Empty Streets And Haunted Houses

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Louis' P.O.V.

I drive home as fast as I can. The streets are lonely and the stars are hidden behind the clouds.

My mind is clouded, Just like tonight's sky

Finally I reach the hotel and pull over. I stop the car and calm myself down. I'll need to be quiet. My heart races in my chest when I unlock the door. The sound of my footsteps seems way to loud in my ears. There's no way I'll get to their rooms without making a lot of noise. The stairs creak under my feet. Shhh. But I'm not the only one interrupting the silence. The air is filled with groans and screams of pain. Is this really the house I left a few houres ago? It looked like a place of happiness to me. Now that the last sunbeams left the melancholy took over. The dark walls surround me, the spiders are scarrier then ever. I feel someones breath in my neck and quickly turn around. No one. The mistakes are haunting me, running through to corridors. I to control myself and go search for Noah. But I can't. My deciosions aren't mine anymore. Something leads me further and further. The screams get louder, my thoughts overwhelme me. What can I do. I want someone to tell me what to do. Where is Liam?! Where are the lads?! They left me alone in this hounted house with nothing but my fear. I need to leave. I need to run away and never come back. Just let me go. Far, far away. No creepy things. While my mind is panicking my body keeps moving. Then it stops. A lightning stroke brings me back to reality. I open my eyes and try to understand to scene that's play infront of me. Blood, blood everywhere. In the middel of the room there's a witch. She's screaming and laughing and hurting someone else, a small pile of misery. I dig in my memory, trying to remember these faces. The blond hair, the innocent eyes. Noah. That evil laugh and that rotten heart. Julie. The brunette has a knife in her hands. A knife, Louis. A knife. Move. Do something. I can't. I still can't. I'm stuck in a daze. No matter what I do, It doesn't stop. The witch lifts takes the angels arm and cuts. The blood flows over her beautiful body and drips on the ground. "No, Please don't." The words seem far away. They're soaked in pain and lost hope. "You deserve this." The sentence echo's in my head. You. Deserve. This. Three simple words. They cut my soul. Julie takes Noah's broken body in her hands and throws to the dark wall. The little blonde collapses and her wonderful eyes close. "Open your eyes. Face the truth. They'll never love you. They hate you. They despise your face, your body. You should thank me. Thank me for showing you this. This world isn't made for monsters like you, leave. Leave and never come back." The angel opens her eyes and runs. She doesn't even see me. Her eyes are filled with hate for herself. The only thing she sees is her body. What she sees as her body. For her it's fat and ugly. For me it's wonderfull and fine. But now it's broken and bruised, daubed with wounds. The image of her brings me back to reality. The daze fades away and I run. Faster then I've ever done before. I leave Julie alone in the house. The lads'll take care of her. I walk down the empty streets of Lissabon. She's gone. The only thing I hear is the sound of my footsteps in the rain.


Short chapter, I know! It's hard to upload every night... Please comment and tell me what you think. I hope it wasn't to much drama. Tell me what you think'll happen next :D IF I GET LOTS OF COMMENTS I'LL UPLOAD TOMORROW!

xxx Astrid

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