Trapped (Sulinda & Jackmary, TWF)

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Waltenposting on main? Guilty as charged. Sorry if they all seem a bit OOC, this is my first time writing for this fandom!

Warning: spoilers for TWF episodes 1-3, mentioned deaths!


It had been three hours since the animatronics from Bon's Burgers had been moved to the K-9 Storage Facility in Saint Juana's Forest; the human movers had left the five robots in there all alone. It was dark, but the night vision from the robotic eyes allowed them to see. 

But nothing was alive in the facility besides the rats living underground there...or was there? Well, not exactly. The robots were just metal, they could never be alive, but there were people beyond life itself trapped in the suits. They were all alone, together.

Some of the animatronics got up and wandered the new facility, investigating it and seeing what they were dealing with. Or, in the case of Bon the Rabbit, looking for more people to make beautiful. He often left the other animatronics alone, which was just fine by them.

The mechanical sound of a large robot leaving the room told the other robots that Bon had just left the room. They were all wary of Bon, even if their fear was slowly gravitating towards anger. How long would it be before they came to terms with their unjust deaths? Not even the spirits possessing the machines knew.

One such spirit was Susan Woodings, who was one of the first to be trapped in this place while trying to investigate what was wrong with Bon's right arm. She was a mechanic that was just concerned about the state of the animatronics she built, and she ended up mauled, stuffed into the Banny animatronic, and starved inside her own creation while looking and failing to find a way out. 

Susan looked around, making sure that Bon was really gone before turning her attention to another 'Showstopper,' Sha. She knew that Sha recently had a person stuffed inside of her, and she had a feeling she knew who it was.

"...Rosemary. Rose, are you awake?" She quietly asked. The voice of the Banny animatronic she had to speak through was grating on her ears, way too high-pitched for her to deal with. She knew she should've made Kranken choose a lower sound range or a better voice actor to record things.

The sheep animatronic turned her way, conveying an emotion like alarm in its eyes. "How do you know my name?" It asked, and Susan knew she had hit the mark. Rose's spirit hadn't talked to them yet due to her traumatic shock of her death, and her death happened on the night before the restaurant closed for good.

"It's me, Rose, it's Susan!" The mechanic replied, and Rosemary slowly relaxed, conveyed through the animatronic returning to a neutral expression.

"Oh goodness, did that rabbit get you too?" She hesitantly asked.

Susan let out a sigh. "Sure did. I saw something wrong with Bon's arm and wanted to check it out, and it did not end well for me. Ended up starving to death in the suit." She looked over at the sheep animatronic. "How'd he off you?"

"Oh, that must have been terrible! Um, I heard a voice calling me to the backroom while I was looking for Jack, just like every night, except I heard a voice saying 'I know where he is, Rosie.' So I went to the basement and saw that rabbit, and it kept saying 'Rose broken. Will fix you. You will beautiful.' over and over." Rosemary stopped, taking a shaky breath before she continued. "It pounced on me and I screamed, and I felt a pain in all of my limbs. I last remember a pain in my neck before I blacked out, and then I woke up feeling like every part of me was bleeding."

"That's gotta suck. I guess all of us are possessing robots now. Well, except Billy, he's still empty. I hope Bon doesn't find anyone else to put inside him." Susan paused, thinking about something. "Hey, do you think that Jack's possessing Bon? Because I don't remember programming him like this."

"No! He would never!" Rosemary shouted, then quickly lowered her voice. "Jack wouldn't do this to us. He wouldn't do this to anyone. He was always so gentle and kind, that's why I loved him. If only I could slow dance with him one more time..." Her voice trailed off, sounding like she was going to cry.

"...Sorry, I just want answers that I know are out of my grasp. I didn't mean to hurt you." Susan sighed. "I hope Linda's alright."

"Linda? Felix's ex-wife?" Rose shakily asked, trying to keep her composure.

"Yeah, she visited me a lot before she moved. She would often come to me for advice and company whenever Felix was off his rocker or drunk as a skunk." The mechanic chuckled at the memory. "She often told me that she couldn't trust anyone else with her problems, that she didn't want to burden others. But I got her to tell me, the poor woman needed someone to talk to."

"Oh, poor Linda. I didn't know..." The other woman sighed. "I heard about her moving, but I never did find out where. All I know is that she left Felix a letter and divorced him. But I was distracted by...other things, so I never got the details."

"Oh, she moved to Hurricane, in Utah. I've heard that a couple of guys want to start up a pizzaplace with animatronics too. God, if only they read the news more. I hope her life doesn't get crushed by a malfunctioning animatronic too." Susan suddenly let out a laugh. "We were only open for twenty-two days! How the hell do these bozos think their shit is gonna last?!"

"Hey, could you shut up over there?!" A new voice hissed. Susan recognized it coming from the Boozoo animatronic, which meant that she had woken up Charles. "We don't know when Bon will be back, and I'd rather not deal with him, if it's all the same to you!"

Susan sighed, knowing that Charles did have a point. He always did have some sense, even if he was in more traumatic shock than the ladies and couldn't remember his own face. "He's right, we'd better shut our traps now." The mechanic agreed.

"Oh, so soon? Well, it's a little comforting that we're not alone in this mess. Hopefully, it will all be over soon..." Rosemary spoke, and then the Sha animatronic seemed to deactivate.

Susan watched as Charles went back to being dormant as well, shutting down his animatronic. Sleeping was a lot better than dealing with the truth. "Sleep well, Rose."

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