You Have To Believe Me

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  • Dedicated to Axelle Ameele

Please read the Auther's note at the end!

Harry's P.O.V.

What happened to Noah earlier freaked me out. I gave her CPR... mouth to mouth... She wasn't breathing. She could've died. That thought killed me, especially when I noticed she wasn't better yet, at all. It got even worse. So I didn't leave her side. "Let's go home lads, it's getting late." Liam said after we all changed clothes. We stood up, ready to leave, 'till Noah asked something. "Err... Guys.. D-does one of you... Err... Bother to.. Err... Carry me?" She finally finished her sentence, blushing heavily. "Shotgun." I yelled and the others groaned. "You can't stand on your legs, love?" A totally unnecessairy question from Zayn, wich she answered with a small nod. "I'm really dizzy." I lifted her up in my strong arms (I've been working out ;) ). "Thanks, Haz." It's funny how she got so shy when she asked if anyone could carry her, knowing we're dying to do that. But I said shotgun first, BAM! reflexes. Louis started the car, Zayn sitting next to him on the passenger's seat. The rest of us were sitting in the back, eventhough there was only room for three people. It was a great excuse to get her to sit on your lap, you know?

"Niall, it's getting worse." Noah whispered, burrying her face in his neck when we got home. He looked at me, but I shrugged. "Okay, everyone, let's brainstorm." Louis suggested. "Maybe it's because of the lack of sleep?" He then asked. "Naahh, I don't think so. Are you getting sick?" She shook her head, still hidden in Niall's chest. "Can it be because of the shock?" Zayn said, but I shook my head again. "No, it must be something different." Liam started pacing back and forward in the room. What could it be? "Noah, when was the last time you ate something?" Niall asked and her mouth dropped. "Oh. fuck." Was all she said. "When, Noah? When?" I repeated, trying my best not to yell. "Estrdyoarn." She muttered. "What was that?" "Yesterdaymorning." Food, I should've known it. I curse myself, hitting my hand with the table. "I'm making dinner now." Liam joined me to the kitchen. How can you possibly not eat for that long?

Niall's P.O.V.

My eyes almost fell out of my head when she said that. I mean, how can she possibly go that long without eating? I'd starve! "How's that even possible?" She shrugged, laying on my chest. Suddenly, Louis, who was passing around in the livingroom, stopped in his tracks. "Noah." He said stern and she looked up. "You're not getting anorexic, are you?" I could see that he really meant this, she could too. "N-no." She shook her head heavily. "If you ever feel bad, you can tell us." Zayn reassured her. "I know that, lads. I really do. I'm not anorexic. I was just tired and shocked and-" "Shh." I interrupted her. "I believe you, love. We're just worried, okay? We care alot about you." Tears were blinking in her eyes, showing we just hurted her. I embraced her, as she desperatly tried to hide them. Louis kissed her forehead. "Hey, I was just asking." She nodded, her blond locks swinging up and down. "Please tell us when something's wrong."

"FOOD IS READY." Harry called us from the kitchen. "SHOTGUN." I yelled, before someone else could. "Damn." Louis groaned. "Normally I rule at this." Noah clung onto me, as I lifted her up. A spicy smell bombared my nostrils, as Liam handed me a plate full of spaghetti. I immediately digged in. It was delicious. Noah, on the other hand, took really small bites. "Mmm Harry, this is the best." She said. Girls are confusing. Though I think she should eat some more. "Thanks." He answerd, noticing it too. We all did, I think. Zayn opened his mouth to say something, but Liam shook his head, telling him to let it go. Aslong as she finishes her plate, I'm fine with it. "Louis, there's a bit spaghetti on your- naahh, pretty much everywhere." Harry joked, pointing at the boy's face. There was sauce all over it. "I'm trying to enjoy it the fullest, okay?" He defended himself. "Unlike other people." Noah rolled her eyes, pushing her plate away from her, receiving glares from all of us. "Is that all you're gonna eat?" Zayn asked, confusion written on his face. "Yeah, sorry Haz, I'm not that hungry." She apologised to the curly lad. "Not hungry?! You didn't ate anything for days." I exclaim, to wich she shrugs. "Noah." Louis said on threatening tone. "I'm not anorexic, Louis." She hissed, as she stood up. "Stay." I told her, taking her hand. "Fine." Something is wrong overhere. "Please eat some more." Harry begged, but she shook her head. "You don't like it?" He then asked, looking hurt. "I love it, I'm just not that hungry." I still hadn't got the fact that someone misses meals, let out that they refuse to eat afterwards. "If you don't eat, I'll feed you." Zayn said totally serious. "Then what? Make me throw up? If I could eat some more, believe me, I would." She defended herself, to wich he stood up. "Harry, move." He and the curly boy, who sat next to her, switched seats. "Zayn no." She said, leaning towards me, but he didn't give in. He attempted to feed her instead. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Noah muttered. "No swearing." Harry gasped and she rolled her eyes. "If you're gonna keep doing that, they're gonna get stuck like that." He joked, making her chuckle. The laughter dissapeared of course when Zayn brought a spoon towards her mouth. Her smile dropped and she gazed at me, tears blinking in her eyes. "Please Niall, make them stop." That exact moment, my heart broke in pieces. And I swear, everyone heard it break. This hurted her, alot. I could tell from the expression on her face that right now, she'd rather dissapear completely. "Zayn. Stop it." He gasped for air. "But Ni-" "Not a word. Noah. You and I are gonna talk about this and you're gonna explain everything." She nodded and stood up. I let go of her hand, knowing she needed her freedom right now. "Niall?!" The boys exclaimed after she left. "Didn't you see the look on her face? We really hurted her." They groaned and sighted. "Why is this so hard? I want her to be happy, but her health matters too." Liam said. "Why don't you go talk to her?" Harry suggested, but I shook my head. "She's probably playing the guitar right now, she needs to calm down." His mouth dropped. "I wonna hear it! She barely plays the guitar." He then yelled. "Are you kidding me? She does it every day." They gazed at me in surprise. "I didn't knew that." Louis gasped. "Yeah, me neither." Zayn added. "Wonna hear it?" I asked and they all nodded heavily. "You have to be very quiet, okay?" We tip-toed to her room, stopping infront of her door. The boys took turns on who could listen. Right now, Harry rested his ear on the wood, gasping. "This so beautiful." He whispered. Suddenly it stopped and Noah sweared. They all gazed at me in surprise. "She only swears when she's alone." I explained, getting some 'ohh's' as an answer."Now, Liam, I need a piece of paper. Zayn, get me a pen." They nodded and left. When they got back, I layed on the floor (that's easier to write). 'Wonna talk?' It said. Then I shoved it underneath the door. A few minutes later, it came back and I recognised her small handwriting. 'Maybe. Do you?' The lads gazed at me in astonishment. 'Yes I do. I miss you, you know? It hurts me to know that you're all alone with something on your mind.' I passed it again. 'I kind of miss you too... What do you wonna talk about?' 'Why are you so offended?' When I read her answer, I noticed it had a stain of tear. 'It's girl thing. It hurts when someone mentions your weight or what you eat. No matter what you say, it always will.' 'But anorexic doesn't mean you're fat, right? In some sort of way, he was giving you a compliment.' 'It reminded me of what I'm not.' Those words stabbed my heart. I never really realized how much things like this bother her. 'I know you won't believe me, but you are. Now why don't you come out? I hate to know you're crying. My fingers long to whipe those tears away.' 'Do you promise not to forse me again? You have to believe me, I can't eat more.' 'Promise.' The sound of her door unlocking filled the corridor, as I told the boys to leave. She stood there, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. I stretched my arms out. She buried herself in my chest. "Shhh. I believe you."

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