Mirrors And Candycotons

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"What?!" Harry exclaims and we all run to her room. She opens her wardrobe: empty. "How could this happen?" I ask, throwing my hands up in the air. "WAIT." Noah yells all sudden, opening all the other closets in the room. "It must be here somewhere... Oh she didn't took it right... THANK GOD." She starts jumping up and down, but then stops, 'cause her body can't handle that. "Woah, calm down, love. What did you find?" Her breath slows down a bit. "My bretels!" She holds up a beautiful pair in her hands. "Omg! I'm so proud of you! This is TOO cool." Louis says, as he spins her around in his arms. "Please keep the fangirling down." Josh laughs, making us all chuckle. "But what now?" Noah pouts. "We can go shopping tomorrow. Today's sunday, so everything is closed." Harry suggests and we all agree. "What can I wear today then?" "This is where I come in. Everyone, to the livingroom." I send everyone away, walking from room to room. When I come back to the livingroom I hold the perfect outfit in my hands. "You should wear Liam's shirt with my bealt. Do you think you have some black tights?" She nods and wraps her hands around my neck, kissing my cheek. "It's perfect. Thank you, Zayn." I ruffle her hair. "Now go take a shower."

Noah's P.O.V.

I stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. I shivered, the bathroom was cold. But I didn't really notice. My mind was busy somewhere else. A week. 7 days. Who should I tell? Wich one of them could handle what happened? I need to tell them, yet I don't want to. My thoughts keep battling about what I should do. I put on the outfit Zayn give me and start drying my hair. I hate my hair when it's wet. Then it turns a bit brown, not that blond anymore. The long locks look ugly in the light of the lamp. I bend over, my hair almost touching the ground. Then I start shaking my hair like a dog. Waterdrops fill the room. "Ew, what're you doing?!" Suddenly Louis is standing behind me, all wet now of course. "Dude, you scared the hell out of me! And what does it look like I'm doing?" He chuckles. "Imitating a puppy?" I pretend to be hurt. "A very cute puppy though." "Why did you came here anyway?" I ask, after I finished laughing. "To dry your hair. Duuhh." He answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "You think I can't do that by myself?" I gasp, leaning back. "Calm ya tits, girl. I just want to be with you." I facepalm. "Calm ya tits? Seriously, Lou? You spend way too much time on Tumblr. Now help me or leave." He chuckles and starts drying. We chat about random stuff. "I've never heard you play the piano." Louis says all sudden and I freeze. "I've never heard you play either." He thinks for a second. "There's a musicroom in the hotel. We can go sometime." My mouth drops. "There's a MUSICROOM?! And nobody thought of telling me? Have you any idea how much I missed playing the piano?" He chuckles when he sees my reaction. "I think we have a deal then."

"Noah, don't you think this earrings would fit with that shirt?" Zayn asks me, holding one of my favourite pairs. "You're right. You're surprisingly good at this." I answer, as I put them on. "Noah, please don't support him in this." Harry warns me and Zayn sighs. "Not everyone appreciates my gift." The curly boy rolls his eyes. "Guys, what do you think of going to the fair tonight?" Paul suggests, looking up from his computer. "There's one in a town nearby." Everyone nods, exept Louis he jumps up doing a weird dance. "YAY! I LOVE THE FAIR! Join me, Noah." I shake my head, no way I'm dancing! "Don't be such a pussy." He starts tickling me, threatening me he won't stop 'till I do it. "Go away from my little angel." Niall tries to push him away, but Harry stops him. "No one touches my Boobear." Liam just facepalms, not even trying to stop them. "Okay... Okay... I surrender." Lou stops tickling me and continues his strange movements. I join in, doing the 'Stop the trafic, Let'em through'-dancemove. The lads start chuckling. "Don't laugh at me! I was forced to do this." That makes them laugh even more. "The fair it is then?" Josh asks when they're finished. We nod. "Let's order some pizza, so we don't have to cook." Now it's Niall's time to cheer. "Wich one should I take? They all look so good." He complains, as Paul hands him a menu. "You can have a piece of mine. They're to big for me anyway." I say and his eyes light up. "Thank you, dear. You're too nice." He answers, giving me a Horanhug. This is what paradise is like, living with the gods. But everything has his price.

"Try this, Lou." Harry hands a piece of his pizza to Louis. "Here, take some of mine." I offer Josh piece of mine. Soon we're all exchanging our food. "Gosh, this is delicious!" Niall exclaims, he looks so happy. The twinkling in his eyes makes my heart skip a beat. "We know he looks cute when he's eating." Paul chuckles, as he notices me looking. "Don't look at me like that." "Zayn, look, a broken mirror!" Lou says, pointing to the hallway. The boy turns his head, a terrible mistake. "Dude?!" He yells when Louis whipes a slice of pizza in his face. The red sauce is dripping down his chin. "I'll take my revenge..." He growls, running to the bathroom. "Is everyone done?" Liam asks after he comes back. We nod and walk to the car. It's been ages since I've been to a fair. I hope they don't make me go on a rollercoaster...

Zayn's P.O.V.

My eyes shot open when we arrive. This place is huge. "I want a candycoton!" Niall squeels like a little girl. "But we just ate." Harry answers, chuckling at him. "Let's go to the bumper cars." Louis yells, pointing at them. We all get in, Liam and Paul, me and Josh, Lou and (of course) Harry and Niall and Noah. "It's on." I exclaim, hitting them with my cart. "Go to them!" Josh asks, pointing at Li's. We bump in to them and they laugh, telling us they'll take revenge. I look at Noah, she's gigling while Niall tries to hit Harry's cart. "You suck at this." She says, making him pout. "And I love it."

Harry's P.O.V.

"Let's go on that rollercoaster." Zayn squeels, pointing at big scary thing. "No way I'm going on that." I say, stepping back. "Me neither." Noah comes standing next to me and I sigh relieved. "We can do something ourselfs. Is it okay if I barrow her?" I suggest, asking Niall's permission. He nods. "Fine, but not too long." He warns me and I have to hold back my laughter. "Let's go, love." We go seperate ways. "I wanna try that." I show her a weird building. It's a Mirror Maze. "If you promise we'll get out." I kiss her cheek and buy two tickets. "I know a trick to get out. You just have to keep going left." She nods, taking my hand. "I follow you." We go deeper and deeper. "Haz, we've been walking for ages. Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" She says, imitating my character from The Adventurous Adventures Of One Direction. I chuckle when I notice she called me Haz. "Well, we're following the map." I reply, eventhough it doesn't match with the situation. "I think we're going the wrong way." "What, do you think I can't read maps?" "That or you're holding it wrong." "What? With my hands? That's how most humans hold things , but I guess you don't know anything about that." "What, are you saying I'm not human?" "I don't know, why don't you ask your four nipples what they think about it. Maybe those'll give you a clue. Okay stop! I'm not going to call you a tosser!" I stop playing. "Gosh, Harry. We're terrible actors." We laugh at ourselfs. "This time, I'm taking the lead." She says, going to the right. "Fine. Follow the leader, leader. Follow the leader." I start singing. "Follow me." She answers, raising her hand. It only takes us five minutes to find the exit now. "What would you do without me?" She jokes, winking at me. "Just shut up. Are you afraid of heights?" I ask. "No. Why?" "Let's go on the Ferris Wheel then!" A wide smile crosses her face. We take seat, sitting close the eachother. I wrap my arm around her, as the wheel starts. We get higher and higher, 'till the people on the streets are little dots. "This view is amazing." Noah gasps and her jar drops. "Close your mouth, you don't want to eat anynflies." I chuckle when she turns bright red. The ground gets closer again. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who's scared of rollercoasters." She sighs, looking in my eyes. "So am I. It would've been pretty embarrising for me." We're back at the highest point. All sudden, the wheel stops. I freeze, what now? "I believe we have a small technical problem. Please stay calm. We'll get everyone down soon." A voice sounds through some speakers. "Seriously? It's cold up here." I exclaim. Noah shivers a little, yawning. "Come here." I wrap my arms around her and she nuzzles her face in my neck. This can take a while.

Josh's P.O.V.

"Shouldn't we go back?" Niall asks for the tenth time now. "They were having fun. You saw them in the Mirror Maze." Zayn comforts him, but it doesn't work this time. "Maybe he's right. I think they're done by now." I defend the blondie. "Let's go. It's getting late." Liam make the final decision. We walk through the streets, looking for them. We walked for a half an hour without finding them. "Nothing happened to them, right?" Niall asks, panick cracking in his voice. "I bet they're fine." Let's hope so.


They're coming to Belgium!! Woot woot! The ticketsale starts on saturday. Everybody hope for me! There's also this competition of a radiostation. They give all kinds of challenges and the 100 winners have to compete. I tried but I failed! Me and my friends made a video with a cover of WMYB. I hope I'll be one of the 100 by winning one of the next challenges. Wish me luck :)

Xxx Astrid

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