and be happy." Liam explained, showing us the bowls both of them were holding. "What kind of a plan is that?!" The girl defended herself. "But love, I really want ice cream." Niall begged, looking like an adorable puppy. "I'm pretty sure I won't be hungry anymore." She then grumbled, hiding herself. "Dear, we're not gonna understand you if you hide like that." Zayn joked. "That's the point." She responded, but she sat up. She took Niall's arms, wrapping them around her knees, as if he was a coat. We gazed at her, wondering what secrets such a young girl could hide. Suddenly, she spilled everything. Once she started, she couldn't stop, even when Harry started crying again. She talked and talked and talked. But we were glad. Then she stopped. No other word came out of her mouth. "Thank you.That was so brave." I said, admiring her courage. She bit her lip, trying to keep herself from bursting into tears. "Can you show me?" I asked her and she looked at me as if I said something crazy. "Yeah, show us." Niall encouraged her, but she shook her head. "Please, Noah, please." One lonely tear streamed down her face, as she rolled her sleeve up. Her pale hand picked up mine, making my fingers trail down her skin. I felt the strange texture of the cuts and kissed them. The taste of salt entered my mouth when I reached the wound where that single teardrop had landed. She gazed at me, her beautiful orbs the colour of the night sky and filled with more of them, but those didn't fall. I then took her shaking hands and brought them to my lips. " You're beautiful." I whispered before kissing them. She didn't respond, she just looked at me, at her hands, at my lips, at her cuts and finally, at Niall. He embraced her, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "Thank you" He mouthed and so did the others.   Zayn stood up and left the room. I looked at Liam, trying to find out why he did that. But my silent question got an answer when we heard something break in the kitchen. I expected Noah to shrink in, but she didn't stir, maybe she didn't even stir. She and Niall were looking in each other's eyes intensely. I remember Harry telling me about it, though I didn't believe him at first. He called it an 'eyeversation'. I know, he could've gave it a better name, but it's Harry we're talking about here. Speaking of him, he was staring into distance, apparently feeling even more guilty. "Love, look at him." I poked her sides, sadly interrupting their little moment. A small smile crossed her face when she noticed me, but it disappeared when she saw the look in his eyes. She got up, kneeling down next to him. "Harry." Noah started off, as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you." Those three little words make a person so vulnerable. It was brave to just say them out loud while everyone was watching. We looked at Harry expectantly, but he didn't stir. She gazed at the ground, tears appearing on her waterline. "Shh..." Niall comforted her, as he picked her up bride style and laid her on his lap. "Want some ice cream?" He asked her, his eyes lighting up at the thought of food. "I'm not hungry." She whispered and he shook his head. "Don't lie to me. I know you love everything that is unhealthy and that has lots of sugar inside." "Jeez, thanks Niall." She replied sarcastic, leaning back. "Oh, come on. You know you want it." He teased, holding up a spoon of ice cream. He brought it closer to her mouth. "Open up." "No." "Open up." "No." "Open up." She parted her lips slightly and surprisingly, Niall managed to feed her the dessert. "I guess it is kind of good." She said, smiling weakly. He repeated his actions and her smile grew wider. "I know you want some too." She said, taking a spoon too. "Woah, that sounded a bit dirty minded." She laughed, before letting him taste the ice cream too. He moaned when it reached his tongue. "Niall, I think you just made it worse." Liam joked. I noticed Zayn had come back too and was now watching the two blondie's. "C'mon, let's turn the telly on." He suggested, as he took the remote. "What show is this?" I asked, gazing at the brunette on the screen suspiciously. "I think it's called Gossip." We decided to try it and kept watching. "Our next topic is world's biggest boyband One Direction." The woman said and Liam got up to change the channel. "No wait." Niall stopped him. "I wonna know what they're telling our fans." We nodded. "I bet you've heard of Symphony, their 'little sister'. Well, we've got some news for you. Apparently, she's more than that. IN FACT, she's Niall Horan's girlfriend." We stared at the screen for a few seconds, before bursting out in fits of laughter, even Harry."What the actual fuck?!" Zayn exclaimed when we finally caught our breath. "It's not that weird of you think of it. I mean, you hold hands, feed each other. You even sleep in the same bed." Liam said and I nodded. "From what I've seen today, it looks like you're together all the time." I added and they thought of it. "Is that a bad thing?" Noah asked, hesitating. "I don't think so." Niall answered and they both shrugged. "Noah?" Zayn suddenly asked. "Yeah?" "Why did you actually come down here? You were supposed to be sleeping." She muttered an O and explained it to us. "I couldn't sleep... At all... Like seriously, I timed it, I stared at the ceiling for like thirty minutes." We chuckled. "We understand, love. But I think you should sleep now, it's getting pretty late." Louis said, patting her head. "You expect me to sleep now? Have you ever heard of something called adrenaline?" She joked and I shook my head at her. "Maybe I can sing to sleep?" I then volunteered, making her eyes widen. "Would you do that?" I nodded, taking my guitar. A big smile crept on her face when she recognised the song Autumn Leaves.

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