On the Sunlit Seas (Shinsuka, SDRA2)

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Prompt: https://otpprompts.tumblr.com/post/182768960468/person-a-and-person-b-on-a-cruise-ship-for-a-week/amp

"Person A and person B on a cruise ship for a week, their single bed and balcony set up by person C. Extra points for a balcony sunset kiss."

This was an art trade for vvaotea on twitter! Go check them out, their work is wonderful!


Being the best friend and emotional support to a very rich vocalist had its perks, as Setsuka soon found out. She came to this conclusion when Hibiki presented two tickets to a cruise ship for a week, its expenses already fully paid for by the tiny girl.

"B-Biki, you really shouldn't have..." Setsuka answered as she looked in shock at the admit tickets in her hands.

"No, I really should have! You see, I have to go do a string of concerts in Russia, but I don't want you to be bored and lonely during it all." Hibiki explained. "Sooooo, I got you and Jiji a nice vacation on a cruise ship for a week! Consider it a 'thank you' for helping me and being my friend!"

Setsuka knelt down to the vocalist's height and hugged her tightly with a wide smile. "Thank you so much, Biki! I'll make sure to put it to good use!" She thanked profusely. Hibiki only giggled as she leaned into the hug. After a few long seconds of hugging, Setsuka got up and immediately raced to her house to pack and alert her husband.

"Shin, we gotta pack!" The billiards player exclaimed as she rushed through the door.

Shinji was on the couch watching the news when she burst in. "Huh? S-Setsuka, what's all the rush for?" He asked.

The billiards player quickly showed him the tickets in her hands. "Biki just gave us tickets to go on a cruise ship for a week! We should hurry and pack what we need for the trip!" She exclaimed.

"H-Hang on, the trip isn't for another few days! We still have time- Woah!" The firefighter exclaimed as the sudden momentum of Setsuka pulling him in the direction of their room nearly jostled him off of the couch. "O-Okay, I'll get up, just wait a second..."


When they got onto the cruise ship early in the morning, they were immediately shown to their rooms so that they could unpack their things. To Setsuka's delight, the room contained a single bed in it and a balcony, which made Shinji go as red as a tomato. He still had trouble around women even when married, and his wife cuddling up to him in her sleep was no exception.

After the two of them unpacked, the first thing that the two agreed on was going to the nearest bar on the ship. Luckily for them, there were more than plenty on the cruise ship thanks to the nearly endless supply of alcohol and passengers that wanted to drink.

Setsuka and Shinji chose a bar that wasn't too busy with people, sat down at the bar table next to each other, and ordered two mugs of the beer on tap. Until they got their drinks, the billiards player relaxed and leaned on her husband's arm. The firefighter didn't dare move and risk her becoming uncomfortable.

The two of them got their mugs of beer and clinked them together with a "Cheers!", downing them quickly and with much vigour. As they began getting tipsy from the alcohol, they simply talked about casual things as they held onto each other. After a while of sitting there, having their mugs refilled, and talking some more, they supported each other's bodies as they drunkly walked back to their room.


"Yahoo!" Shinji shouted as he jumped into the ship's pool. He landed in the water, making a huge splash as other people cleared out of the way. He resurfaced with a triumphant laugh and looked over at his wife. "Hey, Setsuka! Come in the pool, it's fun!" He called.

The billiards player was relaxing in the hot tub in her two-piece swimsuit, a half-filled tropical drink in her hand. "Why don't you come in here instead, Shin? There are drinks, the water's warm, and we can cuddle in here!" She replied with a calm smile.

The firefighter's face turned red as he went towards the ladder getting him out of the pool. "O-Okay..." He smiled in embarrassment as he went into the hot tub. Once he got in, Setsuka drifted onto his lap and leaned her head on his chest. Shinji grew even more flustered, and small whimpers could be heard from his general direction.

Once they got out of the hot tub and dried themselves off, they decided to hold further below deck and take a trip to the spa, where they had their nails and a massage done. Shinji had his done red, Setsuka got hers sky blue, and they had a couple's massage together while occasionally looking at each other, their bodies completely relaxed.

Later that night, a movie was projected up on the deck for people to see. Shinji and Setsuka sat near the back as Spaceballs played, its surround sound making it so that everyone could hear. As Dark Helmet, Colonel Sandurz, and President Skroob were getting up to hilarious antics trying to advance their plan, the billiards player and firefighter laughed, holding onto each other. The night air was chilly, but that wasn't the only reason they were pressed together.


The next day, they decided to have their supper early for a change. Setsuka had heard that the way sunset shone over the waves was heavenly, so she wanted to see it for herself. But to kill some time beforehand, Shinji suggested that they check out a fancy restaurant and have their early supper there.

Yorkshire puddings, bourbon-fried mushrooms, bruschetta on baguette, and tomato and feta cheese salad, those were some of the foods Setsuka and Shinji were served while they sipped on champagne. As they began savouring the flavours of their meals, the band on the stage at the front of the restaurant began to play some jazz music.

To the billiards player's surprise, her husband recognized some of the tunes played and occasionally drummed his fingers on the table to the rhythm as they ate. Setsuka watched him lovingly as he enjoyed himself, knowing that it was a rare moment that he wasn't flustered around her for once. Though to his credit, she wasn't flirting with him at the moment.

After supper, the two of them went to the balcony of their bedroom and looked at the light of the sun over the water. Setsuka felt like she was witnessing something amazing as she leaned on the firefighter. "This is amazing." She breathed in amazement.

"Yeah, it really is." Shinji agreed, looking down at her with a warm smile.

The billiards player looked up at him, returning his smile. "I love you, Shin." 

"I-I love you too." The firefighter replied, starting to turn red.

As the beautiful sunset shone over the waves and coloured them like a painter's canvas, the lovers shared a sweet kiss as they held onto each other. No matter what, nothing would break them apart.


Art credit: vvaotea on twitter

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