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Niall's P.O.V.

I step out of the shower when I hear someone unlocking the door. My heart skips a beat, as I put my clothes on, running downstairs. But what I find there is not what I expected. Noah's laying in Louis' arms. But she's not crying, she's not yelling my name. "N-niall." It's the only sound coming from her mouth. It's quiet and broken. Almost inaudible. Suddenly the anger flows through my veins. "I'm here love." You can hear the rage through the cracks in my voice. She shrinks in, pain is written on her face. Every movements seems to hurt her. And then am I the one making her move. She's scared, scared I'm angry with her. Scared I'll hurt her. Scared to speak. So she just looks me in the eyes. Talking in a way only we can. I run towards the weird couple, taking her in my arms. She doesn't protest. She knows what I'm doing. We stop in the bathroom. I carefully put her down next to the toilet. She bends over it. Throwing up blood. Probably the last bit of blood still left in her body. Then she makes some room for me, as I vomit too. I can't take blood. I can't take seeing my favourite person in the world like this. Teased by the thought that the last time we sat like this, I didn't believe her. That little twinkle in her eyes misleaded me. That twinkle of dissapointment, not jealousy. I embrace her, letting all the anger flow away. It's still there. Hidden beneath a layer of hate. Hate for her. Not for Noah. I pull my arm back when I notice the blood, afraid I might hurt her. But she lays her head on my chest. She hides herself in my arms. We hold eachother, crying silent tears. At that moment I realised she's still just that little angel, looking for protection

Harry's P.O.V

I walk towards the bathroom, peeping through the doorhole. They're just sitting there. The only sound breaking the silence comes from my feet. I caused this. I broke two perfectly happy people in pieces. I let myself slide down along the wall, breaking down. My arms wrapped around my knees. And I cry. I cry, like the pussy I am. But this time, I'll do it better. This time, I'll fix it. Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. But I will try, to fix you.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"I'll go check on them." I make my way upstairs. "Harry, are you okay?" I have no idea how many times I've been asking this question today. Too many times. He looks up, revealing two eyes red from crying. His curls are wild and there's a red mark on his cheek. A reminder of her, the devil in disguise. I help him up, pulling him in a hug. Not a menhug, not a hug he'll forget. My hand goes through his hair, as the younger boy cries in my shirt. "You'll be okay, Haz. Everything'll be okay. Even without Julie." I spit her name out. I can't help it, sorry. "I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about those broken people in the bathroom. Those two hearts I kept from beating." He whispers between the sobbing. "It's not your fault. It's hers. She fooled us all." I try to comfort him, whiping away his tears. "I betrayed Noah." His words get lost in my shirt. I feel sorry for him, my younger brother. The happy one with the dimples. That bitch ruined him. And I'm not planning on forgiving her.

"Did Liam send you upstairs?" Harry asks when I letted him go. "He wanted me to get Noah. She has to stop bleeding." I explain to him. "She's in the bathroom, laying in Niall's arms." We enter the room, ruining the silence with our loud words. "We want to take a look at your wounds. Is that okay, love?" Harry stroked her hair. She tried to stand up, but her legs were shaking. "Come on. I'll carry you." He picked her up. "Noah, you're freezing." He looked at us with a shocked face. "We need to find a way to warm her up. Blankets won't help." I say, knowing she's not gonna answer.

Liam's P.O.V.

"She needs to take a shower. I can't take care of her wounds when their covered with blood. Plus she's supercooled." I explain to the boys. They think I know what to do, but I don't. I can do some first aid, I'm not a doctor. "She can't stand on her legs." Zayn answers me, pointing at Noah, who's laying in Niall's arms. "There's no other solution." I say with on stern tone. Maybe there is. Maybe I just don't know another one. "I'll help her." Harry suggests. Louis jumps up, almost connecting his fist with the other boy's jaw. "Let him speak." "If we both wear our swimming clothes. I can support her, make sure she doesn't trip."

Niall's P.O.V.

"I can support her, make sure she doesn't trip." Harry suggests. Noah's eyes shot open and she shakes her head. She tries her best, but it's still almost invisible. I recognise the look in her eyes. She's not scared of Harry. She's insecure. Julie's words are burned in her brain. She doesn't want Harry to see her body. The body she hates. I embrace her, whispering lyrics in her ear. The lyrics of a song. Of our song. "You're beautiful. You're beatiful. It's true. I saw your face. In a crowded place. Now I know what to do. 'Cause I'll always be with you." We changed the last lines. It didn't really make sence, but it's our thing. "You're gorgous, love. Face it. Inside and outside. Don't let that witch mislead you. She was just jealouse, in a way you'll never be." My words enchanted her and before she even noticed, Harry was carrying her upstairs.

Noah's P.O.V.

No, I don't want him to see me. My ugly body. Why do I have to be this fat? "Tell me when I hurt you." Harry says, as he helps me in the shower. The pain is everywhere, in every part of me. It seems like someone ripped my skin of. Every movement I make is followed by a new series of pain. I'm wearing a blue and white bikini. Zayn found it in my portmanteau and gave it to me. I remember Harry's shocked face when he saw me. Even he thinks I'm ugly. Julie was right. I don't deserve this. That's why she hurted me. She called it the price I had to pay. I wish I looked like her. Then the lads would look at me with pride. Now their expression is filled with horror. I'm disgusted by myself. My eyes close, trying to hide myself away from the truth. "Come here, love." The curly boy whispers as he embraces me. I lay my hand on one of the wounds, pressing as hard as I can. I need to make sure he doesn't notice it. He wouldn't understand.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was shocked when I saw her body. Deep cuts ruin her beautiful white skin. But the look in her eyes is even worse. She hates her body. While I was busy being happy, all her self-confidence dissapeared. We need to change that. That little part of her that thinks she deserves all this. "Come here, love." I lay my arms around her. Her head rests on my chest. I close my eyes while the waterdrops fall on my head. The warmth feels weird compared to Noah's temperature. She's always so cold. "Please, don't do that love." I take her hand of one of the wounds, bringing it to my mouth. My lips kiss her skin and I look at our legs. A mix of water, tears and blood makes their way to the gutter. I remember when I first saw her. She took a shower too. I can still see her walking in the room, wearing one of Louis' shirts. She's still that shy little girl. I lift her up, so she can lay her head on my shoulder. Her lips are blue, her skin is pale and some spots of her body are still covered with blood. Like a vampire, that's how I'll think of it later. But now I see it as a beautiful artwork made from glass. One step too close and it'll break. I put her down, stroking her hair. "I'm so sorry, Harry." She whispers. "For what? You don't need to feel sorry." But it's too late. Her broken body falls in my strong arms. My words get lost in the endless rain of waterdrops. It's silent in the house, untill I call the boys. The scream echos through the corridor, followed by the sound of hurried footstes on the stairs.


Sorry! That was crappy! SHOULD I DELETE NOAH'S P.O.V.? I'm not sure or it's good enough, tell me your opinion. The next chapter'll be on as soon as I reach 170 votes :) plus: PLEASE CHECK OUT MY MYSTERYSTORY! I made it for my nephew :D Oh, and a teaser! Next chapter: what happens when everyone starts freaking out?

Xxx Astrid

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