I Have To Help You

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Officer Riley Hawthorne's P.O.V.

I walked in my office, humming softly. It was a bit after 9 o'clock. As every morning, I went to check the cells. My hand rested on my taser. "G'morning." Some of friendly criminals greeted me. Though not all of them were so nice. I prepared myself for the second part of the corridor. This is where they keep the rapists, pedofils and sometimes even murderers, before we have enough proof to send them to jail. Luckely, most of them were sleeping. Still I had to check every cell and search for any kind of weapons. My eyes roamed around. Next to me was one of the most dangerous serial killers ever. Eventhough he wasn't awake, he was still pretty scary. His lips formed a creepy grin and it seemed like he could attack you every second. Though it wasn't him who made me turn around. I heard a mat sound behind me, immediately grabbing my weapon. "Please don't hurt me." Infront of me, there was a young girl, thirteen, fourteen years old maybe. Tears streamed down her face, landing on the ground with a quiet *POF*. She was standing in the middle of her cell, shaking heavily. "Wh-who are you?" I headed closer, 'causing her the back off. "Shh, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm officer Hawthorne." I tried to calm her down, finally remembering everything thing they teached me in the police academy. "I-I'm Noah. Where's the other officer?" Her voice trembled a bit, as she tried her best to answer me. "The men who was in charge last night?" She nodded. "He left, it's my turn now." I said, studying her. She had long blond hair and a pale skin. Her body was shaking heavily, as silent tears streamed down her face. She must've been terrified. Suddenly I noticed something: she was wearing handcuffs. "Why don't you come with me and explain what happened?" I suggested. Her beautiful eyes shot open. "N-n-no! Please don't lock me in that room again." She begged, gazing at me with those melancholic orbs of her. "Shhh, fine. We'll go to my office, okay?" I cooed, stepping closer again. This time she just flinched, but she nodded. I gently pulled her with me through the corridor, finding out that, despite a purple sweater she was wearing, she was absolutely freezing. Her face lit up when we reached my office, it was warm and cozy. "Take a seat." I pointed at the chair on the other side of my desk, she seemed glad to let her legs rest. "Now, tell me everything that happened, why you came here, what the other officer did, why you were in that cell,..." She took a deep breath and started telling me everything. About a terrible night, hours in the interrogation room, the disgusting cell, even about the boys she said she missed so much. With every word she said, my admiration for her grew bigger. "Well, let's call them." I suggested and her smile grew bigger. "You mean I can go home?" The expression on her face when I nodded was priceless. "Thanks so much, sir Hawthorne." I chuckled when she managed to say my name. "Call me Riley, since you can't pronounce my last name." She blushed, looking at the ground. "Can I ask you something?" Her gaze was pointed at me now. "Of course." "Do I still have to wear these handcuffs? They hurt like hell." "Sorry, I forgot. Let me take the keys." Her wrists were red and sour, poor girl. I took my phone, dialling the number she gave me. It only ringed once before it got answered.

Ni: Hello, this is Niall Horan. 

R: Hi Niall, this is officer Riley speaking. I guess you know why I'm calling? 

Ni: Is Noah there?! Is she okay?! Can we come and pick her up?! 

R: Yes, please come as soon as possible. And yes she is, you're on speaker. 

No: I'm fine, Nialler. Don't worry. 

Ni: Don't lie to me, love. I can tell by the sound of your voice you're not. 

No: Please just come on pick me up? 

Ni: I'll be there in five.  

Ri: See you then. Oh, can you bring clothes for her? 

Ni: I will!

I was glad to hear that the boy cared so much about her. He seemed really worried. "You can take a shower if you want to. That's why I asked him to bring an outfit." I explained and she nodded, hesitating. "It's fine. Let me show you." We went to the back of the office. There were towels and some clothes. "Normally the 'prisoners' have to use other showers, but you can use mine. Untill your friend is coming, you can wear this." She shot me a weak smile, as I handed her a suit made for criminals. It was an xxs, though I think it'll still be too big. "Now go, and don't tell anyone." I winked and helped her up, since her legs were still shaking like crazy. "Thanks so much, Riley." She whispered before closing the door. I sat down on my desk, my thoughts were going crazy. I could only guess what was going on in that little girl's mind. She seemed so young and fragile. How could things like this happen to someone like her? She didn't deserve it. I left the room, as the sound of water streaming down drifted into my ears. "Greg, what do you know about that girl who came here yesterday?" I asked one of the prisoners, he seemed nice. "She came here yesterday afternoon with six boys and an older man. Then that other officer took her to an interrogation room. It was bullshit, he left her in there 'till half past eleven. Those lads could only see her once, one of them gave her his sweater. Another one, with blond hair, was crying, they seemed pretty close. They had to leave for an interview, I believe. She didn't get any food and he gave her the dirtiest cell in the hole bloody building. Something's seriously wrong with that dude, man. I mean like, who does that?!" Greg told me everything he knew. "Did she cry?" I whisper-asked. "What?!" "Did she cry?" I repeated, louder this time. "Not as much as you'd expect, man. She wasn't even sobbing. Though I'll always remember those silent tears rolling down her cheek. She was cold, man. Her skin was all pale and her body was shaking." He sighted, quickly whiping one of his own tears away. "I had a daughter, you know? Same age as her. My ex-wife took her away from me, I haven't seen her years." I nodded, trying to comfort the guy. "Thanks so much, Greg. I owe you one. You really helped us." He shook his head. "It's for the girl. Can I atleast know her name?" "Noah." The tears were now freely falling from his eyes. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He whispered, looking at the ground. "Don't worry, those boys are on their way. She's taking a shower now." That seemed to cheer him a bit. "Can you do me one more favour?" He asked me, his gaze planted on my face. "What is it?" I asked, a bit unsure wether I should do trust him. "Find out why your colleague did this to her." I nodded. "I'm on it." (A/N Like donkey kong-it ;)) I made my way to the other office, checking the drawers. A few pens, some files, that's all I could find. Wait. One picture. There was one picture in the lowest drawer. It showed a teenage girl. Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin. She was gorgeous. But not the way Noah looked gorgeous. This girl had beautiful features, she was perfect. Though that look in her eyes wasn't right. Not at all. When I first saw Noah, she took my breath away. It hurted my heart to see her like that, left me no choice but helping her. She reminded me of an angel, innocent and pure. The brunette was different, sexy and mysterious. Who ever she was, something was wrong with her. I took one last look at the picture, then headed back to my office. The little blond was sitting on one of the chairs, hugging her knees. Despite the warm shower, she was still shaking. She must've been worn out. "I think your friends'll be here soon." I said, sitting down on my desk. "Thanks so much for giving me the oppertunity to take a shower." Her eyes were almost closing, as she struggled to stay awake. "You must be hungry." I stated. "I'm sure those guys'll make you some breakfast when you get home." She nodded. "I don't know what I'd do without them." Then suddenly, seven people bursted through the room. Six teenagers and a middle aged man, like Greg told me. "Noah." The blond haired boy, who I guess was Niall, ran towards her embracing her in a warm hug. "Calm down, Nialler. Make sure you don't hurt her." Another responsible looking boy said. "It's fine, Liam. But thanks for the concern." She giggled, it sounded like music to me. "Wait." A guy wearing a striped shirt said. "Why is she wearing those clothes?" He didn't seem to trust me, that somehow made me feel better. "She took a shower. Why don't you go and change, Noah? Did you bring an outfit?" They nodded and a boy with a quiff handed her a short and a floral top with long sleeves. "So, why don't you all take a seat so I can explain what happened? Though I don't really know myself." I said and they obbeyed immediately. "I'm Paul, their tourmanager and bodyguard. This are Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Josh and Harry. You are mister?" "Hawthorn, but please call me Riley. Bodyguard?" I asked confused. "Five of these boys are in a band named One Direction. Josh is their drummer." Paul explained. The name seemed familiar. "One of the prisoners said something about an interview." When all those things were settled, I told them what happened. Their jaw dropped, as they took eachother's hand. "Why always her." Zayn slammed his hand on my desk in frustration, immediately comforted by another lad. Like Greg said, they were pretty close. A dangerous look crossed his face. For a second, I thought he could be a danger for Noah. That was untill she came in. The agression melted like snow in the sun. His expression softened. Niall stood up, lifting her up, since her legs were shaking terribly. "Are you alright, love?" He asked. "Yes, I'm fine." Though her answer didn't really reassure him, he nodded. She burried her face in his chest, as he stroked her hair. "Go to sleep, Noah. You seem tired." Niall whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. Her eyes closed and one moment later, she was fast asleep. This is magic, I thought. This bond, this connection. This is magic.

Niall's P.O.V.

I gently stroked her cheek, trying to hold my tears back. This little girl, who was sleeping on my lap, made shivers run down my spine. My heart loved her so much, I thought it was gonna explode. It hurted so much to see her like this, so strong and yet so vulnerable. One single tear escaped my eye, landing on Noah's forehead. I layed my thumb next to it, attempting to whipe it away. "Don't." She whispered in her sleep. She must've liked the warm and soft feeling of my teardrop rolling doen her cheek. I can cry you a thousand more, I thought. If that makes you happy. "Niall?" Harry poked my shoulder, making the numb feeling dissapear. "What?" I asked, looking up from Noah's face for the first time since she fell asleep. "We're leaving." He explained, as he rubbed my back. I nodded and stood up. Her head rested on my shoulder, burried in my neck. Her steady breath tickled my neck. "Please take good care of her." Riley begged, stroking her hair. The thought of a stranger touching her freaked me out. He cares for her, I told myself. Soon enough, he pulled his arm back. "We will, sir. Thanks for helping her." Liam said. The fresh air worked relaxing. I was glad to leave the police station behind. We all were. The sunbeams warmed my face, as I entered the car. Harry was driving, Louis sitting next to him. Paul and Liam were in another car. Noah was laying in the back with me. Her feet on Josh, her waist on Zayn and her head on me. I cupped her face in my hands, kissing her cheek. "She feels cold." Zayn muttered. "She always does." Louis answered, staring in the distance. "No, more then usually." The Bradfordlad explained. "Of course she does. The damn psychopate locked her up in a cell with the temprature of a fridge. Then the prick doesn't even interrogate her." Harry hissed, gritting his teeth. I took my hoodie of. "Arms up." Zayn told Noah, she didn't move 'cause she was sleeping. Though I was glad he did. Now she somehow knows what we're doing. I pulled the warm sweater over her head. "Thanks Nialler." She muttered, recognising my smell. It was amazing how she could recognise all of us that way. Harry parked the car infront of our hotel and we all got out. So did Paul and Liam. "We'll make some breakfast. Or lunch actually." They said. "Woah, Noah must be hungry. She didn't eat anything for more than a day." Zayn states, as I lay her down on the couch. My stomach aches by the thought of missing so many meals. Impossible. Everyone settles down around us, gazing at her. That was, of course, untill someone's ringtone interrupted our thoughts. It was Liam's. He answered the call, holding his phone on his ear. "Hi Simon." We all groaned when he said those words. "Yes. Yes. We know." Oh god, this can't be good. "But S-" Okay, we're fucked. "NO." Seriously. "We can't." We're so fucked. Liam holded the phone away from his ear, as Simon's yelling filled the room. Then he ended it. "Guys, we need to go to a signing. Now." Told you we were fucked.



Hello, hope you liked it! Grr, I'm in a bad mood. So please comment and vote, that makes me feel so much better ;) The drama is almost over (for now).


xxx Astrid

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