Have Some Faith In Me

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Don't worry, Niall. I'm sure they're fine. Do you want another candy coton?" I try to calm him down. He shakes his head and Zayn takes his hand. "Let's continue searching. I bet they're having fun right now." I'm acting like Daddy Direction again. I really hope everything is okay. It might not seem like it, but I'm very worried. We turn around, walking through the fair again. "What time is it?" Louis asks, yawning. "Half past eleven." It's getting late. Where can they possibly be? "Guys, what's that?" Josh asks, pointing at a bench. We head closer and find what we were looking for. "They're asleep." Niall says, laying his hand on Noah's cheek. "Gosh, they're freezing!" He takes of his hoodie, covering her with it. "Let's carry them home. I'll take Harry." I suggest, taking the curly boy in my arms. The blondie's right, they are cold. We go to the car. "I wonder why they were sitting there." Louis wonders out loud. "We'll ask them tomorrow. I think it's the best if we all go to sleep now." I suggest, carrying them upstairs. "They should sleep with somebody, so they can warm up soon." The boys nod. "Let them sleep together." Zayn says and Niall freezes. "But then I'll be all alone." He whines, pouting. His puppy dog eyes are killing me. "Okay then. You three can use the room with the kingsize bed." I give in, bringing them to the room. Niall takes of the hoodie he gave to Noah a few minutes ago. She's still just as cold. I take of Harry's jacket too, laying him underneath the covers. "Night, guys." I whisper, giving each of them a kiss on their cheeks. "Liam." Noah mutters, cuddling with the two boys. "Yes love?" She hides even deeper in the blankets. "Thank you." I wonna ask for what, but she's asleep. I won't get an answer anyway. I leave, closing the door behind me. "Sweet dreams." I wish the other lads goodnight and we go to bed. Let's hope tonight'll be a bit calmer than yesterday.

Noah's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of the boys' snoring. I can't remember how I got here, Niall must've carried me. "Goodmorning." I freeze, not knowing who said that. Where did it came from? Pain races through my veins as I turn around. "Calm down, love. You just woke up." Suddenly, someone's hand is resting on my forehead. It's Paul. "What're you doing here?" He chuckles at my morningvoice. "Everybody is sleeping and I was bored." "So you decide to stare at us 'till we wake up. Then scare the hell out of us?" I joke, resting on my elbow. "Don't say it like that. You make me sound like a weirdo." He defends himself. "More like a pervert actually, watching teenagers sleeping." He bursts out in laughing. "So that's how you think of me?" I shake my head. "Of course not." "Now ask me." I frown, not knowing what he's talking about. "You want to ask me something. I see it in the look in your eyes. Just ask me." He explains, as he sits down on the bed. I hesitate. Should I ask him? What if he thinks I'm mean? "I know you're not a mean girl, okay." He says, as if he can read my mind. I take a deep breath. "How is it that you suddenly stay with us. I mean, I only saw you at concerts and stuff before. Not that I don't want you here, but I was just wondering. And Liam is still the one who takes the lead. You watch. Urgh, this isn't working! It sounds like I don't like you. Just forget it." I want to say even more, but he cuts me of. "It's fine, love. Don't apologize. I know what you mean. Now, let me tell you the reason. Simon and I are a bit worried about the lads. And you of course. We don't want anything to happen to you guys. You are like family to me. So I suggested I'd stay with you for a few days. Yet I don't want to change you." He doesn't seem offended at all. Maybe he understands what I mean. "What about Josh?" I ask, wondering where he came from. "I guess I was a bit lonely." His voice comes out of nowhere. I startle for the second time this morning. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes, lifting me up from the bed. "Put me down." I squeal quietly. Yes, I can squeal quietly. "No." He answers, shrugging. "Then tell me where you're taking me." I plead, putting up my puppy eyes. They look at me in 'awh'. "Sure, love. I'll tell you before you kill me with your cuteness." He says and I pout. "I'm not cute." "Aaarghh, It burns. It burns!! STOP IT." He starts screaming, running through the house with me in his arms. "Shh, you'll wake them up." I hiss and I was right. (Of course I was ;) ) "What's wrong? Who died?" Liam races towards us, gasping for ear. "Sorry Li. Nobody died. Josh was just teasing me." He calms down a bit. "For god's sake. Don't scare me like that. Now that I'm up anyway, let's make some breakfast." We all head to the kitchen and I start baking eggs. "Are you sure you won't burn your hands?" Daddy Direction asks for the tenth time. "Yes Li, I've done this before. I'm thirteen, not six." I reply, as I peck him on the cheek. "Don't worry."

"Gosh, who baked these eggs? I love them!" Niall chuckles. "Paul did." I lie, wondering what he'll say now. "How did you make them? You must've added a secret ingredient." He asks, as he takes another bite. "Niall, don't talk with your mouth full." Harry whines. "I do what I want. Now tell me!" Paul freezes. "Err... Nothing special really... Err..." He tries to lie too, failing horribly. "You clearly didn't make them. Did you Liam? Or you Josh. I've never really tasted your cooking before." Niall frowns, thinking out loud. "Noah did." The drummer says and my mouth drops. "Josh?!" I whine and he chuckles. "YOU MADE HER COOK?! That's way too dangerous. Did you get burned?" The blondie jumps up and takes my hands, examinating them. "I'm fine, okay. Seriously, does everybody here think that I can't even make eggs? I used to bake things with my friends when they came over." I mutter, a bit dissapointed that everybody underestimates me. "I believe in you." Harry says and he kisses my cheek. "Thanks curly. Atleast someone." "Don't worry, love. I think we all know you can cook now." Zayn comforts me, putting his plate in the sink. "Thank you for the delicious breakfast."

"Guys, we have a problem." Paul says, raising his voice. We all rush to him, concered because of his tone. "What's wrong?" Josh asks what we all thought. "Noah didn't wear a mask last night-" "WHAT?! NOBODY SAW US, RIGHT?!" Niall looses it, afraid everything is ruined. I don't say anything. I'm just standing here, frozen, thinking of what could happen next. My friends'll hate me for not telling them. My parents, their live'll be over. I'll get hate from people all over the world. "Noah, breath. Follow my rhythm." Liam says, as he takes my hand, leading me to the couch. "Nothing happened... yet." Paul calms us and I finally let out the breath I had been holding for so long. Niall hugs me tight, stroking my hair. "Shh, we're fine. We won't make that mistake again." The blood streams back to my pale face. "Sorry, I freaked out for a second."

Noah's P.O.V.

"Are we leaving now?" Louis whines, pulling our arm. It's hard to believe he's the oldest sometimes. "Yes, we are. Where do you wonna go first?" I ask, taking my jacket. Harry's jacket actually, I hope it suits me though, boyfriend style. "I'm driving." Paul says, as he takes the keys. We all get in the car. "I know where we can go." Lou answers, but Niall interrupts him. "I'm hungry. I want some food first." "Sorry mate, our little leprechoan is hungry. Let's go to Nando's." The vehicle stops and we enter the restaurant. "May I help you?" The lady at the desks asks. She looks at me disparaging, but then continues flirting with the lads. They didn't pay attention to it. Some to busy with eachother (Cough... Louis and Harry), some staring at the food (Niall) and some gazing at their reflection (Cough... Zayn... Cough). We all order our food and take a seat. "Taste this." Louis says, offering me a piece of his meal. Everybody seems to do this. They all want me to choose their favourite dish as my favourite. Even Niall did it. "Hey?!" I say when Harry steals one of my fries. "Don't take it personal. I do this with everyone." He says and winks at me. "Not with me." Niall says, making him blush. "Everyone exept Niall..." I take something of his plate too. "Legal selfdefense. If that's even a good english wordcombination." They chuckle at my mistake. "I bet you don't dare to do it with your blondie either." The curly boy challenges me. "One: He's not mine, and second: Who says that?" I answer and take a frie of Niall's plate. The lads gaze at us, wondering what he'll do next. I pass him two fries under the table, as I give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles satisfied. "Tada! Happy now?" Harry nods, still gazing. "Gosh, close your mouth! I can see what you were eating." I joke and he blushes. "Now let's go." Louis says, dragging us with him to the car.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Try this on." Louis says, handing Noah another set. "Lou! Can't you see we're all getting tired of it?" I whine, as he sends her to the fitting rooms again. "I have a solution for that. Harry, do you see that street? Turn to the left there. They have a huge Jack Wills shop." The curly boy's jaw drops. "Seriously? Okay, I'm off. Who's coming with me?" He asks and everyone leaves exept for me and Louis. Noah comes out, showing her outfit. It's a short dress with a flower print. "Omg, we are so taking this." I squeal, then I facepalm. "Lou, what have you done to me?" They chuckle and he makes her spin around. She looks at me again. She really cares about my opinion. Her eyes are hiddin behind a white mask. They seem happy, but I know they're hiding big secrets. I have a plan. Tonight she'll tell me... I hope.


Hello! Thank you all for wishing me luck with the contest, but I lost all hope. Tonight's challenge: show your love for the boys by saying it on a national radio station or paper.

I mean seriously?! But yeah. I's still looking for a nickname for Noah... I've never been good at things like that ;) Thank you to everyone who commented! I finally know how to answer comments so... Yeah :) COMMENT & VOTE

Xxx Astrid

& again:


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