Here With Me (Setsukado, SDRA2)

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"Imagine Person A of your OTP loves having their hair played with, and Person B is an avid reader. Person A often goes up to person B while they're reading and cuddles them, and person B idly messes with their hair while they read, only pausing to turn a page of their book. OT3 Bonus: Person C comes home when both Person A and Person B are asleep on the couch and Person B has a hand in Person A's hair, the book dropped on the floor after it slipped from a sleeping Person B's grasp."

There's not enough Setsukado out there, but I couldn't resist adding a bit of poly cuteness to the end. And who could blame me lol


The door to the bathroom opened, and Setsuka walked out wearing a bathrobe. She let out a yawn as she walked over to her bed, and she tiredly fell back onto it. She would have to move eventually, but she wasn't feeling up to it. There was an intoxicating smell of something baking throughout the house.

Nikei had gone to work earlier in the day, so Setsuka decided to go hang out with Sora and Yoruko for the morning. On the way back, Setsuka went to the gym to exercise for a while. When she came back home, she found that Mikado had started baking some cornbread, and she kissed him and left the room.

Now that she had taken a shower to clean herself up and refresh her body, she was eager for the cornbread to be finished. "Hm, I might as well make myself look decent before I head down," she muttered to herself, looking down at her bathrobe. "Even if Kado likes this, public decency is still a thing."

Setsuka went to her drawers and put on her underwear quickly, then began looking for something to wear. As she spotted a dress she could wear, her ankle brushed against something while walking towards it. She looked down at it in confusion, noticing a laundry basket.

"Oh, did I not notice that?" she chuckled, moving her ankle away from the basket. At least Mikado had been doing chores today, which was pretty common in their household. In her opinion, living with Mikado and Nikei was nice, she wasn't alone anymore. 

Hope's Peak gave students 'allowances' to take care of themselves, so she and her boys rented a cheap house off-campus to stay at for the time being. Setsuka wanted to help them make money for when they graduated, but she was still looking for a way to make the situation with her right eye less uncomfortable first. Nikei had suggested a medical patch, but she was looking for more options.

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, she noticed that one of Mikado's shirts was on top of the clothes in the laundry basket. His shirts were pretty large on her, which made them fun to steal on occasion. With a devious grin, Setsuka took the shirt and put it on herself. It fell to her waist and was pretty loose around her chest, but the fabric was very comfortable.

She did a twirl and watched the shirt open from the movement, but a sudden noise caused her to jump and nearly trip over the laundry basket. Setsuka looked around in confusion, then realized what the beeping was.

"Is...that the smoke alarm?" she asked herself, and she quickly left the room and began searching for the source of the smoke. Most of the time the alarm had gone off, it was because of Mikado playing with his magic or Nikei trying to cook. Since Nikei wasn't home, she began heading to where she had last seen Mikado.

As the billiards player entered the kitchen, she spotted Mikado taking a tray of cornbread out of the oven. Despite the light smoke, the cornbread didn't look burnt at all. Setsuka would have to say that the crispiness it appeared to have around the edges made it look more appealing to her.

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