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Niall's P.O.V.

"What's wrong?" Noah asked in her sleepy voice. Despite the horrible situation, I couldn't hold back a chuckle. Our protests must've woken her up. We all tried to explain. Everyone stopped in the middle of their sentence, so we ended up finishing eachother's. "Okay. I'll be ready in five minutes." My mouth dropped. "You're fine with it?" Harry gasped. "Yeah, they're your fans." She shrugged, jumping up to head towards the bathroom. "Wait." I scooped her in my arms. "Let me carry you." She rolled her eyes at my offer. "I can perfectly walk by myself." "No you can't." "Yes you can. "NO YOU CAN'T, NOAH." Louis interrupted us. "Now let him guide you to the bathroom." "Fine." She muttered and I lifted her up. "Can I stay or should I go?" I asked her, as we arrived. "You can stay. I just need to brush my teeth and comb my hair." She started brushing her teeth, pointing somewhere with her other arm. "What?" I asked confused. "Ohh, you're room?" She nodded after pointing again. Noah changed her shoes, combed her hair and found earrings, all while brushing her teeth. I just stood there, admiring her perfect piece of multitasking. When she gave me a sign I carried her back to the bathroom. Where she spitted out the toothpaste. "Thanks Nialler." We headed back to the livingroom. "That was fast." Zayn chuckled. "More like crazy." Josh added.

Harry's P.O.V.

"OMG, HARRY PLEASE MARRY ME." Thousands of fans were screaming, asking us for pictures, autographs, a follow and many more. You name it. I smiled, greeting all of them. But on the inside, I was crying, punching, kicking, letting all my anger out. Damn Simon, damn Julie, damn Alec, damn creepy officer. Damn everyone who ever hurted Noah. Talking about her, she was doing wonderfull. After that picture we posted of her, she gained alot of fans. Though not everyone liked her. "Urgh, you're so ugly." A brunette told her, Noah's smile didn't fade, not even for a second. "Ohh, I love you too." I chuckled at her response, it must've hurted though. She then turned to another girl, who asked her for her autograph. We helped her at finding one in the car. It said Symphony with a G-key instead of an S. It was adorable, just like her. "Symphony, can you please sign my chest?" A fifteen year old boy pulled up his shirt. She looked at Niall for permission. "Go ahead." I whispered in her ear when I noticed he was hesitating. She then shrugged and leaned closer, making the boy's eyes widen. He started fanboying like crazy. "Omg, her autograph's on my chest." Correction, six-pack, I thought to myself. "Don't worry, Nialler. You're abs are still better." She comforted him, kissing his cheek. "Hey whore, get your lips of of my husband." Someone yelled, causing her to pull back. Niall raised his middlefinger with one hand and taking the back of her head with the other. He gently pushed her lips back on his cheek. "No one steals my kisses." The crowed cheered and she blushed. Ohh, I love our Directioners, but fuck the Directionaters.

Two hours and alot of proposals later, Noah's eyes almost closed. Gosh, she must've been so tired. "Go to sleep, love." Zayn whispered in her ear, but she shook her head. "No, I'm fine." This girl can be so stubborn. "Come on, we all know you look adorable when you're asleep." Liam said while signing something. "I know how to help you relax." Niall chuckled. "Your heart's against my chest. Your lips pressed to my neck. I've fallen for your eyes, but they don't know me yet. And the feeling I forget, I'm in love now. Kiss me, like you wonna be loved, wonna be loved, wonna be loved." Halfway through his singing, she fell asleep. We all know Ed Sheeran's Kiss Me calms her down. "That's so cute." A fan whisper-screamed. "We know." I winked at her, almost making her faint. "Gosh Harry, stop doing that." Louis complained and we chuckled. Too bad this signing isn't Directioners only. "Omg, she's so lazy. Who the fuck does she think she is?!" Urgh, those girls were so annoying. "Don't listen to them, boys. I think she's absolutely perfect." A Directioner with red hair said. "Doesn't it bother her that everyone is making so much?" She asked worried. "I think she'll sleep through it, she didn't get alot of sleep the past few nights. But what can you do about it?" I answered, throughing my hands up in the air. "I know something." She said, taking something ot of her purse. "Don't worry, it's eyeliner. You can get it off any time you want." The girl write things on our forehead. From left to right, boy to boy: Shhh - Our- Symphony - Is - Sleeping. We chuckled when she told us what she wrote. "Thanks so much. What's your name and twitter?" Zayn asked and she wrote it on our hands. "I'm Florence. Can you guys please follow me? And Symphony too?" We nodded. "We will, she doesn't have one yet. Though I think I'll make her one this afternoon. I promise you'll be the first person she follows." Florence squealed and the next in the line came to us. She chuckled when she saw the doodles on our heads. "Can I take a picture of that?" Though we could tell she was really excited to see us, she whispered the whole time. Our fans are truely awesome.

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