Your Nurse

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Noah's P.O.V.

I walked into Harry's room with a notepad in my hands. The doctor came about an hour ago and he gave me a list of things to do. He also told me what their disease was called, but I forgot... Luckily it's on my computer. "Hi, Haz. Would you like some soup or tea?" I asked the curly boy, who was still laying on his bed. "Soup please." I wrote it down and left. "Wait, would you like to watch TV with Lou? I can help you downstairs if you want." He nodded heavily, but stopped that quickly. "I would love that. Thank you." "Anytime." I then entered Niall's room, asking him the same question. Instead of answering, he started chuckling. "You look like a waitress." I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Do I at least look like a cute waitress?" He flashed a smile. "More like adorable." "Why adorable." "Because four letters are not enough to describe you, neither are eight, but it's a start." I pulled him in a hug, breathing in his scent. "You're such a charmer. Soup it is, I guess?" He laughed and nodded. "Of course, love." I kissed his cheek. "Wonna go downstairs and watch TV with Harry and Louis?" I asked while walking towards the door. "Yeah sure." "Okay, I'll be right at you." "Can't wait." He whispered, winking. The pervert ;). I went to Liam, who was still sound asleep. So I left a note. 'Call me if you want some soup or tea, home made :) xx Noah.' Then I walked to Zayn's room, finding him throwing up. He looked terrible, honestly. From all the boys, he and Li were the sickest. "Shhh." I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. "Thanks, Noah." He whispered, gasping for air. "Shhh, calm down. You should've told me, okay?" I told him, hugging him from the side. "I tried." His voice was muffled by my chest. "You'll be better soon. Do you want some soup or tea?" I asked and he shook his head. "You're right. This time you really have to call me if something's wrong. Or would you rather stay downstairs?" He thought for a second. "Is it okay if I stay downstairs." I nodded and helped him up. "Be careful, before the both of us fall of the stairs." I winked and he chuckled a bit. "Louis, is it okay if Zayn gets a couch for himself?" "Yeah, take a seat, dude." I walked back upstairs, getting the other two boys. When they were all settled down, I got their drinks. Louis & Harry shared a couch, while Zayn and Niall had one for their self.  "Watch out, lads. It's hot." I warned before handing them their mugs. They bursted out in laughter. "Yes, Mom." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." "This is like the best soup ever! What brand is it?" Louis asked, asking me to give him some more. "I'm pretty sure I've tasted it before." Harry muttered and I chuckled. "I made it myself. Though it's Anne's recipe. She said she hoped you'd get better soon." The boys gasped. "You cooked this?! Like with a knife and fire?!" I shook my head, smiling. "Naah, I used Louis' TOMS." "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?!" Niall exclaimed, almost jumping up. "Calm down, Li. Do you seriously think I've never used a knife before? It was totally safe. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna make dinner." I turned around, walking to the kitchen. "No way, we're ordering pizza." Louis said, trying to find his phone. "You guys need vitamins, so put that phone down. Now." I commanded and he slowly obeyed.

They all groaned, as I left the room. Okay... What should I cook? I decided to make some pasta salad and started cutting vegetables. It'll be ready soon.

Harry's P.O.V.

I laid down on the couch, observing everything and everyone surrounding me. My head was pounding like hell, I was freezing and steaming at the same time, dizzy and almost throwing up. So moving wasn't really an option. Louis and Niall were watching a movie called 'In Bruges'. The characters sweared a lot, but Noah had already seen it. Not that she was paying attention to it anyway. She kept walking from person to person, from the living room to the kitchen and back. It was making me even more dizzy, to be honest, but I kept my mouth shut. "I'll go check on Liam." She said to no one in particular. Zayn was laying on the other couch, clutching his stomach. He forced his eyes closed with a pained expression. He was by far the sickest, then Liam, followed by me and Niall and Louis were last. So I thought though. A few minutes later, Noah came back with another sick boy. "Dinner's almost ready." It was more of a one sided conversation, since none of us could answer. I really hope we get better soon.

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