Waking up in paradise*

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Louis's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes, immediately blinded by the bright light. Before I knew it, a groan escaped my mouth. I sat up, taking everything in. It was quite adorable, honestly. Noah was laying on top of Harry and Niall, who were leaning against Zayn, who's head was resting on Liam. I tried my best not to chuckle, not wanting to wake them up. I stood up to make myself some Yorkshire tea. Hmm, the best way to wake up. As the hot fluid teased my taste buds, I let the memories of yesterday take over my thoughts. Immediately, a wide grin crept on my face. It was definitely a day to remember. "Lou, is that you?" A husky voice called from the living room. I walked back to the couch and mentioned a certain curly boy to shut his face. "Ohh." He muttered in an understanding matter. "Make me some tea." He pleaded, pouting like a small child. "Do it yourself." I laughed at Harry, who's curls were sticking in every possible direction. "But I don't wonna wake her up." He answered, pointing to the little girl sleeping on his lap. "Look how peaceful she seems, those eyes, who're always pointed to the ground, closed. I actually wonder what color they have. Look at that small smile on her thin lips. Look how safe she feels. Do you really want me to ruin that?" It was true, she did look exactly like that. "Fine, enough with the sentimental stuff before I start crying." I joked, leaving to the kitchen again. When I came back, Harry was playing with her blond locks, a smirk apparent on his lips. Suddenly, it fell. "What's wrong, Haz?" I asked, handing him his tea. "She'll leave." He whispered, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Niall'll be so broken." I closed my eyes, as the realization hit me. "He'll cry for days." Harry shook his head. "For weeks, you know what he's like. She's his lucky charm now. When Niall cries, everybody cries." He said, stroking her forehead. I nodded, thinking of the naive little Irish lad. It's unbearable to see him with a broken smile. "There's gotta be a solution." I wanted to say more, but the petite body in Harry's arms began moving. It was pretty adorable, honestly. Her eyes fluttered open and a painful expression appeared on her face. But as soon as she noticed she wasn't the only one awake, a wide smile crept on her pale face. No love, please don't do that. Don't fake smile for us. If she only knew that every one of us would die to carry her or to hold her in his arms. "Good morning." I chuckled at her morning voice. You could really hear English wasn't her first language now. Harry smirked and buried her even deeper in his chest. She sighed satisfied and closed her eyes again. "Still tired?" I asked her and she answer with a nod. "Mhm. I'm not really a morning person." Her voice was muffled by Harry's chest. She loves us, I thought happily. We make her feel safe. I gazed in her eyes. Everyone would've looked at her gorgeous smile, but I knew better now. In her orbs I noticed an interesting mix off happiness and pain. "Come on, love. Lemme take a look at your leg." I said, extending my arm to help her up. A knew emotion appeared in her eyes: Fear. "Louis isn't gonna hurt you, dear." Harry comforted her, rubbing her cheek. Fuck plan A. I picked her up bride style and carried her to the table. She desperately grabbed my shirt, afraid to fall. I laid her down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Trust me." Just as I wanted to take the bandage off, Liam popped up behind me. "I'll take care of that." He said, laying his hand on my shoulder. He pealed off the red colored compress. "This is gonna hurt a bit, okay? Just focus on the lads." He warned her, before touching the cut. Harry and I instantly started making funny faces. She shrank in, but laughed anyway. Tears rushed to her waterline. She squeezed my hand, refusing to let them fall. Liam bit his lip and I knew the pain was gonna get worse now. She let out a groan and one by one, the tears rolled down her cheeks. I lifted my hand, whipping them away with my thumb. "Shh.. It'll be over soon." Harry whispered, kissing her forehead. "I'm done." Liam cheered and soon, relief was clear on our faces. I pulled Noah in a hug. "Alright now?" I asked her. Of course she's not you asdfghjklm... She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder. "We all know you're not." Harry said, stroking her hair. "Then why did you ask?" She teased us, an interesting hint apparent in her eyes. "That was Louis, not me." He raised his hands in mocking defense and she shot him a weak smile.

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