Blood on the Dancefloor (Setsusora, SDRA2)

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"Imagine your OTP are getting ready to watch a scary new slasher movie. Person A hopes that the experience will be romantic, thinking Person B will get scared and cuddle up with them. However, the film is too scary for both of them, and they don't notice that they are hugging each other for dear life. Bonus: Person C comes home to find that they have armed themselves with cooking pots for helmets and are wielding golf cubs/frying pans. Bonus 2: Person C just came back from a Halloween party... dressed as the murderer from the movie A and B just watched. What happens is up to you."

This continues directly after the last oneshot, "The Dark Forest"!


"...And that's exactly what happened. Kanade slipped away too quickly for me to give her the third degree, so I just put Mikado in the living room for now. He'll be sleeping off the alcohol on the couch." Sora explained, collapsed on one of the mansion's bedroom's upstairs. 

In addition to throwing the house party, the Otonokoji twins invited everyone to stay the night in the many spare rooms the house came with. Sora had changed out of her costume and was lying beside Setsuka, who was only a little tipsy from the spiked punch and out of her costume as well.

"Damn, that must've been scary for poor Nik and Biki. Not to mention that Kado's gonna have a very bad morning tomorrow thanks to Kana." The billiards player sighed, her arm draped around the albino's shoulders. "It's been a crazy night so far, hasn't it? It's about time we kick back and relax with a movie!" She smiled, holding the other girl closer with a smile.

"So, did you get the new movie 'Blood on the Dancefloor'? I heard that you were excited for...what was it? A slasher-zombie apocalypse genre crossover?" Sora inquired, and Setsuka began to laugh excitedly.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for it to come out for a long time now! Finally, we can watch it together!" The girl cheered, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV in the corner of the room while the albino pulled the blankets over them. Setsuka's eyes seemed to sparkle as the title screen came up and Sora skipped the previews.

The movie began with a teenaged boy being dared by five of his friends of the same age to go into the woods and take a ribbon from the many flower arrangements from the Mexican shrine built at the gravestone of an elderly superstitious woman. He ran back and completed the dare, and the group went away with their laughter echoing in the streets behind them.

When the shrine was defiled with the theft, the spirit of La Catrina followed the group and soon began to raise the dead and corrupt the living to madness, making those afflicted zombie-like and cannibalistic until the ribbon was returned and Mexican prayers were said to send La Catrina away. The afflicted returned to normal and the dead fell down, and the emergency services had to do a lot of work that following morning

At the beginning of the movie, Setsuka and Sora watched with wide eyes as the ghostly woman appeared next to the shrine and drifted towards the forest's entrance in search of the ribbon, then began to hang onto each other as the dead clawed their way out of the ground, nearly cried as the group of six began to heartfeltly share what family, education, or emotional problems they had, and gasped in fright as the dead attacked the living.

Setsuka began to grow more scared the more La Catrina continued to wreck havoc, but she leapt onto Sora's lap at the scene where the stripper girl at the club the protagonist went to, dressed in a playbunny outfit, was corrupted from La Catrina's curse and began to cannibalize one of the teens in the group while carrying herself like a hunched-over zombie. Sora never thought that she'd actually seen Setsuka as scared of anything before.

But when the curse faded and the movie ended, Setsuka was back on her side of the bed, laughing and talking about how good the movie was. All of a sudden, they heard the sounds of groaning and footsteps coming down the hall. Setsuka went to one of the room's wall ornaments and took a golf club, then crept up to the door.

When she opened it, she saw a shambling figure in a playbunny outfit making their way along the wall of the dimly-lit hallway. "OH FUCK, THE PLAYBUNNY GIRL!" She shrieked and rushed out, and Sora heard the sounds of her beating the figure with the golf club.

The albino took a few seconds to process what had just been said, then quickly remembered who had donned a playbunny costume that night. She quickly ran into the hallway and turned on the light switch, illuminating the hungover wizard cowering on the ground and the billiards player with the gold club raised over her head.

"Wait a second...Kado?" Setsuka realized, lowering the golf club. "I-I thought you were still asleep!"

"You know what? That's not a bad idea." Mikado groaned, picking himself off the floor and continuing to use the wall to help balance himself as he shambled back towards his room. Setsuka only stared at the wizard in shock as Sora began laughing at his misfortune.


Art credit: DRA_Too9 on twitter

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