Violin Clef (Soranade, SDRA2)

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"Imagine Person A of your OTP is a vampire, and Person B is a willing 'victim' for them. Person A is incredibly concerned about the welfare of Person B, and always fusses over them after a feeding, making sure they're still safe and comfortable. They often cuddle and fall asleep together after the feeding."

It's been a while since I've written Soranade freeform like this, I think this might be the cutest vampire idea I can think of.

Warning: slight violence, blood loss effects


Kanade sighed as she gazed out of the window of her mansion home. The building was bought by the Otonokoji family's funds through their parents' business, not by Kanade or her sister. They used to be able to make money themselves, but not anymore.

The twins used to be a band known as Melody Rhythm, but ever since an incident on one of their tours, their parents locked them inside an old mansion away from their hometown and pronounced them missing to the world. Even now, the guitarist could see the holy wafers caked around the window.

What had occurred on that tour was a sudden attack on Kanade while she was packing up her guitar and helping with the stage. The guitarist manage to land a few good blows on the thing that grabbed her, but she was overpowered and knocked unconscious. While asleep, her blood was drained dry.

When she woke up, she didn't understand what was happening to her until she looked in a mirror and failed to see a reflection. She always thought that vampires were unrealistic, as stupid as those romance novels Hibiki liked, but she now needed to research how she had to accommodate herself in her new life.

She hid her new abilities from her sister at first, finding out that though daylight did not harm her, it still weakened her abilities and prevented the use of her powers. She also needed to change her diet around to not have any garlic, but an unknown craving had began welling up inside her.

Unable to bear it, she had bitten Hibiki while her sister was sleeping. She made sure to be quick and efficient as to not wake Hibiki up, but it wouldn't have mattered in the end since the older twin was in a deep sleep from doing so many concerts recently. Kanade only took what she needed, but because Hibiki's body was small and thin, this had clear drawbacks.

When the vocalist woke up, she had felt too dizzy from blood loss. Kanade played innocent to help her during the day, but was secretly taking blood from her at night. Until one day, Hibiki finally didn't get up until the next night. Kanade had her suspicions and grabbed a hand mirror, and found that her sister no longer had a reflection either.

After Hibiki woke up again, Kanade taught her how to be a vampire and what they could and couldn't do. But their parents had somehow found out, locked them inside a mansion far from home, used holy wafers to prevent their escape through the closed door and windows, and then told the world that Melody Rhythm had tragically gone missing.

Kanade thought that their efforts to 'mourn' their daughters were pitiful, and noticed that they could use their powers to turn into smoke and slip through the cracks in the holy wafers to get outside. That was during night, when Kanade would bring Hibiki outside and teach her to feed on others, but they couldn't get out during the day.

"Kanadeeee!" the guitarist heard her sister whine, pacing the house for the millionth time. "I want to play, but we can't get out of here!"

"Sis, maybe you should rest in your bed until night," Kanade gently suggested, knowing that though their bedrooms are in complete darkness, their parents refused to buy coffins for them. "We can go outside at night. I'm just guarding the house."

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