A Perfect Day

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Niall's P.O.V.

I already miss her. I should make plans for tomorrow. "Any ideas for what we can do tomorrow?" I ask the lads. "The beach?" Harry suggests. "No, We have to think of her leg too. Maybe we can... Hire a boat!" Liam says, thinking out loud. "Yeah, We can bring our surfboards. Fish a little. " Louis seems to like the idea. We all do. "I just have to make a phonecall." Liam says while walking to the hallway. I hope she'll like it. She will, right? "Don't worry Niall, I'm sure she'll love it." Zayn suddenly comforts me. I guess I look a little worried. I take my phone and text her. I gave her my number before she left.

-Feel like doing a boattrip tomorrow? Xxx Nialler-

Please say yes. Please say yes.

-I'd love to! But are you sure you wonna see me again tomorrow? Xxx Noah-

I sight. I want her by my side. Why can't she understand that?

-We'll pick you up tomorrowmorning! Bring your bikini with you! Xxx-

"Is she coming?" Zayn asks. "Yes, But she thinks we don't like her." Damn, My little angel. "How can she think that?" Louis asks, More to himself. We all sigh. Atleast she's coming. I wish i could help her. I can try. And I will.

Liam came back from the hallway. "I hired a boat for tomorrow. Have you asked Noah yet?" He asks. "Yes, She's coming." I'm really looking forward to it. "Feel like watching a movie?" Harry says. We nod and start watching a horrormovie before going to bed.

Noah's P.O.V.

I woke feeling the pain in my leg. It seems to be a pretty deep cut. I was such a pussy last night. Why do I always have to be a dramaqueen? I go to the bathroom to take a shower. What should I wear? Shorts and a top? Sounds good. It'll fit above my bikini. I suddenly realised something. I'm gonna spend the day with ONE DIRECTION! I put on my clothes and check my phone. 1 message from Niall.

-We'll be there at 10pm xxx Your Blondie-

It's 9.30 now so I quickly take breakfast. I'd just finish my food when I hear the doorbell. It's probably the lads. I stumbled to the door. Because of my leg I couldn't walk fully normal. When I open the door I see my five boys. "Noah! Watch out for your leg!" Liam immediately screams. Niall sees it and picks me up. "Guys, I still have to get my bag. It's in the kitchen." I protest. "I'll find it!" Zayn says and he walks in, not waiting for my reaction. A few minutes later he comes out, the bag in his hand. "Let's go." Harry says and Niall carries me to the car. He pulls me on his lap again. I don't know why always does that.

"Love, We have something for you. We're trying to protect you from the papperazi. "Harry says while holding up a little mask. It's white and only covers the area around your eyes. I love it! "Put it on. " He continues. It fits perfectly. "Where did you guys find this?" I ask, still wearing the mask. "We bought it in a little store not far from our hotel. Do you want to wear it today?" Liam says. "Of cours not! Thank you. "

Louis is driving us to the port. Appearently they rented a boat. It's a pretty big one and it has surfboards and stuff to fish on it. Liam goes to the rental company to get the keys. The boys climbe on the boat and Zayn takes me in his arms before me and Niall get in. "Dude?! Give her back!" Niall yells and we all laugh. "No, I wonna have her. I haven't had her yet!" Harry protests. "Just put me back on my feet!" I interrupt them. Those boys are crazy. Zayn puts me back on my feet. But he still lays his hand around my waist so I wouldn't trip. "Let's go." Liam says while starting the boat. I sit down next to Superman, who puts his arm on my shoulder. The sea is calm and it doesn't take long 'till we reach a nice spot. We stop the boat and throw out the anchor .

"Now!" Niall screams and all the boys jump up, spraying something on my skin. "Guys?!" I yell. They start rubbing it on my skin. "We don't want your skin to burn!" Zayn answers. They could've asked!?

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