An Appel From The Queen

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Noah's P.O.V.

I run to the bathroom, almost hitting Niall. "Are you alright, love?" He asks worried. I try to open my mouth and say something, but my words are lost in the vomit that's making it's way through my throte. He follows me an dgrabs my hair before I bend over the toilet. On the long list of thing I hate, This is on top. Throwing up, my worst nightmare. "Thank you." I try my best to calm myself down. "It's okay, dear. You'll be fine. Don't worrt." He whispers in my ear while rubbing my back.  I vomit again, but Niall doesn't look away. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to." I say with a rough voice. "No, I'm not leaving you. You stayed with me too on the boat. Remember?" I nod before throwing up again. "I'll call Liam, okay?" He walks to the door and calls him. "What's u- Noah are you alright, girl?" I want to answer him but I can't, It's starting again. "Clearly, she isn't." Niall says for me. Liam lays his hand on my head. "You have a fever. Maybe it's food poisening."

Niall's P.O.V.

"Niall, I th- Nevermind." Noah whispered when she calmed down. We were sitting on the ground in the bathroom, her head in my chest. "What? You can tell me everything." I try to convinse her to tell me, But I can see she's hesitating. "I-I think Julie poisened me." She whispers, really quikly. "Can you repete that?" "No. Nevermind. It's stupid anyway. I'm seeing things that aren't there." I hold my breath. Is she jealouse?? No, right? She shakes her head like crazy. "Calm down, love." I advise her, ignoring her comment. It's probably just her fever. I kiss her forehead. "I'm sure you'll be okay." She nods. "Wonna go to bed? We can watch a movie together?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Okay." She's doing her best to sound happy, but I can hear she's feeling terrible. I look in her eyes, I can just see the tears she's hiding. I pick her up and carry her to her bed. "Thank you, Niall. You're the best person I know." We watch the movie and I carefully wait untill she falls asleep. My little angel, I thinks she's just falling deeper and deeper.

***next morning***


"Noah can't join us to the interview, she's to sick." Liam explaines. Niall offered to stay with her but she sended him away saying the fans need him. But we are taking Julie. "Let's g-" I start. "No wait." Niall interupts me, as he runs upstairs. I bet he's saying goodbye to Noah.

"So, this is your new girl? Can we know her name?" The interviewer asks. She said it's okay if we tell the fans her name. She doesn't want to keep any secrets from them. "Her name is Julie Lacroix. She's from France." We explain. "Well, Nice to meet you. Last interview, you brought Symphony. Not all the fans like her. We've got some comments right here.

-She's just a dumb barbiedoll. #OneDirectionDeservesBetter- MeganLoves1D

-How can a girl be so fat?- Directioner4ever

And there are thousands of comments like this." The Interviewer says. "If those girls love us, they should love her too. We're not gonna leave her. She's our little sister." Louis defends Noah. Niall turns red and liam tries to calm him down. "I think this isn't a good thing to say in an interview. Insulting someone we love. Are you new to this? I ask, completely serious. The man ignores my question and continues. "We gave our viewers a chance to get to now Julie. So, what do you all think?" He starts to read the comments.

-She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I wish I looked like her.- Liam'sTurtle

-One direction choose better this time! x - ILoveCarrots

-I've only known her for one day, but I know she's absolutely amazing. She's like an older sister to me.- Symphony

Is that last comment from your little sister? Symphony?" My mouth drops. Is she watching this. Then I realise something that breaks my heart. She heared all the insults.

R's P.O.V.

"Here's your money sir. We've never met, never talked." I say. He nods and walks away. Me and The Directionaters: 1 vs Symphony: 0


Hello! Hope your enjoying it. So, who's side are you choosing? Noah's, Julie's? Let me know! AND I LOVE THE COMMENTS. Keep up the support :D It makes happy all the time. Here's the magic word: COOKIES BREAKING TABLES ('cause Zayn asked them too ;)) Almost 100 votes and more than 2000 views. Thank you!

xxx Astrid

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