Screams, Sheerio's and Little Birds

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  • Dedicated to Tia van Tilburg

Noah's P.O.V.

"Ed Sheeran?! As in the Ginger Guitar God?!" I exclaimed, trying my best not to freak out. "Yeah, but we jut call him Ed." Louis chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Are you fan of him?" I nodded heavily. "I don't really fangirl over him, but I do love all his songs. They're quite special to my friends and I." They looked at me in confusion, but I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand." Niall pouted, signalling he wanted to know. "Pretty please." I nervously shuffled from side to side, not really wanting to explain. "Ahh, come on. How bad can it be?" Harry nudged my side and I sighed. "Well, as you might've figured out, my friends and I are girls." They nodded. "We're teenagers." They nodded again. "So, we have our mood swings. Some days, we just randomly get depressed. When that happens, we listen to his music, 'cause it express what we're feeling like. It's kind of weird actually, it doesn't make me feel better, it makes me feel different. I was sad a lot before Niall and I met." They looked kind of shocked by my explanation. "Told you you wouldn't understand." Zayn laid his arm around me, pulling me in a sideways hug and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Explain a bit more. What made you so sad?" He squeezed my hand reassuringly and I continued my story. "I just got extremely insecure. Like, I say something and regret it five seconds after because I think it was something stupid. I eat something and regret because I think I eat too much. I literally feel terrible about everything I do. It haunts me for the rest of the day and when the evening falls, it gets too much and I go to my room and cry." They looked at me sadly, clearly feeling sorry for me. "Don't look at me like that. I always get over it in the morning. I haven't felt like that in a while thanks to you guys." That seemed to make them a bit happier, but the fact that I was talking in the present time bothered them. "When was the last time that happend?" Liam asked, laying his hand on my knee. I hesitated  bit, biting my lip. "The night.... Before Julie left." Harry smiled sadly and pulled my in a hug. "I'm so sorry." His husky voice whispered in my ear. "Don't be, you didn't know." I answered, copying his tone. "Please tell me if you feel like that again." I nodded almost invisible, but it seemed to reassure him. Little did he know, that when you feel like that, no one can stop it.

"Come on, it's getting late. Everyone off to bed." Liam announced and I smiled. I had somehow found an excuse to skip dinner. "You're coming with me, young lady." Zayn said, lifting me up, but he suddenly hesitated. "Wait, you want to, right?" He asked, looking insecure. I nodded heavily and nuzzled my head in his neck. "Of course, Zaynie." He chuckled and continued carrying me upstairs. "Can you drop me of at the bathroom first?"  I asked and he did as I asked. I quickly threw my pj's on and brushed my teeth. No matter how much I loved that boy, I was slightly nervous. I had never slept with him before. (It keeps sounding sexual!) What if I did something wrong?

Zayn's P.O.V.

I closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep. Noah had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and I promised myself to stay awake 'till she did. It took her ratter long, but Niall had told me that was normal. She was wearing a cute short and top and her cold skin lingered on mine. My arms were wrapped around her body, desperately trying to warm her up, even though I knew that wasn't gonna happen. My fingers trailed down her arm and I felt the cuts that were full on healing. It sickened me that I didn't notice them before. I opened my eyes, admiring the sleeping beauty. She was gorgeous, even in the dark.

"Should we wake them up?" "I hope she's feeling better." "I wonna get breakfast." Several voices woke me up and I groaned. "Get out." I muttered, pulling Noah closer to me. She hid herself in my chest, trying to block the noise out. "Woah, the sleepy head's awake." Harry laughed. "You decide, or you open your eyes right now and wake Noah up, or we do it." I immediately felt responsible to protect the vulnerable. Those guys were absolutely crazy and I don't want cold water in my bed. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light. The girl's gaze met mine, as I planted a kiss on her forehead. "Morning." She whispered in her husky morning voice. I chuckled and greeted her back. "Okay, cut with the cliché crap. I want breakfast." Niall exclaimed, picking her up, but she protested heavily. "Niall James Horan, put me down. I'm tired." He chuckled, carrying her downstairs. "Fine, then I'm staying in your arms." She threatened and he smiled brightly. "You could stay there forever and I wouldn't mind at all." We laughed at them and took a seat. I took some pancakes on my plate, stuffing them in my mouth. "C'mon girl, have some food." She shook her head, almost falling asleep in his arms. "Zayn Javadd Malik, what dis you do to her." Liam asked, shaking his finger at me. I raised my hands up in mocking defence. "Don't blame me." The boys were staring at Noah, a bit confused. "Stop that, I can feel your gaze burning holes in my skin." She muttered, still not opening her eyes. "Don't you need to get ready for Ed?" Harry asked, trying to get her fangirling. "Shower is mine at 11pm. Lou and Zayn, would you mind picking me and outfit?" We jumped up, running to her closet. "It's my turn, I want to choose something." We argued, pulling out several pieces of clothing. "Wonna combine those?" Louis suggested and I nodded. It took us quite a while, but we finally found her an outfit. We choose a navy pair of shorts and an oversized shirt with 'J'adore Les French Boys' written on it. Lou also found a necklace too top it off. Suddenly, there was a squeal from the kitchen. "Did you here that too?" I asked Louis, when he nodded, we ran off, following the sound. "What happend?" We asked, finally reaching the room, only to found Noah with her tablet in her hands. I guess the boys found a way to wake her up. "She got tweeted by, Rihanna, Ed, Justin Bieber, Mumford and Sons, Demi Lovato, and pretty much every other popstar with a heart." Niall said proudly, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Woah, what did they say?" I asked and Noah read some tweets out loud. "Kanye West: Call the lads for me, will ya? We'll get that damn interviewer. Demi Lovato: Is Symphony a sweetheart or is she a sweetheart? Rihanna: Stay strong, Symphony. Respect. If anyone dares to touch you again, call me." It went on like this for a while and it surprised me that Noah stole so many hearts already. "I'm so happy for you." Harry cheered, as he pulled her in a hug. "Thanks, guys. But I'm off to the shower now." She announced, before leaving the room. This girl was on her way to be Hollywood's new sensation.

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