I'll Tell You When I'm Ready

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Louis' P.O.V.

"What are we gonna do tonight?" I ask Paul, eventhough I know he's not the one who decides that. His mouth opens, ready to say something, when someone roughly interrupts him. "LOUIS." I turn around by the sound of my name, looking for danger. No murderers, no monsters, blood or knives. I sigh relieved, untill I notice the one who dramatically called my name. Noah gasps for air, crawling out of Harry's grip. Her hair stands wild, just like her eyes. "Louis." She repeats and I take her hand. "I'm here, love." I pull her close to me, as she grabs my shirt. "Calm down. What happened? What did you see?" Paul asks her on a relaxed but stern tone. "It's nothing. I'm sorry. What were you guys chatting about?" She plasters a fake smile on her face, trying to change the subject. "Not working." Josh states, not even mentioning what he's talking about. We all know what he means anyway. "Just tell us." He says and I nod. "We all saw what happened when you keep secrets from us." For a second Noah's speechless. Then she starts shaking her head heavily. "She'll tell us when she's ready. Won't you, dear?" Niall, who probably woke up because of the noise, says. Leaving all of us in shock. "I will. Just not now, okay?" She promises. "No, you have to tell us. Talking helps, always." Even Liam joined the conversation now. "Yeah, like your little speech did. I think everyone feels so much better now." My voice is soaked in sarcasm, as I refuse to hide my disgust. He tries to defend himself, but then remains silent. "That's what I thought." "Leave him, Louis. He's a bit stressed. We're all trying to help." Paul says, trying to calm me down. "NO, I'M FED UP WITH IT. It's not okay to just hurt Noah and walk away with it. She can't handle that. I can't handle that." By the end of the sentence, my screaming turns into sobbing. It's too much, sorry. "Shhh, Lou. Come with me for a second." Harry stands up, taking my hand. His eyes are small, he just woke up. He drags me into his room, falling down on the bed. "What's bothering you?" I shake my head, but he doesn't give up. "I'M FINE. NOW LET ME GO." I try to return to the livingroom, but his grip around me tightens. He holds my shoulders, pinning me against the wall. "No. If you go back there and start yelling, you'll scare her. She hates to see us fight, thinking it's her fault. I can't let that happen. My biggest priority now is making her smile again. I need to hear that laugh, I need to. So relax, 'cause I'm not letting you go before you do." His voice trembles a little and I notice the hurt in his eyes. "Okay, Haz. I'm sorry." I look at the ground, not wanting to face him. He lifts my chin up, forcing me to like at him. "It's fine. Just keep my words in mind." A relieved sigh escapes my mouth. My body relaxes again. "I'm good. Let's go back." He squeezes my hand and smiles slightly. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Boo." I chuckle, he's back to the normal Harry. I play with his curls, knowing I'm one of the only people who can.

We walk back to the livingroom, seeing Harry was right. Niall and Liam are having an argument and Noah is watching, hugging her knees. Her expression is pained, her eyes slightly narrowed. "I'm older then you, you know I'm better at making decisions." Liam shoots at Niall, not even noticing us. "I know her better. She's still mine. I'm the one who brought her here." I lay my arms around her neck and she looks up. A weak smile appears on her face. "Maybe we should listen to Noah. I bet she has an opinion too." The girl freezes now everyone looks at her. "We can make a compromise." I continue. They frown, wondering what I have in mind. "We give you one week to tell it to one of us. You can choose who and don't need to tell us who you choose first. But, if you don't do it, you have to the tell all of us." Her expression is a mix of relieve and worries. "Since when are you this smart?" Josh asks me, after everyone agreed. "It's because of the carrots."

"Urgh, I'm bored." I complain for the twintiest time. "We know." Zayn says, not even looking up from his cell phone. "Then do something about it." Still no one reacts. Liam and Paul are discussing something, probably the setlist for the next concert. "Guys." Seriously, this place is dead. "Catch, Lou, catch!" Harry grabs a carrot, throwing it away. I'm so bored, I even have the urge to go after it. "Tss, you lazy people." I start jumping on the couch, knowing it'll annoy them. "Louis. Stop that." Niall hisses under his breath. "Make me." He looks at Noah, who's laying on his chest, then at me. "Go ahead." She says crawling out of his grip, going to the curly boy. "Now you're really dead, carrotman." I try to run away, but Josh holds my foot. Niall takes this oppertunity to jump on my back. I groan, eventhough he's not that heavy. "This isn't fair. Two versus one." I run across the room, giving him a piggyback. "Boys, stop." Harry warns us, as he narrows his eyes. "Don't be such a partypooper." Liam remains quiet, afraid to say something. He still feels guilty about what he said. Now Zayn raises his voice. "If you don't stop right now, p-" He gets interrupted by a loud beng, followed by groans. One from me, from Niall and... Harry and Noah. "People will get hurt." He finishes his sentence. I quickly stand up, helping up the little leprechoan. The other two stay on the ground. "Li, something's wrong with Haz." Noah's voice trembles, as she searches for any damage on his body. Liam jumps up, back to his old self. "Louis, take the first aid kit, Josh take care of Noah. Niall you're with me." Harry slowly opens his eyes, groaning. His words play in my mind. My biggest priority now is making her smile again. I'm supposed to be helping him! But no, selfish little Lou has to make it even harder. Don't worry, mate. I'll take care of you.

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