A Numbing Nightmare

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Niall's P.O.V.

The expression on her face shocks me. Those innocent eyes are filled with pain and fear. What happened? "Noah, I'm here." I whisper, grabbing her hand. It's hot. That's just not right. It's suposed to be cold, waiting for mine to warm it up. But now it's hot, way too hot. "Niall, I-I-" Her words drown in tears. They're streaming down her face. Each one followed by another. I pull her closer and she cries in my shirt, pulling it close. Her hands form fists. I check her temperature. I think she has a fever. Suddenly she pulls herself out of my embrace, running to the bathroom. Her mouth opens and she starts vomiting. I hate to see someone throw up, but this is Noah, so I stay. My hand slips in hers and she closes her eyes, trying to calm down. Then she bends over the toilet again. It kills me to see her like this, broken and scared. "Are you done?" I whisper softly while rubbing her back. She nods and I carry her back to the bed. "I'm going to call Liam." My voice calmes her down a little, but she panicks again when she understands what the sentence means. "No. Stay. Please." She sobs, searching for my body. I need to find Liam. "I'll be right back." I kiss her cheek, leaving her alone. Gosh. What am I doing. I run through the corridor, looking for his room. He's still sleeping when I open the door. "Liam, Liam, wake up. "I beg, shaking his arm. His eyes open, searching for me. They widen when they see me. "What's wrong?" I break down in his arms. Fuck. I need to go quicker. "It's Noah." He jumps out of bed, running to her room. She's laying alone in the bed. It seems way to big. She's curled up in a ball, groaning a little.

Noah's P.O.V.

I wake up, facing Niall's worried eyes. I gaze at him, getting back to reality. My head is pounding, shocked by the images it just saw. "Noah, I'm here." He whispers and I feel his hand slip into mine. It comforts me a little. I feel cold, his hands feel cold. Everything feels so cold. I gather all my strength to answer him. "Niall, I-I." Tears stream down my face, keeping me from finishing the sentence. I don't know what to say anyway. I just want to close my eyes, hoping the pain'll go away. Niall embraces me, the sound of his heartbeat gives me strength. My hands search for his shirt and pull it closer. A sour taste burns my tongue and I realise what to do. I run to the bathroom, ignoring the feeling in my legs. Niall is right behind me. He kneels next to me, as I vomit. I hate this. I hate the way it feels, the way it looks like. Just the way it is. He holds my hand again. My eyes close, as I try to calm down, to block out this feeling, this images. But it doesn't help. They're still there. They're still eating my alive. I throw up one last time. "Are you done?" He asks me, rubbing my back. I nod, it costs me lots of energy. Energy I don't have. The ground underneath me dissapears when he picks me up. Then the blankets of my bed comfort me. Yet they feels empty without Niall. So cold and hard. "I'm going to call Liam." He says, comforting me with his voice. I panick. He's leaving me alone. The feeling overwhelmes me, takes my breath away. "No. Please. Stay." Three words. It's all I can say. They're not enough, 'cause the next second he's gone. I curl up in a ball, trying to protect myself from that voice in my mind. That feeling in my stomach. That burning in my skin. And that pounding in my head. I won't tell them. I can't.

Liam's P.O.V.

I run in Noah's room. Her body is shaking and she's sweating. "Niall, tell me exactly what happened." I order while lifting her up. Her skin feels way too hot. He hesitates for a second. "NIALL, NOW." The sound of my voice brings him back to life. "I-I-I don't know. She was sweating and woke up all sudden. She vomited twice too." I listen carefully, then decide what to do. I lay her down on the couch and go searching for some pills in the bathroom. No, not the small ones, not the purple ones. I dig in my memory, trying to remember wich one I should take. The large ones. I grab a glass of water, handing it to her. Niall quickly supports her hand before she drops it. She doesn't have the energy to lift it so he helps her. I give her the pills. She tries to swallow them, but they're to big. She starts coughing, almost choking on them. Niall forces her to drink the water, trying to flush them away. They're painkillers. I cup her face in my hands, examinating her face. Her eyes are filled with terror and pain. It hurts to see her suffer like this. I replay what Niall said in my head. This isn't a normal fever. She's not just sick. A terrible feeling made her ill. She's probably in shock. I shove her a little, making her groan. "Sorry, love." This is too much. This is way too much for her. Like she said earlier today, she's only thirteen. I stand up, wanting to get something to cool her down. "Liam. Please stay." Her voice cracks when she begs me to stay. "I'll be right back." I hear her breath fastening, as she starts to hyperventilate. Her body tenses. Tears are blinking in her eyes when I hold her body tight. "Noah, calm down. Breath slowly." If she goes on like this, she'll faint. I try to stop her, but it only gets worse. "NIALL, YOUR GUITAR." I try to keep my voice steady, failing horribly. He jumps up, searching for his guitar. "No." She panicks. He comes back, pressing her body against his. "It'll be okay, love. Everything will be okay. Just breath." His arms embrace her, hugging her tight. He inhales really loud, then exhales, forcing her to follow his rythm. She calmes down, listening to his heartbeat. "Sorry." He did what I couldn't. Her body relaxes when she hears his voice. I stand up again, getting an icepack. I lay it on her forehead and she crawles back. "Liam, please don't. I'm so cold." My hands are shaking, just like hers. But I hold on, ignoring her groanes. "Sorry Niall, but you have to let her go. She can't use your body warmth right now." He hesitates a little. "It's okay Noah. I'm staying here. Look, I'm not leaving you." Her breath fastens a little, but she stays quiet. He takes out his guitar, playing random tunes. Her eyes close when she hears the familiar sound. I shake her arm. "Keep your eyes open." I warn her. We can't let her fall asleep right now, what if she doesn't wake up? What if she slips in a coma? Maybe what she saw was so shocking it almost kills her. She obeys and opens her beautiful eyes again. I gaze in them, realizing I don't really know what colour they are. Sometimes they seem blue, sometimes they seem green. Now they just look grey. As if her body hasn't enough energy to light them up. The sparkles are gone. Niall starts playing the chorus of More Than This. "When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight. It just won't feel right. 'Cause I can't love you more than this." It's not my voice. I turn my head, facing Curly.

Harry's P.O.V.

I wake up to Liam's screaming. My eyes close again, untill I realise it's followed by groaning. I jump out of bed, putting on a shirt. The sound of a guitar pleases my ears when I walk in. The look on Noah's face shocks me, breaks my heart in pieces. "When he opens arms and holds you close tonight. It just won't feel right. 'Cause I can't love you more than this." Liam turns his head, listening to my voice. He shoves a little, making room for me on the couch. "What happened?" I ask, rubbing her cheek. It feels so hot, unlike normally. He sighs, explaining what happened. "I have an idea." I whisper, still not looking away from her tortured eyes. "Each of us can stay awake for a while, then we switch." They nod after listening to my idea. "Okay. But I'm staying awake anyway. Then there are always two of us awake." Niall says, holding Noah's hand. She gives him a thankfull look. "You first. I just woke up." I tell Liam, pointing at the other couch. His eyes closes and he starts snoring. Then Noah's eyes widen. I quickly pick her up, carrying her to the bathroom. Tears blink in her eyes when she vomits. She hates this. We bring her back to the livingroom after she cleaned her mouth. Her hands are shaking, her body is completly over tired. She can barely lift her arm, even that costs too much energy. "Sorry I'm keeping you up, guys. I-" she tries to say more, but her voice won't let her. "Shhh. It's alright." Niall strokes her long blond hair. It sometimes reminds me of an angel. His favourite nickname for her. She drozes off for a second, overwhelmed by drowsiness. "Wake up." I whisper, kissing her cheek. Liam said we can't let her fall asleep untill her fever drops. That can take 'till tomorrowmorning. I check my watch. It's now 3am. Too early for her. She needs her sleep. We can handle it, especially me. I can party all night long. She can't. "We need something to do." I complain and Niall rolls his eyes. "We can watch television." He suggests. "Naah. There aren't any cool shows now." I answer, throwing my hands up in the air. "I'm hungry." The blondie says while walking to the kitchen. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. He comes back with a bag of chips. "Want some too, Noah?" Ooh! He shares his food with someone. Noah notices and, eventhough the pain is killing her, she chuckles a little. Enough to make our eyes light up. Still she shakes her head, afraid she might throw up again. "Love?" My voice trembles. "What made you this ill?" Her body tenses. "I had a nightmare." Those four words sound so innocent, but the truth is different. "About the movie we watched?" "No." "About what then?" What happened in her mind is scarrier than monsters. Hurts more than a thousand knives. Kills everyone it reaches. Including me.


Thought the story needed some drama! I don't know if you like drama so comment!

Xxx Astrid

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