Red cheeks & Blue lips

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Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it. Please comment or rate, I really appreciate it. I'm leaving on a vacation tonight, But I'm begging for an internet card.

xxxx Astrid


Noah’s P.O.V.

I was in the shower. It kind of felt the same as rain, only less cold and rough. It was good though, cause I needed the think. It’s so unlike me, showering in some stranger’s house, especially when those strangers are One Direction. But Louis send me, I think he was  worried I’ll get sick. understood though, my lips were blue and I couldn’t stop shivering. I guess I really was freezing. Stupid rain. No, why did I say that? It was my choice to go out in the rain, wearing dress. If Niall hadn’t stopped me I’d probably still be running. You might know that feeling, when everything just feels wrong. You want to scream and run, but you can barely move. It’s frustrating and very exhausting. And, to be honest, underneath that layer of insecurities, I was kind of glad he brought me here. Gosh, the boys were probably discussing everything right now. No matter how glad I was, that sweet Irish boy shouldn’t of brought me here. Did he really thought the guys would just accept me? We barely know eachother after all. I saw how Liam reacted. He thought I couldn’t hear him. Wait a second. I‘m showering in One Direction’s hotel. Carried here by the Horan himself. Maybe this isn’t that bad, I comforted myself. But I didn’t belong here. There should’ve been a hot 17 year old girl standing here. Not me. I guess the lads would act totally different then. I thought for a while and decided that I was right. I would put my dress back on and go home. Just forget about all this, you know? I stepped out of the shower, satisfied with the decision I took, and dried myself with the towel the lads gave me. Damn, Louis took my clothes. I quickly putted my underwear on and started drying my long blond locks. What had I gotten myself into?

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. “Love, can I come in?” Louis’s high pitched voice rang through the wooden door, while I wrapped the towel around my body. “Errr, I guess so. You do remember you took my dress, right?” I answered him, a bit unsure about the situation. He didn’t seem to mind, ‘cause he came in with checked shirt . “Here, take this.” He handed it to me. It’s probably one of theirs. He then turned around so I could put it on. It ended right above my knees, kind of like a dress. “You look fabelouis.” I can’t believe he just said that… A wide smile appeared on his face and his eyes lit up. Should I be scared now? “Can I please dry your hair?” He begged, making me let out a relieved sigh. “Sure.” His tanned fingers ran through my hair with precision. I could tell he had done this before. When he finished, he guided me back to the living room, where the boys were watching some tv show while Niall played his guitar. I gazed at the ground, feeling my cheeks getting red again. Why do I always blush? I hate it…

Zayn’s  P.O.V.

They walked in the room, Noah, I believe she’s called, was wearing one of Lou’s shirts? I think it even suits her more than it suits him. Nothing personal. I was starting to understand why our blondie brought her here. I would’ve done the same. She was freezing when she came here, she still is, actually. “I think I should go home.” Noah whispered, she was insecure. “No, stay!” Niall yelled a little too soon. “He’s right, it’s still raining outside.” I defended him, as he pulled her in a side hug, making her uncapable of leaving. I think she was kind of glad she didn’t had to go out in the rain again. “Why don’t you sit next to me?” I suggest, patting the spot next to me. She nodded and took a seat, still shivering and blue. I couldn’t help but lay my arm around her. Why did I do that? I didn’t even know this girl! But she seemed so fragile, as if she’d break if you hold her to tight.

“So, Noah, Niall told us what happened. Did he really run at you?” Liam asked, breaking the tense. “Did he told you hat? I think I was the one running at him.” She answered. That’s hard to believe. “I remember catching you.” He joked, making a point. “Err, Niall, I don’t think you did a great job.” I whispered, pointing at the long scratch on her leg, to which she shrugged. “I’m used to it. Let’s say I’m a bit of a clumsy person.” She flashed us a weak smile, before covering the wound with her hands so we wouldn’t see it anymore. “Nice try, love. It looks pretty bad, we should get the first aid kit.” Harry said, as he shook his head disapprovingly. She tried to protest, but he was already on his way to the kitchen. She startled, as Liam picked her up. “Woah, she’s really as light as you told me.” He putted her on the table and examinated her leg, whipping the blood away. “Sorry to say this, Noah, but there’s something in the cut, I’m going to have to get it out.” A frightened look crossed her face, but it disappeared just as quickly as it came. Niall noticed too, so he stood up and took her hand. I copied his actions and laid mine on her back. “Guys, you treat me like Liam is gonna amputated my leg.” She joked, though I noticed the trembling in her voice she desperately tried to hide. “Shh, it’s fine, love.” I comforted her, or at least attempted to.

Liam pulled a small twig out and the wound started to bleed heavily. I felt her squeezing my hand a little and gave a reassuring squeeze back. Her gaze met mine. Her orbs shined a gorgeous shade of blue. Weird, I thought they were green. Beside the beautiful irises, I noticed the pain in her eyes. I guess it really hurt. Louis stopped the bleeding, so Liam could put a bandage over it. Lou, being his typical self, yelled: “CAN I DRAW A SMILEY ON THAT?” I mentally facepalmed. Nice move, Tommo, you just scared the shit out of her. “Sure.” She said, even though she didn’t seem in for the idea. He pulled a sharpie out of his pocket (Again, weird.) and started drawing something. He sticked his tongue out, while doing it. I guess his ‘artistic side’ was really popping up… cough cough… She forced her eyes closed, ignoring the pain he brought by pressing her wound. “So, I got it out, but I don’t think you should walk on your leg just yet.” Liam explained, when Louis finished. “I can perfectly stand on my leg.” She mumbled, jumping of the table. Luckily, I could still catch her, right before she hits the ground. “Don’t be so stubborn, love.” I planted a kiss on her forehead. “Thanks for the advice, Zayn.” I noticed a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Man, this girl is sweet.

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