Silver Tears

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Noah's P.O.V.

"YOU BLOODY BITCH." My face goes blanc. His words paralise me, cut my heart in pieces. I gasp, trying to get some air. My throat hurts, my head is pounding. I jump up, trying to run on my shaking legs. The pain breaks me, but I keep going. I open the first door I see, knowing my legs won't be able to carry me any longer. Stop acting like a victim, you bloody bitch. Is that really what he thinks? Maybe he's right? Urgh, what am I thinking?! Of course he's right! I'm just crying all day long while they need to take care of me. I don't deserve them. He was right. She was right. They're popstars, not babysitters. How stupid am I?! For a few moments, I actually thought this could happen. That I was the lucky girl. That they'd love me. Why would they do that? Who can love a fat little girl? Who can live with the selfish creature that I am? My eyes close, as I try to block all my feelings out. Fuck this. Fuck myself.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"YOU BLOODY BITCH." Our jaw drops when this words escape Liam's mouth. Noah's face goes blanc. No. Not again. She gathers all her strength and runs away. I turn around, trying to go after her. "Zayn, don't." Liam tries to stop me, but I push his arm away. "No. No Liam. You blew it. Now I'm going to fix it. 'Cause you can't." The sentence echoes through the room, as I walk away. "Noah, can I come in?" I knock on the door. No answer. The door cracks when I open it. She's laying on the bed, her head on her knees. Still blocking all the feelings. "Come here, love." My arms embrace her cold body and she nuzzles her head in my neck. "He didn't mean that. We're all just tired. You're always so strong. When other people fall, you stand up. Everyone can count on you. You always want to please others, not even paying attention to your own needs. But now that won't work. You have to drop the mask. So please, dear. Look me in the eyes and cry, cry your eyes out." Nothing changes. She's still acting the same. The desperation takes over as I start sobbing myself. "Please, just do it. For me. Do it for me, for that little leprechoan. For god's sake, Noah. Do it for yourself." Her eyes search for mine. One by one, the feelings break through. So do the tears. She's just sitting there, curled up, shivering, crying. She's everything but broken. Her mouth opens, as she starts whispering lyrics. She doesn't sing them. That wouldn't be right. Somehow, it makes the words stand out even more. I embrace her while she sends shivers down my spine. "You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear my down. I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper." Tears stream down her face, but I'm not whiping them away. Those bittersweet drops of emotion, I waited so long to see them. For me they're worth a million dollars. Little diamants. "Now close your eyes, love." She does what I say, curling up against my chest. Her breath goes steady and so does mine. I watch closely how she falls asleep. The tears dry, the sound of her words faded, but they'll be in my heart forever.

"Is she alright?" Everyone asks me, as I enter the livingroom. "She is now." Her eyes are still red, marks are showing on her pale face. "Noah cried." Louis gazes at me, his mouth wide open. "How did you do that?" "I begged her too. My own tears comforted hers, as hers comforted mine. We cried together and she whispersang something for me. The words are still echoing in my mind." Liam looked at the ground, ashamed. Guilt is written on his face. It should be. He hurted two people I love. "Can I talk to her?" His words are soaked in pain. They cut through everything, exept my heart. 'Cause my heart is with my little angel now. She stole it and flew away to her dreams with it. "No. No one can interrupt her sleep, or they'll regret it. She's staying with Niall. Go to sleep Liam. You too Harry, you can lay with her when it's your turn." The curly boy's eyes light up. That's right. I'm thinking of everone. Exept me, of course. That happens when you take the lead. It feels weird, going all Daddy Direction over Daddy Direction. But it's the right thing to do. I hand Niall the little girl in my arms. He gazes at me, thankfully taking her in his strong arms. She shivers and grabs his shirt, holding on to it. He plays with her beautiful locks for a while, then his breath went steady. Another angel took off.

Louis' P.O.V.

"Can you get another blanket?" Zayn asks me. I nod, walking away. He's taking the lead and I like it. Liam doesn't deserve it at this point. Okay, he freaked out. That's fine. But what he said to Noah isn't. He really hurted her. It even hurted me. We waited and waited. Wanting to see her tears. No one wants her sad, of course not. We just want to have a look in her mind. And his words ruined that. Stop acting like a victim. Where does he even get that thought? She's always so strong, too strong. I spread the blanket over Niall's and hers body. He's lucky to lie with her. He deserves it, he feels so guilty. "Anything else I can do?" For once, my words aren't soaked in sarcasm. "No, it's fine. Thanks Lou. We just need to make sure Harry and Liam get some sleep. Let's grab some breakfast." Zayn sighs, it's hard to take the lead. The fear of doing something wrong is terrible. "Should I get some? You two can stay here with Paul and the lads." Josh suggests, finally looking up from Noah's pale face. "Sure. Thanks dude." I say, eventhough I know he actually doesn't want to leave. He cares so much about her. The best musician ever. Our little girl looks up to him, so he wants to make a good impression. I look at her. Her eyes closed and her breath steady. So peaceful. It forms a contrast with the bruises and cuts, the marks from her silver tears, the pale colour of her skin. She shivered a little, still cold. As she nuzzled her face in Niall's neck. The perfect couple. More than a brother and sister. More than two lovers. More than just friends.

Harry's P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open, as I hear someone mentioning my name. "He's asleep. Should we wake up?" I recognised Zayn's voice. "He deserves his sleep. He took care of Noah last night." Paul answers him. I looked at the blonde girl. She's asleep. "Can I have her now?" Everyone awake, wich isn't alot of people, turns around when they hear me. "Don't you want something to eat first?" Josh asks me. I think he went out to find us some breakfast, since he holds a bag of food in his hand. He notices the hesitation in my eyes. My stomach is begging for food, but my heart is begging for Noah. "Take her with you. I don't think she'll wake up." I gaze at Zayn. His expression is filled with sympathy. Louis looks at him, surprised he even suggested that. "Would you like that?" I nod heavily and walk up to her. Her body feels vulnerable in my strong arms. I gaze at her perfect face, forgetting everything around me. "HARRY?!" Louis screams after throwing something at me. I look up, it's a sandwich. "Lou, don't throw with food." Zayn warns him, looking like a parent. "B-" "No. Are you alright, Haz?" Everyone turns to me and I just sit there, staring. "You see what I mean?" Lou defends himself, throwing his hands up in the air. "Gosh, calme down. He's just tired, okay." Josh says, as he starts playing with my curls. "Don't touch the curls." I protest, making him chuckle. "Damn. It was worth the try." He continues his meal. "What are you laughing at?" Zayn asks Paul, who's sitting at the edge of the table with a huge grin on his face. "It's funny what that girl does to you guys." It's true. Liam is sleeping. Niall misses a meal. Zayn is acting responsible instead of gazing at his reflection. "It's adorable." He finishes under our protest. "WE ARE NOT ADORABLE." "Shhh. You'll wake Noah up." I stop them, stroking her hair. She shoves a little, taking my shirt in her hands. She always does that, as if she thinks we'll leave her otherwise. "Harry, I think you should go back to sleep now." Zayn says and I get an -,- expression. "I'm not tired." "You are." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "N-" My words get interrupted by a yawn and Louis chuckles. "Shhh. Relax." He whispers in my ear, rubbing cheek. "Stop it." But he doesn't. His breath is so calming. I feel my mind drifting away. Finally I give in and close my eyes satisfied, falling in a deep sleep.

Noah's P.O.V.


"Let me go." I scream and kick everywhere I can. But he doesn't let go. His hands hold me even tighter. Fight, Noah, fight. The fear paralises me. "Stay still." He warns me. His voice scares me, crushes a part of me. I gasp for air. "Just give up." No. Never. His hands cover my mouth and I bite, I bite really hard.

End of dream.


Okay... First... Sorry for the crappy chapter... Do you prefer me writing feelings and thoughts or just what's happening? Second... I just found out about the rankings... my story is pretty low , so will you please give me as much feedback as you can? And THANK YOU!! I have OVER 10,000 reads :D I love you so much

Xxx Astrid

My eyes shot open. "LOUIS."

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