The B for Beach, or Is It Blood?

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R's P.O.V.

Don't worry,guys. I'm not giving up yet. They are mine, forever. And that prettly little bitch? She's going down. That's what happens when you walk in my way. You will be trampled. My pawns are put. Ready, Set, Go.

Noah's P.OV.

Mmm... I can feel the sun warming my skin. The boys thought it'd be fun to go to the beach. I have to say they were right. Eventhough  they attacked me with sunblock again... "Noah, Can you play something on the guitar for me?" Harry asks me. "No curly. You know I don't play for people." I explain. It's only me and him. Louis and Liam went surfing and Niall and Zayn are building a sandcastle near the sea. They wanted to have water around it so they couldn't build it here. "But love. You played that song last time." He begs, but I shake my head. No concerts. I'm not good at playing in public, I hate it. "Why aren't you going to that girl at the first aid station?" He frowns. "What? Was it that obvious?" I nod with a huge smile on my face. "I don't have a reason to go there." His face turns a little sad. He really likes her. "I can give you one. Here, take that shell. Just cut my wound open." He stares at me, shaking his head like crazy. "Noah?! I'm not gonna do that for a girl. I haven't even talked to her. Don't ever suggest something like that again." He yells. He likes her! Why can't he just do it?! "Fine, I'll do it myself." I mutter. When he doesn't look I cut open the wound on my leg. The blood is streaming down my thigh. "H-h-harry, Pl-please help me." I stutter, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Girl, why did you do that?!" Harry yells again and he tries to find something to stop the bleeding. "J-just bring me to the first aid station, o-okay?" He hugs me and lays my head in his neck. "Oh god, oh god." He mutters in my ear. I have to try my best to keep myself from crying even harder. The pain is awfull. He takes the shell out of my cramped hand and throws it away. I try to focus on his heartbeat while he carries me. "The boys are going to kill me." No Harry. Don't blame yourself. "T-tell them I tripped on the breakwater." The sound of his heartbeat is moving away. Quieter every time. Beat-beat. Beat-beat. Beat-beat. Beat-beat. Beat-beat. 

Harry's P.O.V. 

Oh god, what have I done? Her eyes are red and her face is pale. "Noah, don't pass out, okay? You have to stay with me." All of this because of the beautiful brunette. She stole my heart though. When she sees me coming she jumps up and starts looking for bandages. I take a closer look and notice that the both of us are covered in blood. "Sir, what happened?" She asks worried. "My little sister fell on the breakwater. I think she's gonna faint." Tears are burning in my eyes. This is my fault! "Calm down. She's gonna be alright. It's because of the blood she lost. My name is Julie by the way." Julie says with a french R. I look at Noah again. She passed out. The boys are really gonna kill me now. The girl used some bandages and whiped away the blood. "You see? Everything will be just fine. Give her a couple of minutes and she'll wake up." 

"Are you sure she fell?" Louis asks again. I nod, holding back my tears. Liam is the only one who knows the truth, I had to tell me. I really had to. I look at Niall. He's holding Noah in his arms, Desperatly trying to wake her up. "Just let her rest." We advise him. He stops and pulls her on his lap. Her body is limp and her head lays on his shoulder with her beautiful eyes closed. "Mmrmmrm." She makes a quiet sound. "Noah? Wake up, please." Blondie begs her. Slowly her eyes open. "Niall." She mutters. "Yes love. I'm here. Don't worry, everything will be okay." He appeases her. Sometimes it surprises me how good he can handle this kind of situations. I feel sorry, Very sorry. How could I let this happen? "Does it hurts a lot?" Zayn asks her. She shakes her head, our pretty little liar. "Love, We know it does. Don't lie to us, okay?" He whispers in her ear. "Do you want to go to our hotel?" She shakes her head again and burries her face in Nialls neck. "I'm fine here." He rubs her back softly, trying not to cry. He will, eventually.

After Julie helped our little angel, she gave me her number. She seems nice. Noah fell asleep on Nialls lap, his arms wrapped around her. She's really exhausted. Liam says it's from all the blood loss. Niall was scared at first, He thought she passed out again. "I think we should go home." I say taking our bags. The lads nod and start helping me. "Zayn, Are you coming?" He doesn't answer. "Zayn?" Louis bursts into laughter. "He's asleep! Really something for him." Liam sighs and picks him up. "Another Ziam picture. The fans will be amused." We drive home in silence. I look at Noah again and I feel a stab in my heart. I can't take this anymore. "She cutted the wound open herself!" 

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