Waiting For You

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Louis' P.O.V.

I take a look around the corner. Three men. One of them has knive. Run Louis, run. My mind forces me to go back. But my heart says no. There, in the grip of a monster. My little angel. She's not crying, she's not even screaming. She can't. All her spirit flew away with the blood. Let's end this. Her eyes scream this words. Okay, we'll end it. But we'll do it my way. I run to a men with black hair. I kick him, I punch him, controlled by my anger. Her eyes shot open. "No, Go away." She tries to scream, like she did when we met. When she was just a cold little girl. She still is now. Her blonde hair. Those innocent eyes. They're pointed at the ground. My enemy hits me in the face. Focus. That's what Paul always says. I wish he was here. I wish SOMEONE was here. Shut it. There is no one. I make a fist and hit him on his nose. Knock out. One done, only two to go. I attack another guy. He falls on the ground, holding his crotch. "I'd stop that if I was you. Unless you want the little girl here to die. What a waiste. That beautiful face, covered with cuts. Can you imagine it?" The only men left laughs, as he puts his knive on Noah's neck. Fuck. She might seem weak, but all those lies didn't make her less unpredictable. Quickly she lifts her leg and kicks him in the balls. Hard. Like really hard. I run towards her, spreading my arms. Her liveless body almost falls on the ground. But just like Niall, I catch her. I hold her close, making sure I don't hurt her. "Louis." She mutters, trying to stay awake. "Yes, love. I'm here. I'm not leaving you. Can you hear me? I'm not leaving you. Not this time. So stay with me. The lads are waiting for you at home." I say, opening my jacket. I take her in my arms, hiding her in the coat. Her eyes focused on mine. Her beautiful hair all wet from the rain. Her hand beautified with the words: I Miss You ~ Blink 182. It's her way to express her feelings.

Hello there, The angel from my nightmare.

I need somebody and always

This sick strange darkness

Comes creeping on so haunting every time

Will you come home and stop this pain tonight

And stop this pain tonight

Don't waiste your time on me.

You're already, the voice inside my head.

I miss you, I miss you

I'll be there love. I won't leave your side. Tonight, you'll fall asleep in my arms. No more nightmares, no more darkness. I'll defend you from all the monsters out here. And I'll make sure no one, ever, ever, touches you again. "Don't worry, dear. I'll stop your pain tonight." Her eyes light up and somehow, it makes me smile. I'm in pain, I'm angry, I'm frustrated, but she can still make me smile.

"I told you to be patient

I told you to be fine

I told you to be balanced

I told you to be kind

Now all your love is waisted

And who the hell was I"

My voice calmes her down. I continue singing, as I show her my hand. Skinny Love ~ Birdy. And now I see. Now I finally see. That look in her eyes, it wasn't jealousy. It was dissapointment.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Fine, asshole. Don't think you'll ever see me again. I never loved you anyway." Julie says with a stern voice. I never loved you anyway. Her words are on replay. I never loved you. Never. They crush my heart. Please, make it stop. Never. Someone, help me. Every sullaby feels like a needle. "Leave." It surprises me how calm I sound when I show her the door. Her high heels tick on the ground, as she walks through the house like she owns the place. How does she even dare to do that? That beautiful mask of smiles and laughs dropped. Tonight, I met the real devil. She's crazy, there's something wrong in her mind. But she didn't do this alone. Someone must've helped her, told her what to do. She might be pretty, but she's not that smart. Not smart enough to set this up. These lies, these terrible lies. She didn't make them up.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I run through the house, trying to help where I can. It's been an houre since Louis left us. The fans left us alone when they saw we really needed to leave. "Niall, you alright, mate?" I whisper, as I hand him a towel. His eyes are red from crying and he's bending over the toilet. Of course he's not alright, you dumbass. He can't handle this much blood AND the thought that it came from Noah's wounded body. So he throws up, wishing his little angel was here to help. Wishing she was here so he could help HER. "Do you think she'll be okay?" He looks up, breaking me with those puppy eyes. I nod, scared that my voice'll betray me. I miss her. I want her to help me take care of the lads. "She's a strong girl. Everything will turn out fine." I embrace him, trying to comfort him, but failing horribly. The smell of the vomit. It's disgusting. "Why don't you take a shower? So you can hold her really close when she comes back." If she comes back. Louis should be back by now. Where is he? Where is that damn Dunchasterlad? Why did he leave me here? Niall nods, flushing the toilet. I leave the bathroom, searching for Liam. He's making everything ready. According to the blood on the floor, we'll need a lot of bandage. But someone stops me. I turn around, facing Harry. He might look just as bad as our blondie. "Come here, Curly." He burries his face in my neck. His curls tickle me. "What happened?" I ask worried, as I notice the red mark on his cheek. "Sh-She slapped me. I-I could've slapped back b-" "You still love her. I get it. It's okay. There's a little part of me that loves her too. Even after all this things she did. It'll only dissapear when I hold Noah's bruised body in my arms. Then I'll stop loving her, forgood." It's true. My mind misses her smile. Her FAKE smile, Zayn. It was a lie. Everything was I lie. So I need to see Noah. The only thing that can comfort me right now is a hug from her. I want to see HER smile. The real one. Not the one that hides her pain, the one that tricked us the past few weeks. But she won't show me that smile tonight. Tonight is a night filled with tears. Including mine, eventhough I keep whiping them away. I can't cry, not yet. I need to comfort the two youngest lads. My pain has to wait. "She'll come back, right? She'll come back and make everything better." Harry mutters between the sobbing. "We can't expect that from her." I whisper, not loud enough for him to hear me. "Did you here that?" He asks, hoping he didn't dream it. "Yes, I did." The sound of a door being unlocked.


Okay, hope you liked it :D I'll upload the next chapter if I have 150 votes AND 100 comments... It'll go quicker if you share this story with your friends. The more readers the faster I get votes and comments ;) so SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Little teaser: How will the lads react when she comes home? What'll she say? Will she be angry? Share and you'll find out :)

Xxx Astrid

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